Hey, ladybugs🐞!! I am excited to share my Winter 2024 Bucket List and Goals because we did pretty darn well on our autumn bucket list and fall goals. Hoping to continue that good energy and momentum into this new season and new year. Carrying over a few activities that we started last ‘year’ but didn’t complete. So if some things sound familiar, that’s why.
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Winter 2025 Bucket List
If we have been buddies for any length of time, you already know that I am a big list maker of all types. The bucket lists I create are more fun lists or activity lists. Not a compilation of once-in-a-lifetime experiences like sky diving over or climbing Mt. Everest that can be found on traditional bucket lists. My activities are on a much smaller scale!! But making these lists encourages PC and me to try new things or break out of our restaurant and weekend entertainment rut. I like what Stanford University says about the value of bucket lists in a post, here.
If you have never made a bucket- or fun- or activity list, I recommend you try it. And winter is a great season to do so. Rather than hibernating at home the whole season, creating a bucket list of activities will almost guarantee you get our more and have more fun!!
For each bucket list post, I use this key to indicate my progress on each activity. I hope to do a progress report in February with a final update on 03.23.2025.
Key to my Progress:
- ⏱️ = work on goal underway
- ✔️ = goal met
- ❌ = goal not met
And here are the activities I am hoping to complete, in ABC order, of course.
- beach huts: I purchased the video and online directions for this collage craft project through Jennifer Chamberlin at the Maker Beehive. Our upstairs guest bedroom is beach-themed and I hope to put this ‘art’ – I use the termly loosely – in there. This was on a prior list but I never got started on it. Going to make it happen this winter.
- book challenges: not sure what in the world got into me but I have signed up for 3, yes, THREE book challenges this year. I guess meeting my Goodreads challenge 2 years in a row went to my head. Anyway, I have signed up for the 52 Book Challenge, the historical fiction book challenge, and Goodreads. Might have to resort to using picture books to complete these challenges but we shall see.
- Cincinnati Reds Spring training trip for PC’s birthday: Paul’s bday is 02.28 which is toward the beginning of spring training. There are a couple of days in a row where games are played at the Reds spring training facility in Goodyear, Arizona. I think I will try to surprise him and make arrangements for a trip for his celebration.
- cocoa and game night: I love having setting up a cocoa bar and having family over to indulge with me. My favorite homemade hot chocolate recipe is this one for Mexican cocoa. Oh, it is so good. And you make it in the crockpot so it stays hot!! Genius. Anyway, I want to have Lauren and fam over for cocoa and games. My sister recommended this upside down challenge game that she played over the holidays. She said Cami and Lucia would be able to play it with us. Now to pick a date and make this happen.
- date night: in the fall, we enjoyed attending “The Hobbit” at our community playhouse. This winter they are putting on a play unfamiliar to me, “Marvin’s Room.” Thinking we could do that. Or look for something similar to attend at UTEP (University of Texas, El Paso) or the lovely Plaza Theater. Lucia’s favorite book is the “Dogman” series written by Dav Pilkey. The movie comes on the end of January and the musical is playing the first of February. Maybe dates with the grands? Or a family date? But really need to plan at least one grown-up date experience for just my PC and me. Might be fun to audition for a play sometime…but that is for another bucket list.
- Goodwill challenge: believe it or not, this is actually something PC suggested. Not sure how serious he was but I am putting it on the bucket list so he better get real serious about it now!! Apparently these Goodwill Date Night Challenges are a ‘thing.’ There are lots of videos on YouTube and IG featuring couples, families and friends who select outfits for each other at Goodwill then wear them to dinner. This should be a lot of fun, don’t you think? Maybe I will even make a YouTube video of us doing this!!
- host our writing group: it has been almost 2 years since we joined Let’s Write, one of the small groups sponsored by our church, Abundant Living Faith Center. I was thinking it might be fun for us to host the gang on the anniversary of our joining. That would be in February. I could do a Valentine theme, make a pot of soup or chili, maybe?
- MasterClass, CreativeLive and DailyOm writing courses: one of my Christmas gifts for PC was an annual membership to MasterClass, hoping that would help keep him writing (he is such a good writer). I have enjoyed a couple of MasterClass courses myself. Recently started a children’s writing workshop by Judy Blume through MasterClass. Also want to take a second memoir writing workshop by Joyce Maynard through CreativeLive. And I signed up for the DailyOm’s “A Year of Writing to Uncover the Authentic Self.” Those courses and trying to keep up with blog writing should keep me off the streets, don’t you think?
- participate in Random Act of Kindess Week, 02.09-02.15.2025: have done this kind of informally in the past. Some possible acts of kindness are bringing donuts to coworkers (which I did regularly when I worked) – could take them to the physical therapy folks who are helping me with my foot. Add money to parking meters. Put money on vending machines – maybe a hospital, pediatric floor? Donate to Brennyn’s nursing friend Kathryn who does amazing things for the NICU babies at Texas Methodist in Southwest Ft. Worth. Check out this article for more information.
- put together a puzzle: we bought a kitty-themed jigsaw puzzle at Marshall’s last week. Now to put it together. Maybe we make it a weekend activity…pizza one night, charcuterie the second night. And wine, of course.
- try a new restaurant, coffee shop or pub: we have started going to various restaurants and coffee shops to write – and EAT, of course. We need to explore a couple of new places. Maybe the Unbranded Tavern and Kitchen or Piedmont Cafe. For coffee, we could check out 2Ten Coffee Roasters.
*Would also like to have Cami and Cia spend the night with us. We have tried it twice before without much luck. And maybe they are still too young, which is why I am not going to make this an official bucket list activity. But will pencil this in for now.
Winter 2025 Goals
I like to divide my seasonal goals into 2 categories. Things that are internal, something revolving around me, I categorize under Heart. Goals that are external things, chores, projects, I categorize under Home. And I use the same emojis as with my bucket list for determining my progress on each one.
By sharing them here, I am not only accountable to myself but to you, as well. Once I share them here with you, I try to get my goals scribbled onto the goal blackboard that sits on the floor of my bedroom. It puts my goals front and center where I see them as I begin my day. And under PC’s nose, too!!
With all my fingers and toes crossed for luck, I give you my winter goals.
- clean garage: this was a fall goal. Breaking my heel slowed me down on all things cleaning related. But we are going to knock this out this season. We have been sorting through things out there already. But we want to take everything out of the garage, clean the space thoroughly and reevaluate everything before we put it back in there.
- fall ‘spring’ cleaning room to room for the second story of the house: we tackled the first floor of the house in the fall. Now to the tough rooms upstairs – my loft, PC’s office, our bedroom. And a guest room and 2 baths, which will be easier. Oh, and the linen closet. Will clean from top to bottom: ceiling fans, light fixtures, drapes, windows and blinds, art and mirrors on the walls, dust everything, wash linens, wash baseboards and woodwork, vacuum, clean the carpets. Also clean and organize the closets in 3 of those rooms. And go through drawers, book shelves and purge unneeded and unused items.
- finish the walk on the west side of the house: Paul began work on this just before the holidays. He has the stepping stones and the edging running on either side of them in. Now wants to put small gravel around the stepping stones and river walk around the pool pump and filter. And then we need to encourage the grass to grow!! Lauren has clover in her backyard and it looks great. We have planted clover but it hasn’t taken real well. Will try again.
Then There’s…
- paint baseboards: have mercy, this has been a goal for about a year now. We have the paint. Now to use it.
- touch up wall paint inside the house and paint the pullouts on the front porch: this is another goal carried over from last summer. Still hasn’t happened!! By golly, it’s gonna happen this winter.
- update linens in our room and purchase holiday quilts: Amy at Amy’s Creative Pursuits shared a tour of her home all dolled up for the holidays. Her Christmas touches in all the rooms were just charming. I want to put Christmas spreads on our 3 beds next year. And I will hope that Brennyn and her family will be able to come home for the holidays, too. I have already purchased one holiday quilt for our blue, beach-themed guest room. Check it out, here. Now to find 2 more very affordable holiday quilts for the other guest room and our bedroom.
- cellulite massage oil, hot cream and dry brushing: friends, friends, I bought a dry brush 10 years ago and have used it about 2 times. Ha!! Dry brushing is so easy to do, takes very little time. And yet I walk right past the dry brush hanging by our shower, ignoring it everyday. This article highlights the benefits of dry brushing…and looky, looky, the girls in the photos are dry brushing sitting down!! Surely to goodness, I can do this, even with this bum foot. This summer, I was using cellulite massage oil and hot cream regularly and I did see a difference in the texture of my legs. Need to get back at it. Probably need to bathe in the stuff.
- continue to faithfully use Revitalash and RoC Retinol and Musely: upped my skin care game this fall. Now to continue!!
- get back to walking, exercising regularly, at least 3x a week: we rejoined the gym about 6 weeks ago and have been pretty good about going. Also need to get back to doing Supernatural, hips and standing abs workouts again, let’s say 3x a week. And walk in nature at least 2x a week, working back up to gentle hiking or walking McKelligon Canyon Road.
- grow out my bangs: not really sure about this one but I am going to try growing out my bangs which aren’t really bangs but more like hair curtains. Mine are about half the length of my longest layer. Thinking I will grow out my layers and grow my curtain bangs until they are closer in length to those in the picture below. But I don’t want my longest layer to be as long as this cutie pie’s hair. My hair just looks stringy when it gets too long.
- manis/pedis 2x a month: have been doing better about pampering myself some at home using Sally Hansen gel polish that really wears well. But I put off doing it because I have to sit still so long while the layers of polish dry. Contemplating buying a UV light like this one that I put in my cart today. Then maybe I will change nail color more often.
- Photomyne photos: this is an app I am using to scan old photos and keep them stored for PC,the girls and me. Then I can link them all to Google photos. Need to label and date all of the photos I have scanned recently. Start scanning more photos. By the end of winter need to have labeled everything that has been scanned. Check out Photomyne, here.
- put on my face everyday: my bff Sharon puts on her face every single day and she always looks pretty, and ‘dressed’ for whatever the day holds. I am lucky to comb my hair some days!! Need to do better. I want to follow Sharon’s good example and put on blush and mascara at the very least. Always looking for suggestions, do you have a favorite mascara that you use? I have used Thrive mascara and PrimePrometics. Apparently, PrimePrometics has this new mascara out, so may give it a try.
- track my Weight Watchers points: yes, I know, you have seen this goal before!! Ha!! Well, I kinda went nuts over the holidays. Really enjoyed myself. And now my jeans are tighter than ever. Strange how that happens. I am tracking again but need to stay with it. So, this goal is two-fold, track points and LOSE 5 POUNDS by spring.
Bonus Goals After Reading My Friends’ Goals
- Use Rover.com and sub money to pay off Amazon card, and keep balance below $200: no explanation required!!
- Donate platelets: I donate blood regularly but took a temporary hiatus after I hurt my foot. Was signed up to give platelets when I broke my heel. Decided I needed to take care of myself first. I am ready now to donate platelets, and blood, again, of course. Will set this up.
Maybe I dream too big? Plan for too much? You’d think I would learn my lesson. But I like having goals and activities to guide my days. And it surely isn’t the end of the world if I don’t earn checkmarks on everything. It’s just the end of the season!! Nothing says I can’t bump uncompleted items to spring.
Your Turn
Did you make some resolutions, set some goals or create a seasonal bucket list? Would love to hear all about it in a comment below. If you need a little help coming up with any of the above, check out the goals worksheet designed by Maria at Krafty Planners, here. My friend Daenel, who blogs at Living Outside the Stacks recently shared this super cool vision board bingo card that she used for setting goals for 2025. Read her post, here. That would be a fun way to create and track your goals.
A group of us gals are getting together this winter to cheer each other on as we work to meet our goals and fulfill our bucket lists. If you have a bucket list, resolution, vision board, goal setting post won’t you link it up with us. Unrelated posts will be removed, however.
Will you join me in popping in to visit my pals and follow along on their progress this winter? They are:
- Marsha at Marsha in the Middle
- Mireille at Chez Mireille Fashion Travel Mom
- Joanne from My Slices of Life
- Bo who blogs at Bo’s Bodacious Blog
- Christie from So What? Now What?
and I think my friend Juhli at a Boomer Girl’s Guide is thinking of joining us, too.
Thank you, my friends, for spending a few moments of your day here with me. I appreciate your friendship and support. Before I bid you adieu, a quote about planning!!
You can always amend a big plan, but you can never expand a little one. I don’t believe in little plans. I believe in planes big enough to meet a situation which we can’t possibly foresee now.” – Harry S. Truman
Hugs and kisses,

I just picked up an additional book challenge this morning from our local library so I’m working on a few; luckily the books often fit multiple prompts across the challenges! You have so many fun things listed on your bucket list; that Goodwill date night sounds so fun and different.
I am going to struggle with the 52 book challenge, I can already tell, because I am scared to commit a book to a prompt. I guess I can always switch them up and move them about, though. My public library has reading challenges for kids. Would love to do them with my grands but I don’t see them often enough.
Hope to take pictures or video of the Goodwill date night. I think that will be fun.
Wow, so many goals Leslie. I would struggle with that many, I used to write lists which worked for me, but I haven’t done so in a while.
I have to write things down these days or they escape me. And even then, I can’t be sure to remember them. I make grand to-do lists and then forget to check things off. And that is the best part of a list.
I am loving reading everyone’s lists! I really feel like we could be real life friends: we think alike in so many ways. Just know if you ever come this way (anywhere near Atlanta0, you are welcome to visit! Love your lists of ideas of dates with hubby. I feel a little overwhelm this month, so I hope that once January is under way and I feel like things have settled and I feel like a reset is done, I can think ahead more!
I love the way you broke this down and organized it! I’m going to have to refer back to this when I am home with a notepad! Thanks for sharing!
Hi, Susan!! Not sure how you found me but so glad you did and so nice to have a new friend in the new year. You have a lovely space on the blogosphere. I have added it to the blogs I follow on Feedly.
If you create a bucket list/goals or a WOTY, please come back to link up with us!!
Happy, HEALTHY 2025.
Hi Leslie I love your bucket list for Winter and it has inspired me to look at mine. I’m a list girl and planner so having my goals and dreams written down helps keep me focused. If I can get myself organised for next quarter I might try to join you and share my progress. Have a lovely week. x
Seems all my favorite bloggers are list makers like I am. Writing things down is the only I hope I have of remembering things I intend to do and then hopefully getting them done. Would love to have you join next quarter. Fall is such a wonderful season for planning and enjoying activities outdoors (or in).
You’ve got this Leslie! I think it’s great that you set a lot of goals…that way you have more to choose from based on what else is happening in your life. And of course, we get free roll-overs from season-to-season, right? 🙂 I hope you do the Goodwill date and post pics! I’m going to check out the photomyne. Perhaps I’ll add this to my winter possibilities. The number of photo albums we have is overwhelming every time I think about decluttering, but maybe if I took things one book at a time. Thanks again for inviting me to participate in the Quarterly Bucket List link-up!
You are always so supportive and encouraging. Thank you, Christie. Absolutely we get rollovers. I’ve rolled over painting the baseboards and touching up the walls for over a year!! So there’s that. Gotta happen this winter.
I scrapbook so I have a lot of scrapbook photo albums, and then all the photos from before I scrapbooked, and all the photos I inherited from my parents. Photomyne has been a good way to compiling them digitally and share them with my daughters.
Well where to begin. You have excellent and a wide range of goals for yourself and your relationships. I like a good live theater performance and a good date night like you and PC do. I also love that you are focusing of your health in lotsmof ways including writing, skin care, and physical activity.
Looking forward to seeing how you feel about it in the next couple of months.
Thank you, sugar foot. The older I get the more I find I have to write things down or they just don’t happen. Even things that should be day to day, that you would think would be just habit!! Terrible. So these lists help me remember that I said I would put on moisturizer, and wrinkle cream, and plan some fun activities with my PC. Hoping this winter bucket list will keep us busy and get my husband and I in better shape and healthier in time for spring!! Thanks so much for being a part of the bucket list brigade.
Leslie, you always make me feel like a sloth! You are just doing and cleaning and cooking and creating and loving on people all the time! I really need to get out of my funk and “think like Leslie!” I’ve thought about those Master Classes, but I haven’t really looked into them. I tell you, keeping up with the blog is about all I can handle these days.
You silly!! I make all these grand plans then bump half of them to the following season and the season after that. I do like to love people!! Love you, too!! You have a busy, busy blog life…I am amazed at all the things you are involved in. And now have the docent program and your retreat. You are in no way a sloth. The MasterClasses are kind of cool. If you and Mike would enjoy doing them, an annual membership is $99 and 2 people can access all of the courses available during that year.
IMHO you can never dream or plan too big. You’re the second person this week who has signed up for the Daily Om course – I’ll be interested to hear what you think. I’ve got some ideas for my own leisure list from yours.
I like the way you think!!! Thank you, I think planning and dreaming are essential to a happy life. The bigger, the better. So far, I have enjoyed the Daily Om memoir course. It allows you to save your responses, writing in the app or program which I like. I don’t have to start a Word document or write my responses in longhand. Come add your leisure list to our link up!!
Good luck with your goals. You have some fun plans!
Thank you, friend. I am already panicking about doing the 52 book challenge and some of the other things I put on my bucket list and goals. Looking forward to the Goodwill date. Hope I can get brave enough to make a video of us doing that. Thanks for the visit. Happy 2025!! NO BROKEN BONES.
Pleasure to “meet” you…I learned of this link party through Marsha and loved the idea…I currently linked up #9 which is my post on my WOTY.!! 2024 was a terrible year as I lost my husband suddenly along with a beloved cousin and my sister’s husband in a period of less than 4 months. My best friend was diagnosed with an aggressive form of uterine cancer and another relative was diagnosed with a neurological disease that is chronic…Tough year but I am looking to 2025 with HOPE and trying to see what my new life will look like in the future…Thanks so much for hosting..I will be linking up a post on Goals soon…
Debbie-Dabble Blog
Oh, my sweet new friend, what a dreadful 2024 you experienced. I cannot even imagine. I can only hope and pray that this year is much kinder and gentler and allows you time to grieve and begin to heal. God bless you. I just don’t know what to say.
I have a tab open so I can visit your blog. Will add it to my Feedly list of blogs I follow. Please link up your goals post with us so we can cheer one another on. Going to check out your WOTY now.
Thank you for stopping by to introduce yourself. Praying, praying that 2025 is a much better year for you. XO
You have a long list : ) I’m working on mine now and hope to share it on my blog soon. I enjoy reading what everyone has on their to-do list, both fun and practical. I never get going in a new year until about the 6th. I like to ease in.
Easing into the new year is the best way. We need to recup and regroup after the holidays. I am so thankful to see your comment and to know you visited. Want to get back to HodgePodge this year. Have missed it and you!! Plese link up your bucket list post with us!! Happy, healthy 2025.
One reason I rarely paint my nails is the dry time! I always end up smudging them and then they look awful. Or they chip in a couple of hours. I have a dry brush I should use more regularly too. Thanks for the reminder!
Need to put my dry brush somewhere that I have to trip over the stupid thing and MAYBE I will use it!! Ordered the UV light for my polish. Want to splurge on a new polish color, too. Maybe something different for me…a wintry blue or pale purple.
It’s a good thing winter is sooooo long because that is one very impressive list!!!
While reading it, I was thinking “I should do that….and that….and that….and that, too!” But I will consider myself successful if I was able to do a quarter of all the things you’ve noted, haha.
We all know that I am not the cleaner you are, SADLY, but I am tearing apart upstairs bedrooms and closets and clearing out stuff… and painting the woodwork is a definite on my list too.
We are getting back into games as well.. Some of our kiddos are very big on games…and Mr and I are trying to tear ourselves away from too much TV (lazy) and maybe playing more cards or games when we are on our own.
Love how Mr Paul is joining you in your many adventures, both as a participant and a supporter…and very neat that he is also writing.
Hope your heel is coming along! Mine didn’t even break but the bruise did seem to open the door to a lot of oldie tweaks that crept in for that foot when I wasn’t looking. Gameplan is to keep moving!!!
HAHAHA!! January, alone, is 2 months long!! But I haven’t done a darn thing toward any of these goals or activities YET!! I am anxious to follow along with your bedroom/closet transformations upstairs. Huge undertaking. I need to share all you are doing with PC. Then maybe he won’t fuss about me asking for new carpet!!
Hope we can get the Buendias (Lauren and fam) over for cocoa and games. Maybe even a sleep over. Need to check to see when Francisco is off on a weekend. His schedule makes planning weekend activities difficult.
My heel is healing but not quick enough for my taste. And it hurts all the time. Worse, it is so stiff that doing a lot of things is harder now because my foot just doesn’t cooperate. Thinking my running days are over, probably cheerleading, ballet, too!!
Oh I love the things on your bucket list and the goals you have! Fun things and self-care things, and some practical projects – I think we need to have all of them in balance. I haven’t got the specific items on my “25 in 25” list nailed down yet, but a lot of my goals involve consistently practicing the good habits and steps towards the prize. And Practice is my WOTY. I’m planning to do an end of the month post outlinging how I”m doing with my practicing. Thanks for linking up with Wednesday Quotes – the Harry Truman quote is a good one!
Hi, Leslie – Thank you for joining us at #WellnessReimaginedLinkUp. I am impressed with your goal setting and dreaming big! I look forward to following your achievements. I’ll be right here cheering you on! <3
Thank you, Donna, for cheering me on. My blog friendships mean a lot to me.
Hi Leslie, you can never dream too big! Love the areas you have covered in your bucket list including Heart. You must be champing at the bit to get back into your regular walking after your foot injury but take it slowly! You’ve certainly have all of you life covered which is great. I like to make plans not just for health and wellness but travel, things for Mike and I to do, house and self care. It all ties in with a well balanced life doesn’t it? Thanks for joining us for the #WellnessReimagined link up and look forward to you joining us next month. Sue L x
Hello Leslie, this is a fun fun post. There is so much that I could comment on. Dream big I say! That way if you miss the target by just a little you have achievement more than you would have without the dream. I love your lists. As a list girl, I have fallen in love with the key you use to show your progress. I love your fun bucket list. I have never gone to a cafe to write, but it’s something I would probably love to do. Thanks for all these great ideas. Also thank you for linking up with us.
Oh, sweet friend, thank you for this message. I agree dream big, or go home!! Appreciate that you are a list girl, too. Thank you for cheering me on. My goals and bucket list activities have been moved temporarily to the back burner until I get this foot better sorted again.
How nice to set some goals about fixing up the house and garden, decorating, etc. I never do that because it’s like in recent years we never know what gets in the way! But I have some careful garden plans, at least! Mostly it has to do with cleaning up, setting up ways to simplify things, planting, and making garden beds less maintenance-heavy. And decluttering inside is a huge goal this year!
Hello, new friend!! Oh, girl, I hear you…LIFE keeps throwing monkey wrenches into my best laid plans. It feels like LIFE mocks me when I put together goals and set aside activities I hope to accomplish. Need to learn to kick LIFE in the teeth and get on with living but somedays it is easier to do than that than others. Hope you will share your garden plans. We are trying a raised garden bed this year for a few herbs and veggies and PC says watermelon, too. But we have no idea what we are doing!! I am much better at cleaning and organizing inside the house. However, it is time to attack our bedroom and my craft space and that is going to be tough tough tough. Thank you for coming by!!
Hi Leslie, oh my you have some fab goals and ideas there my friend!! What comprehensive lists you’ve made in all areas of life., I hope your foot is getting better and doesn’t stop you from doing too many things, it’s been a while now hasn’t it? Thanks for sharing with us for our #wellnessreimaginedlinkup you are certainly on track for some of your goals and I wish you well!!
Thank you for coming by and cheering me on. Afraid life via my foot has slowed me down again. We shall see what the next month brings.
You have so many fun things on your bucket list! I love how you have everything broken down into categories. That Beach Hut craft project looks so cute! Game night and a hot chocolate bar sounds like a perfect evening! I’m trying to prioritize date nights this year and want to do the Goodwill challenge with my husband, too! You’re growing out your bangs, and I’m thinking about getting bangs! I think the curtain bangs will look great on you!
Jill – Doused in Pink