Happy Thursday, friends!! Thank you for joining me for this month’s edition of Tell Us About 01.2025. Our first prompt for the new year comes to us from Deb at Deb’s World who fittingly suggested we write about something new. Really didn’t have any bright ideas about I would write until just a few days before our posts went live.
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Tell Us About
Tell Us About (TUA) is a global writing challenge where bloggers from all around the planet respond to a different prompt on the third Thursday of each month. Have so enjoyed writing these posts each month, even when I completely misunderstood the prompt!!
You can find my other TUA posts here:
Tell Us About –
- Play
- Scent
- Gardens and Gardening
- Ways I’m a Curiosity
- Travel
- Imagination
- my theme choice for September, Legacy
- Hometowns
- Laughter
- Music to my Ears
- Beauty in my World
- Blah-blah-blogging
- Vacations: That Trip with the Tick
- A Few of my Favorite Things
- School Days
- Confidence or Lack Thereof
- Going Green
If there any posts you missed, hope maybe you will take a few minutes to check them out.
Tell Us About 01.2025: Something New’s Come Up
I always like prompts for the Tell Us About and Where Bloggers Live series to simmer with me for a bit before I respond. Which often translates into me writing the post just a day or two before it goes live. And that is the case today. When Debbie proposed something new for this first month of the shiny new year, I figured I would probably write about new goals, hopes and dreams of 2025. Some of what I have already shared in my Winter 2025 Bucket List and Goals post, here. A couple of days later, in my monthly Where Bloggers Live post this time about resolution(s), I kind of backtracked on some of that activity and goal planning from the week before. I wrote:
And there’s the rub. I have these grand lists of things I want to do that keep me busy and allow me to sample a variety of activities and experiences. But there are times when I lose sight of why I am doing things and just push harder at doing more and more and more. Then when I don’t get the things done in the time frame I think they need to be completed, I get ‘antsy,’ as my mother would say. On days when I am running errands and going to appointments, I become even more impatient because I’m not home getting things done, or at the very least not scrapbooking, reading or writing.
When LIFE gets in the way of MY PLANS, I can be a regular Tasmanian Devil. Here I am in living color the day after I broke my foot. How dare LIFE slow me down!!
Back in August and September, I thought there was no way a broken heel was going to slow me down or even rain on my parade for long at all. Until it did. It slowed me down starting about the second day after the accident. And I have been creeping back toward normal since 08.29.2024.
I have been to the orthopedic foot specialist at least a half dozen times with Xrays taken at each visit. The bone has healed very well. The problem now, though, is inflammation of the tendon sheath running beside and below where my heal was broken. I have peroneal tendonitis. And it doesn’t seem to want to go away. Today I put on my librarian’s cap to research peroneal tendonitis and potential peroneal tendon ruptures – which is where I think I am headed, if I haven’t arrived there already.
The Something New or Not
As of yesterday’s appointment, my treatment plan has been revised. It isn’t really a something new exactly. It’s more like taking a step back. Or a few giant steps backward. And I am so discouraged.
Tuesday 01.07.2025
Last week I had physical therapy on Tuesday morning. They had me walk on the treadmill at a slight incline, do weighted leg presses with both feet together, and each foot separately, followed by stretching exercises for my ankle. And then the worst exercise of all had me standing on the bad foot on a cushion and passing a ball around my body for 1 minute intervals. Six months ago, this would have been a breeze. Or at least not a challenge. Since my break, the pain of standing on my broken foot is almost excrutiating. Not in the location of the break but in the tendons around the break.
That round of therapy was tough. Then the rest of the day was hectic. Let me consult my sentence a day for 01.07.2025 to see what else I did. These long-winded sentences come in handy, I tell ya!!
- Up early for quiet time in bed; showered, dressed, did a little extra with my makeup(!!see winter goals!!); off to PT which I dread but am always glad for when I leave; just so tired of this sore, stiff foot; home to tackle laundry; started work on “A Year of Writing to Uncover the Authentic Self” offered through the DailyOm; blog reading; ordered my mani/pedi UV light; received my beautiful Talbots vest from Poshmark; did my Supernatural workout; worked on my writing goals for 2025; ran to the outlet mall, where I did the snow*dance in the parking lot, to buy a Claire’s gift card for Cami’s bday tomorrow; scored a bright red sweatshirt at UA for $15; on to writing group where Dick, Denise, PC and I were the only ones in attendance, Denise had delicious chicken salad sammies and brownies, we wrote to PC’s prompt, shared our writing goals for 2025, enjoyed good conversation; spitting snow on our way home; bitter cold tonight; praying for all the stray animals out in the weather. 01.07.2025 OGT: writing group, friendships
Looks like it was a pretty busy day. And we were out until after 8:00 pm, so I was on my feet quite a bit. I checked my step count and I had 9,200 steps that day. My foot was really hurting by bed time.
Wednesday 01.08.2025
The next morning my foot was still aching but we had another full day. Here’s how that day shaped up.
- Happy birthday, Cami Jean, my spicy, lover of life!! So glad you were born. Happy heavenly birthday, baby Andrew. Hectic day kind of in and out all day; breakfast, checked emails and banking; enjoyed a piece of Three Kings/Tres Reyes bread and found the baby in my slice – now I have to have a party!! want to have the kids come for game night anyway; ordered a few extra things for Cami; scrapbooked a half a minute with my sister, worked on Nutcracker photos; showered and dressed in my new-to-me fuzzy Talbot’s vest and sequined top in honor of the bday girl who loves sparkle; picked up a doll for her at Target; enjoyed the evening so much, McD’s for dinner at Lauren’s, delicious birthday cake, present galore for our angel; watched the fires in California where Francisco’s sister has had to evacuate from the Palisade fire; spitting snow as we crossed back over the mountain. So blessed that PC loves my daughters and our grandbabies. So blessed in love. 01.08.2025 OGT: Cami Jean!!
Another big day with over 10K steps before I finally fell into bed. And here is how my foot looked after 2 busy days.

Swollen, achy and very discolored. I called in on Thursday morning to cancel my physical therapy appointment for that day. After a few days at home, my foot began to return to something closer to normal. But it hurt with every step, every movement. I even had pain from the weight of sheets resting on my foot at night.
Tuesday 01.14.2025
I had another round of physical therapy this past Tuesday. When I showed the photos above to the physical therapist, she told me to be sure to show my doctor at my appointment later that morning. But I repeated the same therapy routine – treadmill, leg press, stretches, balancing on one foot and passing a ball. By the time for my appointment an hour later, my foot was swollen and discolored again. And of course, sore.
My Xrays on Tuesday showed the break has completely healed – that’s the good news. But my something new are the issues with the tendons. When I showed the doctor my pictures, he said it was time to slow down again. Grrrr. No more physical therapy. No gym except walking on a completely flat treadmill at a very slow pace. Only thick soled tennis shoes on my feet. Back to icing and elevating my foot repeatedly during the day. He prescribed Meloxicam not only for pain but to hopefully reduce the swelling in my foot, in my tendons. And then the doctor gave me a steroid injection into the tendon sheath.
I felt some immediate relief after the injection but that was short lived. Today I subbed and was on my feet much of the day so I am hurting worse tonight. Have cancelled future sub jobs, and will start taking it easier. Will let the Meloxicam, icing and rest kick in and I hope that by this weekend, I am finally feeling some relief.
Happy Foot, Happy Me
I realize this is more than anyone wants or needs to know about my foot woes. But I felt like it was time for an update on my injury especially after the recent developments. And now with this set back, I need to reconsider my bucket list and goals. With my sub jobs cancelled and only a couple of Rover.com visits on the docket, I will have more time to pamper myself. Which works nicely with my WOTY nurture. Read more about that, here. Going to put my exercise goals on the backburner for now, too. Just so frustrated. But need to get this tendonitis under control or I am looking at surgery. Once I have a happy foot again, I will be a happy me.
The Tell Us About Gals
Before heading out to their blogs, here are the summaries of the girls’ posts below.
- Suzy has a lot of new things to be excited for this year, especially the completion of her new house. It’s been delayed by several months but she’s hoping to be in by March because her first house guest (stepfather-in-law) has already booked his flights! Find her at www.suzyturner.com.
- Marsha at Marsha in the Middle suggests that if you’ve read her blog, you know the last year has been a bit of a struggle. Nigel has had his right hip replaced, and things are not going well. For that reason, Marsha is discovering something new on a regular basis. Head on over to see what she’s been doing!
- Debbie, the host at Debbie’s World, is looking at the year ahead with new eyes and trying to listen in new ways.
- The host of MK’s Adventures in Style, MK’s take on this month challenge of something new is what will be new for her this year: retiring after 44 years of working full-time!
- Rosie talks about her recent discovery of the wonderful all-round health benefits of Castor oil. Visit her at RosieAmber.
- Sue from Women Living Well selected bloom as her WOTY. For the Something New prompt, she is writing about Nurturing New Beginnings to live life in Full Bloom. She looks at how we nurture our growth and our garden of possibilities.
Your Turn
What’s something new in your life? Did you make resolutions or set goals for the season or the year? Hope the something new on your horizon is a pleasant one.
Thanks for popping in. It’s a 2-post Thursday so hope you will check out my Ageless Style post, too. Enjoy your weekend, friends. Make some memories and have some fun. Hope you will pop back in to cheer me up and cheer me on in my recovery.
Hugs and kisses,

That foot of yours just seems to be the never ending story Leslie. I’m so sorry you’re still dealing with issues and discomfort and all the pain. Chronic ongoing pain is so debilitating and frustrating. I hope you manage to get on top of it soon and that 2025 becomes the year of it healing and returning to normal again.
Thank you, Leanne. I feel like a whiny, borken record. But I have been behaving myself a little more, taking it easier, and my foot seems to be responding. Today I added in a few more steps, a little more activity so we will see what happens. Just tired of not feeling like me!!
So sorry to hear about for foot woes. My post might be useful as it is about Castor Oil, which can be used to relieve symptoms of tendonitis due to its anti-inflammatory properties. It can reduce pain and swelling in the affected tendon area. Use it topically as a warm compress or massage directly.
I am going to get some Castor oil, my friend!! Thank you for reminding me. Have a Walmart order to pick up tomorrow and will add the oil to it now. My foot is some better this week but I have really babied it…which is not my style. Hopefully, maybe I am over the hump. But will get that oil just in case. Thank you!!
I’m so sorry for this setback with your foot! It is such a complex and hard working part of the body and takes so long to heal. Can you do a chair exercise program safely?
Thank you, Julie. I was doing virtual reality workouts from the chair early on after hurting my foot. Thank you for reminding me. I have been behaving since my last appointment and my foot is happier again. Started adding a little more activity in again today. We’ll see how I am tomorrow. But thank you for reminding me that there’s more than one way to skin a cat!!
Gosh, Leslie…I’m exhausted just reading what you get up to!! Your is life is crazy busy!! But also wonderful! I do envy you having such a fabulous family. Here it’s just me and Michael and my dad who lives half an hour away. I’m so sorry you’re suffering with your foot, it sounds horrendous, especially that PT you had to do! Crikey! And it looked so sore and swollen. I sincerely hope you can rest enough to heal it quicker from now on.
Big hugs
Suzy xx
Thank you for making me feel better for feeling bad!! Ha!! I have been behaving the last 10 days and my foot is responding. Started doing a llttle more today and will see how it goes.
Thank you for the sweet comment about my family. I am family-blessed and love them so much.
Injuries like that are the worst – the ones that just won’t heal – and rob you of all the things that are so integral to your quality of life! Sounds like a long period of keeping weight off of that foot is ahead – so sorry! But there are so many things you can shift your focus to – the joys of having so many talents and hobbies! You may need to enlist your family’s help to pick up the load temporarily until you’re recovered. ..
Good luck!!!
Yes, MK, I have had about 3 months of no weight on my foot already. But had probably overdone it lately in my enthusiasm and eagerness to get backto LIFE. Over the last couple of days, I have been nicer to myself and my foot and it is being nicer to me. Hoping that maybe I am over the hump. You are so wise, I need to focus on the things I am able to do and enjoy them. Hopefully, this too shall pass. Thank you!!
Oh my, that sounds so stressful (and yes, discouraging). Our bodies are something we as women spend a life time undervaluing until we realise exactly just how precious they are! Hope things improve more quickly now.
Oh, Lydia, you are so right. I have had a lifelong love-hate relationship with my body/figure but had recently embraced it for being healthy, strong and getting me the first 66 years of my life!! And then it betrayed me, or I betrayed it with this stupid broken foot. And I have been mad at my body since.
This week I have tried to play nice with my foot and it is feeling better. Going to start trying to do a little more and see if I can ease back into normal activity. Thank you so much for stopping by!!
I’m so sorry to hear about your ongoing foot issues! It’s rough! Are you icing it too? That’s helped me in the past with tendonitis in the foot/ankle area. I freeze a water bottle to put under my foot and roll over the ground. I really hope your foot heals quickly!
Thank you for that suggestion!! I am icing again after having given it up about 2 month ago. The doctor was not happy that I am still swelling 5 month into this injury. So I have slowed down again, started icing, elevating again. Have had a less painful week so hoping that the slower pace is agreeing with me.
Thanks so much for stopping by!! WOW!! I totally understand how frustrated you are about your foot…I put up with my knee being bone on bone for 6 years before I went and had a knee replacement…It was the best thing I ever did…I hope it starts to feel better and heals quickly for you!!
Debbie-Dabble Blog
Have mercy!! Bless your heart to have gone 6 years in that pain. I am so glad you finally had the surgery and that it has been such a blessing. I have been behaving myself the last 10 days or so and the pain, swelling and stiffness have decreased. Today, I started doing just a little more. Hope I have finally over the hump.
Hi Leslie, I’m so sorry to hear you’ve had a setback with your foot. As an active person I know how frustrating this must be for not being as mobile as you would like and being in such pain. I do hope you are on the mend soon but sometimes these things take longer than we expect. Sending hugs to you xx
Thank you, Sue. I have been on my best behavior for the last 10 days and the swelling, stiffness and pain are improved. Gradually getting back to moving more again and hoping this time I can continue to move forward without hiccups.
Gosh, Leslie! Your foot looks painful, and let me tell you I feel your pain. I have had chronic pain in my left foot since 2010. It’s just an accepted part of my life so I press on. I do hope you have the right surgeon (mine was a real stinker and only ordered p/t for my big toe…my big toe after completely reconstructing my left foot)! I sure didn’t. I do have an appointment to see about having the metal plate on top removed as it sometimes feels like the skin has adhered to it. I don’t know what that would entail, but if it’s surgery, I’m going to just live with that awful tearing away feeling! Oh, dear, I’ve yucked your yum, and I apologize. But, we fellow sexagenarians need to stick together as we complain about our aches and pains. I do hope you find some answers and relief soon.
Good grief, Marsha. I was hoping your foot was a worry of the past. What a dreadful sensation that must be of the skin tearing away from the plate. Yikes. Hope there is an easy, quick fix for that – hopefully with minor or no surgery required. What is the cause of your foot problems, do you know? I have had big toe problems on this same foot since my oldest was in 7th grade. I think it was a leftover from Lyme Disease. The foot specialist wants to do surgery on it and put in a pin and fuse it. But that sounds horrible to me. At least I can bend my toe a little now. Wouldn’t be able to bend it at all then. I haven’t had surgery where the foot was broken but now they are talking about fusing the tendons or something around the break. I don’t know. But I don’t like that either. Just want to walk without as much pain. Like you, my foot has hurt for so long. Just a little relief would be so welcome.
Oh no, tendonitis. I too have that in my glute area, which doesn’t help the walking – but that’s another story. But I know tendonitis is awful as it keeps recurring. Yes, absolutely it needs rest and ice, plunge that poor swollen foot into icy water when you over do it. My heartfelt good wishes to you re: this.
Oh, Penny, thank you for coming by to cheer me on. I have been on my best behavior in the last 10 days, and my foot is smiling. Started adding a little more activity back in starting today, and we will see what the ‘morrow brings!! Here’s come spring, and you and I need to get these tedious health issues situated so we can get our lives back. Thank you so much for visiting. Sending you a big smooch and snuggly hug.
Oh Leslie, how discouraging for you but you need to do what’s best for your health, I know you know this! Nurture is a great word for you this year and I hope you can nurture yourself and recover fully. I enjoy these prompts and am so glad you shared this issue with us as it helps to understand each other better and where we are in life. Take care my friend and I love the reference to the Tasmanian Devil 🙂
Thank you, Debbie. I am feeling encouraged after being very easy on my foot over the last 10 days and experiencing less swelling, stiffness and pain.
Dang, girl, sounds like you need to rest that foot to let it heal. I feel you, though, because I’m not seeing any results with the PT I’m doing for my arm. Had an MRI just this morning to see what is going on, since the conservative approach is not being successful. Won’t see the doctor, though, until Feb. 5th. Sure am hoping it’s something that can be resolved. Hang in there!
Good grief, I am sorry you are having to wait so long to get the results of your MRI. And also sorry you continue to have issues. We need to get these aches and pains situated and healed before we start into spring. Sending you big healing hugs!!