Welcome, friends, to Wellness Weekend, 01.2020. See what we’ve done with the title of this series? We’ve subbed in the word weekend for Wednesday and will be moving this series to the 3rd Sunday of the month. Which is today!! And once again this post snuck up on me. Even though I am working with my friend Natalie at Natalie the Explorer to co-host. We’ve just had another crazy weekend. But let’s get this party started…healthier days are on the way.
Wellness Weekend 01.2020
In the last 2 years, I have created wellness goals and then shared my progress on those goals each month. Natalie always provides us with an optional monthly wellness-related topic that we can explore in our posts, too. This year, I was torn between creating goals built on the work I’ve done in the past, or just writing on the monthly theme. But I think sharing my wellness goals here makes me more accountable. And might even – hopefully – inspire you to create your own! You can check out how I fared on last year’s goals, here.
So, I am sticking with the way I’ve been doing things in the past. That being said, here are my goals.
Wellness Goals 2020
The goals I set for myself the last 2 years were pretty much all encompassing; goals for exercising, diet, staying well in addition to mental, spiritual and relationship wellness. I did so well that I really don’t feel like shaking things up too much for 2020. So at the risk of being redundant, here are wellness goals for this year. Like last year, I will be rating my progress on a scale of 1-5.
Physical Health
- Stretch and work out 4x a week , Weight Watchers to maintain weight
- Get 7200 steps and 3 floors a day
- Walk in nature for 30 minutes a day, 5x a week
Nutritional Health
- Cook meals at home 4x a week
- Eat 1 fruit and 1 veggie every day (sad, I know)
- Indulge in alcohol and sweets on weekends
Spiritual Health
- Develop a morning routine M-F
- Enjoy quiet time M-F (devotional, writing, reading, moment of silence and prayer)
- Use aroma therapy during my morning routine
Mental Health
- Get dressed every day (not active wear), wear a dress or skirt to church
- Weekly artistic activity; word games, journal
- Read 3 books a month in order to meet my Goodreads goal (are we friends on Goodreads yet?)
Relationship Health
- Unplug at 8:30 pm, implement evening routine
- Date night with PC 2x a month (bucket list activities)
- Me time, develop friendships, take a class or do something for myself
Preventative Health Maintenance
- Improved skin care, routine facials
- Weekly dry brushing
- Regular manicures
Financial Health
- Continue saving each month
- Save for birthdays and Christmas
- Keep spending under control
Wellness Weekend: Warming Up
Warming up is the optional theme for Wellness Weekend 01.2020. I think we can take that prompt in a number of directions. Warming up by creating our wellness plan for the new year. And warming up by joining and becoming acquainted with this group of bloggers for our combined wellness journey. Finally, warming up before doing an exercise or workout. Which is the warming up I struggle with most.
Warming Up According to SELF.com
Never have been very keen on stretching or warming up before and cooling down after exercise. Until recently. Never liked taking time to do it, but have decided it is a necessary evil. Last year, I was experiencing sciatica for the third time in my life. I was uncomfortable doing just about anything…most of all sitting!! After several weeks of physical therapy which consisted largely of stretches, I became a believer.
This article at Self.com explains the advantages of warming up this way:
…the key components of a warm-up are “increasing the body’s core temperature, mobility, muscle activation, and technical build-up.” By increasing the body’s temperature, you loosen the tissues around your joints, increasing their range of motion. Better flexibility does two things: allows your body to move better through the motions of your workout and helps to protect you from injury.
In addition, the author shares 7 quick warm up exercises and how to do them properly. Some of them look a little labor intensive for this 61 year-old but I get the point! And will be continuing to warm up each time we work out.
Your Turn
Even if you don’t create new year’s resolutions or set monthly or seasonal goals, you probably have some wellness objectives for 2020, right? How ’bout jotting them down and sharing in a post or a comment below? Or share on your favorite social media outlet! Nothing like a little peer pressure to keep you motivated. Be sure to add #WW2020 to your post.
Please be sure to run by to visit some of the other bloggers linked up with us. Then grab your agenda and pencil in these optional prompts and Wellness Weekend dates. Always the third Sunday of the month.
- January 19: Warm-up
- February 16: Hiking
- March 15: Spring Forward
- April 19: Water sport
- May 17: Commitment
- June 21: Mind exercise
- July 19: Fun activity
- August 16: Flexibility
- September 20: Balance
- October 18: Walking
- November 15: Peace
- December 20: Wrap-up
Here’s to a healthy, happy new year, new decade for all of us!!
Hugs and kisses,

Hi Leslie great to be back for Wellness Weekend and love all of your goals. Such a well balanced healthy and lifestyle plan. I also loved your take on what Warming Up means especially ‘ warming up by joining and becoming acquainted with this group of bloggers for our combined wellness journey’. You’ve given me some inspiration for next month. See you then and thanks for hosting with Natalie. xx
So glad to be doing Wellness Weekend with you, my friend.
My daughter ought to have read this before jumping off a high level at the trampoline park yesterday – ouch! She’s really hurt her back, unlike Leo who couldn’t work out why mummy hadn’t jumped up and run onto the next bit of the circuit. Three year olds bounce much better than 33 year olds!
You’ve got some great Wellness Goals for the year – we will be watching your progress 😉
We forget sometimes – even at just 33 – that we aren’t as invincible as our babies. Except my mom who has fallen 60 times or more and is obviously made entirely of rubber. Read that your daughter had hurt herself. I am so sorry. Hope she is feeling better now. Are you still Zumba-ing?
As always a great list of goals and you are so good about sticking to them.
Thank you, friend!! Hope I have another good, healthy year. And you do, too!
I’ve already found motivation in YOUR weight watchers success…you look fabulous!
Most of my wellness goals seem to start with “one of these days, I…” But, despite my propensity to procrastinate, I DO have one that actually IS in progress…better posture!
You have some great ones listed, Leslie! I’ll definitely find inspiration here!
Better posture is supposed to help take pounds off, or at least make it look like they have disappeared. I am afraid hours on my laptop, slouching in bed reading, using all the wrong muscles to stand and sit and lift Lucia have made my posture poor. How are you working on your posture? Tips, please!!
I am so impressed to read your fitness goals. And you include mental, spiritual, and relationship helath too – what a wonderful idea. Thank you for the inspiration!
Thank you, Laurie. Hope you will continue to join us.
Great list of goals for this year!
Thank you!! Come do this with us. Your amazing steps toward improved health with the 50 pound weight loss is so inspirational!!
Hi Leslie – One of the benefits of hosting the Wellness link-up is it holds us accountable for our own health goals. You’ve been so good at achieving them. Let’s keep up our good work for a healthy and happy 2020. Thanks for co-hosting the series with me. #WW2020
#WW2020 High five!! So glad to continue this journey with YOU.
I’ve been feeling blue lately. Monsieur’s ongoing (18 months sinus infection and headaches) seem to keep him in a state of lethargy and depression. In a post-retirement condo under construction, the condition (depression) seems to be contagious. I am going to walk more and to manage diet and wine better.
Yay for adding back walks. Preferably in the daylight to get that bit of sunshine and vitamin D in but if not, walking on a treadmill is a great start. And adding a D supplement will help, too. I know so many people who have suffered terribly lately with sinus infections. I was plagued as a child but – knock on wood – have outgrown them to some extent. Come do Wellness Weekend with us, Joanne. Scribble down your ideas for walking, managing diet and wine and make a quick post. Then come back the 3rd Sunday of February to brag on your progress.
I’ve been trying to work on a better morning routine, unfortunately it involves getting up early… BUT, it’ll be so worth it! I like how you implement aroma therapy during yours. Hmm! I should try that! 🙂 I’ve been really good about reading books lately.
Yay for reading!! A girl after my own heart. I keep saying I am going to get up and darn if I don’t! This new baby in our lives is wearing us all out. Whew.
Hi Leslie, I just finished reading Natalie’s always inspirational post. I enjoy reading Wellness goals and how real people are doing. (Not People’s magazine versions). I appreciate your candor and how you are realistic, Leslie. I move every day. Yoga, walk, weights, stretching. For me, I have to tweak my eating. Very clean eating works for me, although I am not 100% and weight slowly creeps up. I can give a what not to do, tip. Last week I jumped on my rebounder with some twisting jumps. Not good for the knees. No fool like an old fool. Thanks for the inspiration!
You cutie!! I am thankful that I can’t get in Lucia’s bouncy house (not sure it would accommodate my weight) or I would be in there jumping and bouncing and doing – or trying to do – mid-air splits! Need someone to save me from myself!! Hope your knees are feeling better.
Clean eating is so much better for me, too. Immediately, my stomach rewards me when I eat ‘good’ food. Trying to get back to that now after a train wreck of ‘dirty’ eating over the holidays.
My husband’s a great believer in stretching. He’s run a lot of marathons and started to get a lot of problems. Now he does a lot of stretching and foam rolling after each run. Seems to work. I want to get back into yoga but it’s nearly the end of Jan and I haven’t been to a class. Maybe this coming Saturday!
Hope you squeeze in time this Saturday for your yoga class. Just make it happen. PC bought one of those foam roller things and now a mat with little acupressure spikes to help invigorate his warm up and stretching routine. I need to try both!
Hi Leslie, I’m always impressed with the specific goals you set! Even though they may be simple and uncomplicated, they’re always measurable and that’s what is so important. Your thoughts about pre-workout warm ups reinforce Sue’s advice and I am going to be more vigilant about that as well as the post workout stretches! #WW2020
Thank you for the kind words. Having my specific wellness goals have really helped me stay focused and intent on getting ‘well-er’!!
Hello Leslie. That’s an impressive list of wellness goals. I love that they are well-rounded to encompass mental health, financial health, etc. You never cease to amaze me!
Thank you, Christie. How are YOU?
I eat so many fruits and veggies in the spring and summer but am less apt to eat them in the winter. Somehow a salad or a fresh piece of fruit is just not what I think of grabbing when I’m feeling chilled.
I hear you!! I want all the carbs! Have been trying to make lunch a protein smoothie with fruit and baby spinach so I am guaranteed to get a fruit and veggie in. But my teeth like to crunch at lunch. So I add a few almonds to chew.
Thank you Leslie for hosting and what a great idea to hold this blog party for wellness in 2020. One of my goals is to do more yoga. My post this week suggests as many reasons yoga benefits our mind, body, and spirit. Hope you enjoy. Warm regards, Nancy Andres @ Colors 4 Health.Now following you and sharing on SM.
Lots of goals you’ve set for yourself, good luck to you!!
Thank you. Hope I am as successful with my wellness activities this year as I was last.