Morning glories, welcome to today’s post, Where Bloggers Live 01.2025: Resolution. In my case, singular as in one resolution. How can that be, you might ask? I am the queen of making to-do lists, setting goals, creating bucket list. How in the world could I possibly have just one resolution? Great question. Let me explain.
Where Bloggers Live 01.2025
A group of us got together earlier this week to put together and share our winter 2025 bucket lists and goals. My bucket lists are not really before I “kick-the-bucket” activities. They are more like fun, seasonal experiences.
From My Bucket List
My list is in alphabetical order, and the description of my first item reads:
- beach huts: I purchased the video and online directions for this collage craft project through Jennifer Chamberlin at the Maker Beehive. Our upstairs guest bedroom is beach-themed and I hope to put this ‘art’ – I use the termly loosely – in there. This was on a prior list but I never got started on it. Going to make it happen this winter.
So this is a craft project I am hoping to complete and hang in our upstairs guest bedroom. Since I published my winter 2025 bucket list, I have also signed up for a 5 day, 5 collages challenge for $10.00 offered by the same gal. Her projects are such fun, her directions are easy to follow and you have lifelong access to her videos. You can create with Jennifer ‘live’ or use the videos to complete the projects on your own time. Which is what I do.
Another Bucket List Activity
The activity on this season’s list that got the most comments is this:
- Goodwill challenge: believe it or not, this is actually something PC suggested. Not sure how serious he was but I am putting it on the bucket list so he better get real serious about it now!! Apparently these Goodwill Date Night Challenges are a ‘thing.’ There are lots of videos on YouTube and IG featuring couples, families and friends who select outfits for each other at Goodwill then wear them to dinner. This should be a lot of fun, don’t you think? Maybe I will even make a YouTube video of us doing this!!
Can’t wait to do this!! Doesn’t it sound like fun?
All together, there are 11 activities (with a possible 12th item) on my bucket list that I hope will keep me busy and out of trouble all winter. You can find the whole list, here, if you missed it. In the same post, I shared a my winter goals, which are a collection of things I hope to accomplish around the house that I call ‘home goals.’ And then a bunch of goals for me, personally, that I call ‘heart goals.’ There’s a total of 14 goals on my list for this season + 2 penciled in goals that I added after reading my friends’ posts.
From My Winter Goals List
The item below would be a home goal.
- fall ‘spring’ cleaning room to room for the second story of the house: we tackled the first floor of the house in the fall. Now to the tough rooms upstairs – my loft, PC’s office, our bedroom. And a guest room and 2 baths, which will be easier. Oh, and the linen closet. Will clean from top to bottom: ceiling fans, light fixtures, drapes, windows and blinds, art and mirrors on the walls, dust everything, wash linens, wash baseboards and woodwork, vacuum, clean the carpets. Also clean and organize the closets in 3 of those rooms. And go through drawers, book shelves and purge unneeded and unused items.
And the following activity is one of my heart goals.
- manis/pedis 2x a month: have been doing better about pampering myself some at home using Sally Hansen gel polish that really wears well. But I put off doing it because I have to sit still so long while the layers of polish dry. Contemplating buying a UV light like this one that I put in my cart today. Then maybe I will change nail color more often.
I did pull the trigger on the UV light thing so now there’s no excuse!!
Now the pressure is on to get some things done around here. And the clock is ticking.
The same day that my bucket list and goals post went live, I also joined a link up to share my word of the year post, find it, here. In that post, I talk about the quizzes I took in search of my WOTY. I kind of knew what I was going for but couldn’t think of the right word! Finally, came upon the word nurture and it felt right.
PC and I were really getting into a rhythm with our fitness and health last summer. We were exercising regularly, swimming, doing our virtual reality workouts, standing abs, arms, weights. I was proud of us. Then I broke my heel in 08.29.2024 and all of that came to a screeching halt.
Now, I am finally healing – pardon the pun – but my foot still hurts all day every day. Yesterday, I went to the gym, did my Supernatural workout, got 9100 steps and was on my feet most of the day. By 8:30 pm, my foot was swollen, stiff and very painful. I am so impatient wanting to get back to normal – it’s been almost 5 months, for pity sake. But I need to continue to give myself grace, and not beat myself up when I need to have a slow day, or sit down and RICE – rest, ice, add compression and elevate my foot. That’s part of where nurture comes in.
Also want to nurture – cultivate, foster, encourage – my interests in the ‘play’ activities like crafting, writing, reading that mean so much to me. Nurture my body, my spirit, my soul and my mind. And, of course, I want to nurture those I love.
Here’s the Rub
I like living large. Having a life that’s full of meaning and purpose, and lots of love. In this article about living large on, the author writes:
“Let me ask you this: What is your life saying to the world? Are you living your life too small? Is it so full of meaningless tasks that there’s no room left for the things that make your heart sing? Are you pushing so hard in doing more that you’ve lost the sense of being more? Does more activity really equal greater accomplishment, or does it at some point tip the scale and begin to diminish the meaning of your life? Are you creating the legacy you want to leave for your loved ones?”
And there’s the rub. I have these grand lists of things I want to do that keep me busy and allow me to sample a variety of activities and experiences. But there are times when I lose sight of why I am doing things and just push harder at doing more and more and more. Then when I don’t get the things done in the time frame I think they need to be completed, I get ‘antsy,’ as my mother would say. On days when I am running errands and going to appointments, I become even more impatient because I’m not home getting things done, or at the very least not scrapbooking, reading or writing.
When LIFE gets in the way, I can be a regular Tasmanian Devil. Here I am in living color the day after I broke my foot. How dare LIFE slow me down!!
Which brings me to my resolution. The whole point of this post!!
My resolution for this year is to check myself. Before I go spinning completely out of control just because I didn’t get to the gym or my foot is sore and stiff or I haven’t had a chance to ‘play.’ To give myself some grace. And remember that not only do I need to nurture others, but I need to nurture myself.
When I get so wound up I am no fun to be around. Even to me!! In my right mind, I feel awful about being frustrated and upset. Does it really matter if the laundry didn’t get folded and put up, or the pile of ironing is growing by leaps and bounds? Actually, the answer is yes. It does matter to me, but there are very few days when I am absolutely idle. I usually do the very best I can do to make the most of everyday. And if something gets rolled over until tomorrow, or next week or, heaven forbid, next season, it really isn’t the end of the world.
How do you put that idea, that committment into a resolution though? Maybe…
Now to do just that.
P.S. Came back to check this post before sending it this morning. Wanted to add these 2 images from my quiet time today. They are from Jesus Calling for Moms by Sarah Young. I think God is nodding his approval at the resolution I chose and that I remembered that He is in the thick of everything good.
Do not be discouraged.
Where Bloggers Live Series
The idea for this colorful series originated with our adventurous leader, Bettye, at Fashion Schlub. She describes this series as being kind of like HGTV’s “Celebrities at Home,” but…with bloggers! Every month, Bettye challenges the six WBL bloggers with a prompt that invites us to reflect on our lives, dreams and memories. And she has some terrific prompts in store for us this year.
Just a reminder: Once Upon a Time & Happily Ever After occasionally uses affiliate links which are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link provided I may receive a very small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support.
Please find the places and posts where I link-up on this page.
And be sure to pop in to visit my WBL buddies for their mimis posts. They are:
Bettye at Fashion Schlub
Daenel at Living Outside the Stacks
Em at Dust and Doghair
Iris at Iris’ Original Ramblings
Jodie at Jodie’s Touch of Style
Sally at Within a World of My Own
Leslie at Once Upon a Time & Happily Ever After
Your Turn
Are you living large? The article at suggests we consider these questions to determine whether we are keeping our lives from being too small. Reflect on the last month. Did you:
- have ideas for a better job or starting your own business?
- do something just to help someone out with no expectation of payback?
- read or listen to books that enlightened your spirit, confidence, knowledge and wisdom?
- spend a number of hours in quiet contemplation?
- enjoy things that you had never done before?
- attend concerts, art shows, seminars, workshops or other enriching experiences?
- strengthen the relationships that mean the most to you?
If the majority of your responses to these 7 questions are mostly nos, chances are strong that you are living your life too small. Something to contemplate!!
Did you make a resolution or resolutions for 2025, a bucket list, goals and/or WOTY? Won’t you tell me about it below? Then please pop in to read about the resolution(s) my Where Bloggers Live pals have shared.
Subbing as this post goes live. Gotta pay off my Amazon card…again. Which is one of my winter 2025 goals. Just can’t get all Tasmanian Devil trying to do it. Thank you for stopping by to visit. Enjoy your weekend!!
Hugs and kisses,

The spinning Taz made me laugh. Being an active person forced to slow down due to an injury is definitely not easy!
Nurture yourself?? That’s fabulous, Brava, brava!!!
I really think that is a huge foundation that we sometimes try to skip, but i’m here cheerleading, you on.
As for the goodwill challenge rob, and I did about that a fantastic time.
I bet you and Rob had a blast creating your Goodwill looks for one another. And I am sure you both wore them so well, with such confidence and poise.
I have had a set back with my dumb foot – a kind of forced nurturing!! But hope it will help me return to 110% more quickly.
The Goodwill dates sounds like so much fun. I think that can also open you up to new style ideas because your S.O. may see you in something you wouldn’t usually try. And dinner after is the bonus.
Thank you!! I hope the Goodwill date will be fun.
WOW, you really do have a long list. I got tired just reading it 🙂 but I’m sure you’ll do just great!
Hahaha!! Thank you!! My foot (and God) have caused me to step back and slow down so not sure how I will come up with all my highfalutin plans. Thankyou for your kind words and support.
It’s so funny how you think I’m busy all the time, and then I read one of your posts and feel like such an underachiever. I don’t know how to live large anymore…I live such a tiny life right now. This wasn’t how retirement was supposed to be. Here I am yucking your yum, though. I love the idea of the mani/pedis though I don’t paint my fingernails. They will just peel, even if done professionally. I’d love a weekend away at a spa…that would be amazing.
Ha!! YOU are Type A if I ever saw one!! And achieve/accomplish so much. Look at you going to town on the bathroom already!! The ink had hardly dried on your list of goals before you were in there performing your magic.
I am so hard on my nails. And they are so weak. I am only trying at home manis/pedis because I cannot stand giving up time and money for the real deal. Hoping if I do them at home, I can keep up with it a little better and stop sitting on my hands all the time!!
Thank you, sweets.
Hi Leslie and wow, you always sound so busy – so many things to do and resolutions. I’d say go for it but also take care to slow down every now and then and just sit.
And I’m so sorry to sound a note of caution but I had those gel nails done for ages and I absolutely loved my nails and the colours, until i) the gel ruined my nails and ii) the UV light machine aged my hands hugely. They are risky to use so put on some protective cream first and also see this
There are many more citations on this risk. But again wow for all those resolutions – you are a marvel!
Oh, my precious Penny, thank you for sharing the information about the skin cancer risk with the UV lights. I had no idea. Wonderred for a second about skin damage but hadn’t thought as far as skin cancer. Thank you so much. I have received my UV light but will read about wearing sunscreen or protective cream when and if I get around to using it. I have never worn nails for long. Just too impatient and cheap to give up time and money for the upkeep. And I am so hard on my hands!!
My foot has given me a bit of a set back on my plans for the near year so for now, I am slowing down. Thank you, too, for reminding me of the importance and joy in doing that.
Ha, I’ve seen videos of the Goodwill dates, they look like a lot of fun! Enjoy!
I’m so sorry your foot pain is still bad! It’s REALLY annoying when pain impacts your life, ugh.
And yes, please be sure to nurture YOURSELF. It’s like the oxygen masks on the airplane – YOU need to get a good full breath of clean oxygen before you can help anyone else!
Happy New Year, dear Leslie xoxo
Thank you for the oxygen mask reminder!! I have been no bueno lately to myself or those I love. Need to get to feeling better/more normal so I be better for those around me.