Once Upon A Time & Happily Ever After: Valid for https://onceuponatimehappilyeverafter.com/.
This policy is to inform you of the type of personal information the site collects and how it is processed and used, per US/EU Privacy Guidelines.
About Once Upon a Time & Happily Ever After: This is a personal blog written by an wife, mom, mimi/gabba, responsibility pet owner and retired librarian – moi – who blogs as a creative writing outlet. My posts revolve around life after retirement and our empty nest.
Anonymous Information Collected: An IP address is a unique, anonymous bit of data that identifies a device on the Internet or a local network. It is tracked on my blog by the following entities for better security, content creation, and marketing purposes.
Your browser may also send response headers with generic/anonymized information about the type of browser, computer/device, and ISP you are using, and your location by country only. The privacy policy of each entity that collects this information is linked below, if you would like more info about them.
- Google Analytics – Helps me to identify and then create content that my readers find most helpful and create more of it. (Note: Google does not have access to this data.)
- WebHub Hosting – The hosting organization for my blog.
- Jetpack – My security, performance, and site management tool.
- VaultPress – My backup service.
- Askimet – My spam filtering service.
- Postmatic – The plugin that allows me to send blog posts via email. If you elect to subscribe, your email address will be stored on their servers. You can access your info any time by clicking the Manage Subscription link at the bottom of any email you receive from me. You can also choose to follow my blog via Bloglovin’.
- YouTube – If you view a YouTube embedded video on the site, the IP info is sent to YouTube to record that the video has been viewed, just as it would if you had watched it directly on YouTube.
Please know that I will never share your email address with any person or entity.
Comments: Leaving a comment on one of my posts requires that you identify yourself by email address and that information is stored in the site’s database.
Third Party Links: My blog often links to other bloggers, websites and vendor sites. Clicking on those links or enabling those connections may allow third parties to collect or share data about you on their site. However, I do not control these third-party websites and am not responsible for their privacy statements.
Disable Tracking: You can disable cookies through your own browser settings. Research your particular browser for steps on how to do that.
Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability: Once Upon a Time & Happily Ever After makes no representation, warranties, or assurances as to the accuracy, currency, or completeness of any privacy polices of 3rd party entities that information is shared with.
QUESTIONS: If you have any questions, please contact me here via email.