Shutterbugs and photo-lovin’ friends glad to have you join me for The World Through My Lens 10.2024: Everyday Images and Sunday Stills. Again today, I am joining Kym at A Fresh Cup of Coffee for her Every Day Images photo challenge. Kym describes the challenge as a way to be more intentional about watching for interesting things in life that she can capture with her camera.
Every two weeks she publishes a few words or phrases to focus on, and looks for opportunities to take pictures of these things. As I have done in the past with other challenges I have participated in, I will just be sharing my photos once a month. Here are the photos for May, June, July August and September.
Glad to be joining my friend Terri at Second Wind Leisure Perspectives for her Sunday Stills series. Terri provides the prompts for her series 1 photo a week for a month at a time. She shares her pictures once a week while I share a month’s worth of images at a time. She is one outstanding photographer.
Everyday Images #46
season (quarterly): give me all the fall things – the flavors, the fragrances, the colors and textures. Give me all things pumpkin. This was the office for Beat Creek cabins all decked out for the season.
wide and/or narrow: we visited the Silver City Museum during our 3-day getaway. This impressive mosaic mural was along the side of the building. You know how I love Dia de los Muertos, so you know I had to snap loads of pictures of both this entire piece of art and some up close shots of the details.
action: trick-or-treating, just saying our thank yous and heading for the next house.
perspective: tried to snap an artsy perspective of this chess board for my interpretation of this prompt.
orange: borrowing from the Silver City mosaic again for this prompt. Aren’t these monarch butterflies so bright and cheerful? For people of Mexico, monarch butterflies hold a special place in their Dia de los Muertos traditions. Monarchs represent the souls of their ancestors returning to visit them for this celebration of life.
heavy: these weights are just that. We have begun going to the gym again after a 4-year hiatus. As a result, I’m heavy(ier), too.
Everyday Images #47
at home (monthly): this week I have been able to walk more which means I was FINALLY able to put out some fall decorations. I always like to create an ofrenda in memory of the beloved family members we have lost. This year, though, I got my decorations out so late that I didn’t set up my Dia de los Muertos altar. I miss it.
at work (quarterly): my ‘work’ responsibilities changed when I retired, and changed again when I broke my foot. I have had to find new ways to do everything and often get so frustrated in the process. Here I am, emptying the dishwasher on one foot with my broken foot on the knee scooter.
gold: the fallen leaves made the ground and walk around Big Ditch Park look golden.
dessert: we enjoyed a late lunch at Jalisco Cafe in Silver City and finished our meal with the largest, fluffiest sopapillas I had ever seen.
leaf: well, leaves. Plural. Leaves in green, gold, yellow and pistachio. And the water in the creek reflecting the vivid blue of the sky above.
travel: our 3 day trip was delightful. Hope we can travel more now that PC is retired.
Everyday Images #48
- yard (quarterly): early in the spring, 1 of my goals was to get this bougainvillea to bloom. I fed it Miracle Gro regularly, and made sure it was receiving plenty of water but only had 2 blooms. Now that fall is here, and it is time to give this plant a haircut, it has blooms in abundance. Our blue agave cactus has had lots of babies this summer and looks plump and beautiful, too.
- harvest: selecting our pumpkins from those harvested for Walmart.
- spooky: one of PC’s friends goes all out decorating for Halloween. This creepy clown peers over his rock wall at passers by.
- vintage: the building that housed a little pub where we had lunch one day on our trip.
- web: a couple of years ago about this time, I participated in an online crafting class offered by Jennifer Chamberlin to make these cardboard box buildings. I decorated mine with bits of Halloween and Dia de los Muertos scrapbook paper. And across the top, I draped some spidery looking gauze to mimic webs. For the address numbers on the houses I used the dates for the holidays, 1031, 1101, 1102.
- inside and/or outside: this tree was both inside the porch and outside the porch on the front of the cabin.
Sunday Stills 10.2024
- 10.06.2024 leaves and trees: the bed in our cabin in Pinos Altos had windows all around and a skylight just beyond the foot of the bed. This was the view at sunset on our first evening there from one of those bedroom windows.
- no challenge
- 10.20.2024 monthly color challenge: black (and/or) black and white: I love ballet and ballet shoes. Found these blackened shoes hanging in a coffee shop we visited recently. I find their black color such a contrast to pale pink traditionally associated with ballet slippers.
- 10.27.2024 eerie: October and March are El Paso’s windiest months. I snapped this shot of our mountains almost completely obscured by a recent sand storm. Gusts this day measured around 60 mph.
Your Turn
What have you captured lately in your lens? This silly broken foot had really put a damper on my picture taking until our trip to New Mexico. Hard to look for prompts when you are rarely leaving the 4 walls of your own home. And none of the prompts for any of the challenges have asked for pictures of crutches, a knee scooter or wheelchair!! So grateful that we were able to high-tail-it to the mountains for a 3 day change of scenery and lots of photo ops!!
Thank you for spending some of your busy day here with me. Hope you will join me in visiting Kym at A Fresh Up of Coffee and Terri at Second Wind Leisure Perspectives to check the images they’ve captured for these photo challenges.
Hoping to start PT next week for my tootsie. And the fall spring cleaning that didn’t happen in the spring or the summer is NOW underway. Looking forward to whipping this foot and this house into shape.
Hugs and kisses,

Great job matching photos to prompts!!
Thank you, my sweet friend. I have a big fat ZERO for this month’s prompts!! Help!!
Your photos are fabulous. I like the artsy perspective of your chess game!
Thank you!! I was feeling so hip in that coffee shop full of young folks!! I think it inspired my shot.
I love the shot of the chess! You do a great job of getting different perspectives in your photos!
Thank you so much. My granddaughter always wants to play chess when she comes on a chess board that was my father’s. I think I need to do it with her next visit.
That cabin where you vacationed makes me want to go off on a wander…if only Mike could walk again. At this point, I’m beginning to think that will never happen. I need to keep the faith, though. Love that mural…I can’t imagine making something that large…I mean, planning it out, figuring out where everything goes after you’ve figured out how much you need, and then actually doing it. Mosaic is something I’ve always wanted to try along with leaded glass! I’m so glad you’re able to be up and walking more and more. I am sorry about your Dia de los Muertos altar. Men don’t quite get those things, do they?
Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!
We shoudl do a mosaic project!! I did a glass mosaic right after I retired. Well, started it then but set it aside for years and then finally finished a few years ago. Would love to try to do something else in that medium.
Hope Mike is continuing to improve. I am so thankful to be more mobile. Physical therapy is helping as is the gym.
Hi Leslie, thanks for the shout out for Sunday Stills and for your participation again! You captured some great images! I love your view of the trees from your lodge room, and yes, you do experience a lot of wind! That shot is amazing!
Thank you so much!! You are my photography muse!! Thank you for inspiring me to look at the world through my camera lens.
Great photos. That mural is incredible and the tree through the porch roof is hysterical.
So fun to see the little glimpses of your life. I haven’t picked up my camera in so long… I just haven’t felt motivated. Those blackened ballet slippers are so interesting.
You took some lovely photos. I like this prompt, it helps us focus on the everyday, the little things.. because often that is what it is about. Small pleasures.
What a lovely photo’s! I always love reading about what is happening in other bloggers life! Your part of the world looks so totally different then here. Have a great day Leslie!
Thank you, beautiful!!
So many great photos. Love all the Halloween pics.
Love your photos my friend! That tree is impressive (dare I say, over the top?) I honestly think my favorite is the picture of the ballet shoes. Glad your are back in the gym. You go girl!! Hope you are having a good week!!
I love all your photos! Beautiful and creative. That mural at Silver City is beautiful and I think very cheerful. I like your interpretation of perspective and all your creative uses of the prompts! Thanks so much for sharing with Everyday Images!