Shutterbugs and photo-lovin’ friends glad to have you join me for The World Through My Lens 07.2024: Everyday Images & SPSH. Again today, I am joining Kym at A Fresh Cup of Coffee for her Everyday Images photo challenge. Kym describes the challenge as a way to be more intentional about watching for interesting things in life that she can capture with her camera.
Every two weeks she publishes a few words or phrases to focus on, and looks for opportunities to take pictures of these things. As I have done in the past with other challenges I have participated in, I will just be sharing my photos once a month. Here are the photos for May and June.
Also joining my friend Ruth at This West London Life for the Summer 2024 Photo Scavenger Hunt (SPSH) who has taken over hostessing responsibilities for this photo hunt. Ruth and her BFF compiled this summer’s photo prompts. And I am glad to be joining the fun.
And One More
And glad to be rejoining my friend Terri at Second Wind Leisure Perspectives for her Sunday Stills series. It has been a ‘minute’ as the kids say since I did a Sunday Stills post. And like all of the photo challenges I used to participate in regularly, I have missed seeing Terri’s lovely photographs and being a part of Sunday Stills. So, for now, I am back. Hope I can find a way to balance all of these!!
Everyday Images #40
- strong: like all the world we are watching the Olympics in Paris and we are also watching our baby gymnast Cami Jean, now in her second year of training. Cami is so strong. So bubbly. So full of life. Watching her tackle the balance beam or uneven parallel bars is pretty amazing.
- loud and/or quiet: Purrcy can certainly be very loud. In fact, it was because he was meowing and crying so loudly that I heard him, abandoned in a neighbor’s yard last summer on a 104* afternoon, and rescued him. The rest is history!! When I scrapbook, this baby has begun lying under my craft table to nap during which he is very quiet!!
- at work (quarterly): because we are both working on writing, potentially writing ‘books’, we have monthly writing dates. This evening we ate at our favorite mom-n-pop Mexican restaurant Casita Linda’s, then spent about 30 minutes writing.
- free: the food given away at our church pantry is free. I have implemented the give away of diapers and wipes in little backpacks and feminine hygiene supplies in little cosmetic bags, too.

- design: part of the fun of scrapbooking is coming up with a new page design. I look on Pinterest or Kiwi Lane or the Scrapbook Addicts FB page for inspiration. My sister Valerie and I are getting bolder with our layouts. This is my latest creation and I love it, if I do say so myself!!
- wild: meet Gingy. Gingy belongs to my neighbor. For awhile this winter, Gingy wore a necklace (collar) with his name on it. One winter morning when he was in our yard for a visit, I decided to take Gingy home so he could go inside to get warm. My neighbors seemed less than interested in taking care of their kitty. And now poor baby has no collar and is outside all day everyday. I feed him morning and evening. I guess Gingy is a wild kitty now. At least until I can convince PC or Lauren or someone else to take him.
Everyday Images #41
- shady: over the 4th weekend, I had the pleasure of doing drop-in visits and walks with this sweet girl. Gertie was a delight and reminded me how much I love having a pup around. For our hot late afternoon walks we jogged from one shady spot to the next all around the park.
- following: back during Covid, one of our neighborhood churches became a site for free food distribution, I think sponsored by the city. Cars would line up single file for a half-mile or further hoping to get some food before the church ran out. Today I passed by the church and noticed the food distribution is back. Cars lined up following each other down one street, around the corner and down another street up to the church parking lot. A lot of folks are struggling right now. God help America.
- scenery: Lazy Cow Trailhead is about a mile from my home at the foot of the Franklin Mountains. Took this photo early one morning after doing a kitty drop-in visit nearby.
- texture: I usually associate this word with fabric. Do you like to run your fingers through the fabric of different items of clothing when you are shopping? I have to touch everything. But I don’t like touching the spines on these very textured cactus. Used the Prisma app to jazz up the photos for a little fun.

- chair: or plural…chairs? These velveteen beauties were at The House coffee shop where we spent a little time doing some writing and enjoying some chilled caffeinated beverages.
- summer: means rain in El Paso. Precious little rain but more than we have the rest of the year. And the rain brings frogs. And worms. This little fella was exhausted from swimming in our salt water pool and trying to find a way out.
Summer 2024 Photo Scavenger Hunt (SPSH)
The scavenger hunt kicked off 06.01.2024 but I was a little late joining the party. Would you expect anything else? It runs until 09.30.2024 and future dates to share our finds are 08.28.2024 and 10.02.2024. I have enjoyed participating in these photo hunts in the past so look forward to doing so again this year. Why don’t you join us, too?
- family pet or cute animal: we have 2 family pets, and have 2 new stray kitties we are feeding. For this prompt, I couldn’t share a photo of one of our babies without sharing a photo of the other. However the most recent photos I have taken of Purrcival weren’t as clear as the ones of Purrsnickitty. Here’s a little collage of both babies.

- look up to the sky
- colourful front door
- what’s on your feet: these sassy, strappy sandals that will make an appearance in their very own post coming soon
- favourite summer food/meal
- something with wings
- favourite summer reading nook/space
- something colourful in your garden/neighbourhood
- moving water: one of the water fountains found in Ascarate Lake to help keep the water from stagnating. They are pretty, too!
- something that casts a shadow
- kitchen utensil you hardly ever use
- place of worship
- mark the passage of time
- your nation’s flag: the flag and pole that stands in our front yard and a glimpse of the balcony on the front of the house.
- something you’ve repurposed
- Alternate A: something misspelt or grammatically incorrect
- Alternate B: stamping
Sunday Stills
- 07.07.2024 monthly color challenge – red, white, & blue (single, or a combination): I snapped this photo from our TV screen at the beginning of the debate. God help our country.
- 07.14.2024 local and state parks: Lily Boulder Field at Stone Preserve near Crossville, Tennessee.
- 07.21.2024 wings: snapped blindly trying to get this photo. I could see the bird, I think a hummingbird, but couldn’t find her in my camera lens. So just started taking pictures and managed to get this capture which works well for the prompt. Do you see the wings?
- 07.28.2024 afloat: Lucia afloat.
Grab your phone, your camera and come play with us!!
Your Turn
What have you captured lately in your lens? One of my favorite subjects is my precious family. The day this post goes live, we are all meeting at South Padre Island, Texas (yes, the same beach where there were recent shark attacks) for a week long family vacay. Looking forward to having all of the loves of my life together again and in my arms!!
Thank you for popping in. I appreciate the time you spend with me. Hope you will join me in visiting Kym at A Fresh Up of Coffee, Ruth at This West London Life and Terri at Second Wind Leisure Perspectives to check the images they’ve captured for this photo challenges.
Go make this week a special one. Happy August!!
Hugs and kisses,

Leslie you have started off with some lovely finds for the 2024 SPSH. I really like your kitty collage, such beautiful kitties.
… Mary-Lou
Thanks for joining in with the Scavenger Hunt – you have some great finds, especially the one of the Stars and Stripes.
I’m so happy to see your post with ao many wonderful photos, Leslie! Thank you for taking the time to fit them all in. I just love your granddaughter afloat in her mermaid fins! Nicely done on the blind capture of the hummer! Fabulous. Enjoy your rain and stay cool!
Ooooo, love the term ‘blind capture’ – that is exactly what I seem to do half the time!! Was trying to snap something overhead in the sky for a prompt but the sun was so bright on the beach that I was a blind photo-snapping fool.
Hope to continue to join you for Sunday Stills again. It is amazing how having prompts to look for really makes me stop to see the world around me.
Your photos are fabulous! I love that scrapbook layout; I tend to look on Pinterest when I’m looking for ideas but I am going to check out those other groups/pages. Thanks for the idea!
Thank you so much. I appreciate your kind words. Hope you will check out Scrapbook Addicts on Facebook. The gals on there share some terrific layouts.
Great photos! I like the way you’ve interpreted the prompts.
Love that picture of your floating mermaid 😊
I love all your photos and how you interpreted the different prompts. Hard to pick favorites from these great shots, but I always love photos of furry friends. The scenery at the trailhead, and that perspective shot of the flag are stunning as well. Thanks for playing along with Everyday Images, and for introducing me to the Scavenger Hunt!
You take the best photos! The one of the bird is amazing! And, your little mermaid looks so cute and relaxed…just hanging out in the pool! Ah, the life! Yes, I try to ask God every night for help in this country…if I don’t fall asleep first. I am so afraid of what’s going to happen with this election, no matter who wins. I think we will all lose one way or the other. Have food prices gotten really high there because they are terrible here. Someone is making lots of money there!
Love to you, my friend!
Oh, Marsha, you are so right. No matter who wins this election our country comes out the loser. I just cannot believe that we don’t have better/more/younger/more honest candidates to choose from. Have mercy. Food is so high here, too. And if you notice, products disappear for a bit and then return, repackaged in smaller sized containers for the same price. Boxes are smaller or the products weigh less. We noticed it first with cat food. They repackaged the cat food with a new label and bumped up the price by about $.25 a can. We couldn’t get a certain flavor for months and now we can but it is repackaged and more expensive. Seems that way with everything. Heaven help us!!
You are so sweet to care for all those unwanted kitties, I love cats, but I’m always chasing feral cats out of my yard because they go after my birds, which I also love. I don’t believe cats should be let outside, but I know that’s a huge debate. Yup, our country is a mess right now and I fear it’s just going to get worse.