Autumn lovers, it’s time for my autumn 2020 bucket list post!! Cue all the confetti!!
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I love this season!! This time of year. Don’t you? And what better way to get us out of the Covid slump than to create a bucket list full of fun fall activities?? I can’t think of anything better. Plus, making bucket lists or activity lists is good for you. They help us create focus in our lives, push us out of our comfort zone and motivate us to try something new. And sharing our bucket list helps keep us accountable!! But don’t just take my word for it. Check out what the experts say, here.
Before I share that first look at my autumn 2020 bucket list, let’s do a final check in on this summer’s activities.
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Final Update Summer 2020 Bucket List
- Concentrate on improving arms and abs to earn midriff top and workout pants – no ab exercises lately to speak of but have begun walking with my dumbbells again but not enough to count.
- Return to working out at the gym – the gym is open but we have not returned.
- Ride scooters or trolley to explore downtown – trolley has been out of commission (Covid). And we haven’t ventured downtown in months (Covid).
- Run 5 times a week – finally back at it, although not up to 5 times a week. But going to give myself a checkmark here.
- Dress up date night once a month – we have enjoyed several date nights lately and I have dressed up!!
- Kiss goodnight after gratitude journal –
- Patio chats over smoothies – still drinking smoothies but haven’t gotten up early enough to enjoy them on the patio. Maybe this week we can start again.
- Start A Year of Us –
- Complete courses – finished the morning make over course, working on the blogging course.
- Follow Dave Ramsey’s podcasts – not regularly but still listening to them.
- Mosaic class – finished my mosaic last week. Woo hoo!!
- Summer crafts –
- Begin new Bible study –
- Find a new gratitude journal –
- Help with food bank or other philanthropy –
- Incorporate back into quiet time – not doing this consistently enough to justify a checkmark and can’t blame Covid, either.
- Birthday celebrations – Nope, thanks Covid.
- Make a new dessert – German sweet chocolate cream pie. To die for.
- Try new grilling recipes –
- Wear maxis at least twice a month – maybe not twice a month but I have worn them.
By my count, I am finishing up at 75% completed, 15 checkmarks and 5 ugly red Xs. Not too shabby.
Now let’s get to the main event…
My Autumn 2020 Bucket List
You have probably noticed that I like to divide my bucket lists into categories. Doing so helps me to plan activities that focus on all aspects of my life. I could easily create a bucket list made up of just fun things to do. But it helps me to be more well-rounded if my lists include something for my body, mind and soul, too.
- Run 6 miles a week, start workouts from home (home gym?), go on at least one hike – have returned to running but now to become more consistent at it. Need to return to the gym or cancel our membership and get equipment for a home gym. Have been waiting to hike all year. Surely we can get one in before year’s end.
- Charcuterie board – thinking of doing a recipe swap and blog hop for this. Have never created a charcuterie board, have you? They seem kind of like Lunchables for adults!!
- Green chile recipes – the green chile capitol of the world, Hatch, New Mexico, is an hour’s drive from El Paso. I would like to take a road trip to pick up some fresh roasted chiles and experiment with different green chile dishes.
- Fall decorating and crafts – breaking out all the pumpkins and fall decor inside the house and out. Maybe find a special autumn craft to do.
- “God Made Girl” online painting workshop – came across this on Facebook. Paint a God Made Girl canvas. Looking into other similar virtual workshops.
- Finish mosaic table top – oh, girls, this has been ‘in progress’ for years. Yes, years. Want to finish it.
- Learn more about enneagrams – have taken 3 enneagrams tests and I am either a 1 or a 2. Want to learn more about my enneagram and those of the folks I love most.
- Duolingo or Mango Spanish language study 3x a week – Brennyn and Cady and Lucia are all learning more Spanish. The El Paso Public Library has just announced that they are offering free language learning through Mango Languages. I need to keep up with my girls; now I have no excuses!!
- Host fall photo challenge – teaming up with my friend Deb at Deb’s World and Jennifer at Trading Ashes for Beauty to host this. We are working on the prompts now and will share them very soon. Hope you will join us.
- Wishing tree – Have you read Wishtree, a children’s book by Katherine Applegate? If not, grab a copy at your library and curl up under a cozy throw to read it this fall. It is a quick read but a very sweet story. I want to make a wishing tree in our neighborhood park.
- Bible journal 1x a week – my blogging friend Amy at Amy’s Creative Pursuits inspires me so with her lovely Bible journaling. I want to start doing more of this.
- Painting rocks to share – have joined a local rock painting group on Facebook, El Paso Rocks! Shared photos of some of my painted rocks and want to do more.
- Best white tee – will be doing my own research to find the best white tee shirt for all seasons.
- Graphic tees – I am embracing this fashion trend and want to figure out ways to style my graphic tees for fall
- Fall trends – want to share several of my favorite looks from the Get Your Pretty On fall capsule wardrobe. You can still register, here. Participants will be styling our version of each day’s look starting this week. Mucho funo.
Your Turn
What was your final tally on your summer fun list activities? What plans are you making for fall? If you haven’t created an autumn bucket list yet, let me invite you – encourage you – to do so. It will keep you growing and moving forward in spite of Covid!!
Please link up your autumn 2020 bucket list with me. Or leave it in a comment below. We can cheer each other on!!
Thank you for spending a few moments here with me. Have lots of blog posts in the works for this week including Thankful Thursday and Friday Favorites. Hope you will stop back by.
Hugs and kisses,

I have never made a charcuterie board because I know my family would treat it like a snack and still end up asking me what was for dinner– husband included! LOL. They do look so appealing and I have seen so many different varieties that it pretty much seems like you can include anything on them.
That’s exactly what will happen over here. We will eat the charcuterie board and then PC will say ‘what’s for dinner?’ Ha!!
I have been pinning all kinds of boards, more snacky, desserts, breakfasts. Hope to have fun with this.
I’m all for getting out of the COVID slump and cuing the confetti…but I don’t like this season nor this time of the year. I relish the long and hot days of summer, just makes my bones, joints, and muscles feel better!! Looks like you did well with your summer list! The painting workshop, Bible journaling, and painting rocks all looks fun! Can’t wait to see your mosaic table top 🙂
Thank you, Dee. I am enjoying the different art projects. Finally getting the hang of this retirement gig.
The ladies group at my church read the Eannegram book last Fall – it was very interesting. Your bucket lists are always motivating. I am impressed with your running, my knees and hips can’t take it anymore but it’s such good exercise!
Would love to know what enneagram number you are!!
My knees grumble a bit at times when I go to run but never hurt for long. We are slowly returning to the gym
and I think running on the treadmill is probably gentler on this old body.
I started doing a Duolingo course in Spanish at the start of lockdown and haven’t missed a day yet! I’m really enjoying it and seriously hoping that I may one day get that trip to Seville that I wanted to do this year. Maybe end of 2021? Especially now I know how to book a table for two and order food and drink 😉
I love charcuterie lunches! We probably have that once a week. It’s not quite the same eating it in the garden in the UK as it is at a lakeside restaurant in Italy but it’s as close as we can get this year! I wonder if you get the same variety of hams and cheeses that we get here?
Looks like you have chosen some good things for the Autumn, especially that photo challenge 😉
I have a feeling you have a broader variety of cheese than we do. Probably everyone has more cheese than we do in El Paso. We buy cheese whenever we go of of town and bring it home because our choices are limited. I started back on Duolingo and then fell off again. I need a few more hours in my day.
As always, I am inspired by your bucket list, Leslie! And thank you once again for overseeing our bucket list link-up. The change of season always makes me feel hopeful and energized, and autumn is my favorite. Here’s hoping I can hang on to that feeling! Happy fall!
I feel energized and inspired by everyone’s bucket list. Beginning a new month, week or even day can be so hopeful.
such good autumn goals! I will have to think of mine and link up with you!
Hope you linked up with us. Good luck on your list.
Great list!! I hope to link up tomorrow, I hope that is ok!
I love your mosaic work, how cool!! And my husband and I love charcuterie boards lol. We do that for dinner sometimes. 🙂 Remember to throw in some chocolate somewhere…
I am an Enneagram 5w4. 🙂
Thanks for the tip on the charcuterie board…chocolate it is. I don’t know anyone – until now – who is a 4 or 5. Will be reading more so I can get to know you better. Thanks for sharing.
I think you did a great job on your Summer bucket list. I crossed off the majority of mine, which I was happy about. I’m ready for some fun Fall activities though. It’s my favorite time of the year, and there’re more outdoor events that make it easier to socially distance and be safe. I need to take advantage now before Winter comes and we’re all stuck in our houses again. hah Good luck with all of your Fall bucket list items!
Hope we both do well on our lists!!
I love your list. I have done a charcuterie board a few times…I follow “reluctant entertainer” blog and she makes them all the time and is coming out with her own line…she’s awesome. I am an enneagram 9 but 2 and 6 are pretty neck and neck. Jen Hatmaker did a podcast series not long ago on the enneagram types and it was so interesting. Sounds like we’re both going to work on our spanish. The fall photo challenge looks fun. I will join because since my girls graduated and no longer play soccer I haven’t gotten my camera out as much. I’ve seen a lot about the fall capsule wardrobes. SEveral gals I follow on IG do them.
I am listening to Jen Hatmaker’s podcast about enneagrams right now. So interesting.
Just followed the “Reluctant Entertainer.” Thanks for mentioning her. Her charcuterie boards are serious!! Hadn’t
thought about buying a board. Ha!!
Your mosaic turned out adorable. A fall photo challenge sounds fun. Your adult lunchable looks delicious & I think I will put that on the menu when the teen Grands come to visit next summer. I have a pumpkin chili recipe I’m planning to make on Halloween though the recipe is not new but seems each time I make it, I add some different ingredients of whatever is on hand. Painted rocks are fun to find. I found one this summer then hid it somewhere else.
Please come join me for the photo challenge!!
Pumpkin chili is so delicious. I just have to hide the pumpkin can from my hubs. Ha!!
Nice of you to pass the painted rock along.
So much goodness in this post! You did a fabulous job on your summer bucket list! I’ve been wanting to learn more about enneagrams and take the test to see what I am. That online painting workshop sounds so cool and I love the painted rocks project!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Oh, Jill, take the enneagram test!! Can’t wait to see what number you are. I want to know what Carrie is, too? She and Kellyann got me interested in it.
I love seeing more and more painted rocks around!
We have a neighbor who must paint them all day everyday. His yard is full and he shares with everyone. Might be a bit much!!
This is the cutest blog ever!
Thank you so much for the kind words!!
I love how varied your lists always are. Great ideas.
Thank you!! Hope I manage to experience all of these activities on my bucket list.
I love reading your bucket lists. I am not going to do a Fall bucket list post, but maybe you’ve motivated me to jot down 3 things to do this Fall for fun. I love the Ennegram numbers, they are accurate! I just love charcuterie boards, they are def. lunchables for adults! And, don’t forget the glass of wine with them! Lol!
What enneagram number are you? I know you are interested in that, and so is Kellyann, need to ask her what number she is, too. I do think they are very accurate. Depending on the day I am either a 1 or a 2. I think both are accurate.
Hope you do create a mini bucket list for a few fun activities this fall.
I’ve heard The Wishing Tree is a really good book! We may order it to read with Claire. I have made a charcuterie board for dinner some nights. It’s so much fun and the girls absolutely LOVE it!
Love to hear that charcuterie boards are a big hit with the kids. Might use leftover turk and ham on one for Black Friday.
I love making up a charcuterie board, opening a bottle or 2 of wine, and having a long conversation with friends. My favorite evening and one I am missing a lot. There’s no recipe for me on making a board… but I’ve got a great food boutique where I get meat and cheeses. The local grocery is even getting on board (no pun intended) with better options for meat & cheese.
Every charcuterie I’ve ever created has been different…. but usually 3 cheeses (at least one soft), 2-3 meats (sliced), some yummy jam (i’ve used fig, lemon pepper, or peach), some olives, some cut apple slices (or grapes) and 2-3 types of crackers (or some sliced baguette). I’ve gotten them at restaurants with mustard, pickled veggies, dried fruit, nuts, and pate! It’s fun sometimes to see what they will come with and I often will order it as an appetizer with friends.
Anyway, I’m an Enneagram 1…. so if you learn about it more, do share. I’ve not delved into it that much… I do see it’s the “latest” personality type test gathering buzz.
So glad to have your suggestions for making a charcuterie board. I guess I need to get a board first!! Will work on step 1 this weekend. Love all the suggestions – nuts, fruit, pate!! MMmmmmm.
I am an Enneagram 1 on some days and 2 on others. Both are pretty accurate. I find it very interesting. My husband is a 9 and my daughters both 6s. You might check out Jen Hatmaker’s enneagram series via podcast. I use Stitcher to listen to my podcasts.
Your mosaic looks lovely – and I reckon you did pretty well with your summer activities. Lots to love on here. We do carcuterie boards quite a bit on a weekend – usually with whatever we get at the markets. The tapletop mosaic sounds great, Spanish sounds challenging (but challenge is good) & The Wishing Tree sounds like my kind of story. I adore autumn – although we don’t really get one – so here’s hoping you get the most out of yours.
Thank you, Joanne. Hope to get busy on my bucket list this weekend.
Oh and I just did my enneagram test – 4,7,9
You are my first 4!! And 7!! So glad to know what numbers you are. If you would like to learn more, I highly recommend Jen Hatmaker’s podcasts about each of the enneagram numbers.
Hi, Leslie – I agree that planning doable Autumn activities is an awesome way to get out of a COVID slump. I also have not returned to my regular gym. But I have started working out on the exercise equipment at our local park. They give a surprisingly good workout, no one else is ever there when I am there, and the mountain and ocean view is fabulous!
Wishing you a very happy Autumn!
I remember seeing pictures, I think, of some of the equipment in your parks for exercising. We started out enthusiastically doing online video workouts but we are just worn out with all of this and finally decided to go back to the gym. Have been 3 times in about a week. Now my throat hurts. Ha!!
You have some great plans….looks like it should be a fun, and a productive, fall!! Looking forward to our challenge together!! And I have never heard of a Wishing Tree. I will have to check that out!! Enjoy your first day of fall tomorrow!!
Check out the children’s book, WishTree…which I just realized I have been referring to as The Wishing Tree. Need to edit my post!! It is a sweet story about tolerance and friendship. I want to designate one of the trees in our neighborhood park as a Wish Tree. Hope it works out!
I read and commented on this blog post yesterday but noticed when I came back today to link up with my fall bucket list that my comment must not have posted. Anyhoo.. you have a fabulous bucket list! My kids began using Duolingo to teach themselves German and French and they’ve been doing phenomenal with it (I was kind of skeptical of the program and bought them actual German and French grammar workbooks this year and they really HAVE been learning!).
Thank you!! I am having trouble with comments not always showing up. I don’t understand why that is.
I want to get back to Duolingo on a regular basis. It really did help me understand the verb tenses of
Spanish better.
I need to learn about enneagrams too! Such a great list and congrats on all you accomplished Summer. I had the best intentions of doing a Fall Bucket List post. Maybe I can get one up soon.
Come join us with your bucket list!! The link up will be open for about another week. Inspire us with your plans!!
Enneagrams are fascinating. I am listening to a Jen Hatmaker podcast on each of the numbers and learning so much.