HaPpY hUmP dAy, fRiEnDs!
Linking up with Anne in Residence for Currently 10.2019 and to share my autumn goals. Before we get started today, you can read my September Currently post, here and August Currently post, here. Anne sends out the month’s prompts and then we all write a post around our responses. Love doing things like this. Remember The Blended Blog’s TBB Asks posts? They were lots of fun, too!
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Currently 10.2019
This month we are responding to these prompts…what are we currently arranging, embracing, loving, purchasing and sharing. I give you, Currently 10.2019, in ABC order…
my 2 tier tray using mostly Dollar Tree, Walmart and Target decorations. Oh, and my pretty wood bead garland from Carrie at Curly, Crafty Mom.
Also arranging my thrift store wheelbarrow out front.
And there’s my scarecrow and pumpkins by the front door. This little buddy will help us give out candy on Halloween.
the items on the Get Your Pretty On 2019 fall capsule wardrobe shopping list. Shopped several stores before deciding on a plaid blazer at H&M. Bought the brown plaid but thinking I also might need to embrace that gray herringbone.
my Prince Charming, my Prince C., my P.C., my Paul Clingan. He has been so good. My moods in September were all over the place and he was so patient with me. He has enjoyed taking Lucia to the movies several times, has invited the kids to come over. Paul has helped me with my seasonal cleaning; we cleaned the garage a few days ago, today we took down a grouping of framed photos from our honeymoon in France, and cleaned the glass then reframed each one. I know this employment situation is as nerve racking for him as it is for me. But my hubs has been so good. I always love him, but it’s time like these that help me to realize just how much.
these d’Orsay snake skin print flats and this textured mock-neck blouson-sleeve sweater in a pretty carnation pink called full bloom. Scored this pair of Winnie pants in a cute leopard print from J.Crew Factory, along with this cotton-wool blend Teddie sweater in a trendy Spanish clay color.
Have also purchased our virtual book club’s October read, The Girls at 17 Swann Street by Yara Zgheib. From Amazon:
Anna Roux was a professional dancer who followed the man of her dreams from Paris to Missouri. There, alone with her biggest fears – imperfection, failure, loneliness – she spirals down anorexia and depression till she weighs a mere eighty-eight pounds. Forced to seek treatment, she is admitted as a patient at 17 Swann Street, a peach pink house where pale, fragile women with life-threatening eating disorders live. Women like Emm, the veteran; quiet Valerie; Julia, always hungry. Together, they must fight their diseases and face six meals a day.
Every bite causes anxiety. Every flavor induces guilt. And every step Anna takes toward recovery will require strength, endurance, and the support of the girls at 17 Swann Street. [source]
Bath and Body Works coupons. Do you get those in the mail? For some reason, we get 3 sets of coupons. I always pack them in my purse, use what I need and then pass out the rest at the store to the folks standing in line behind me. Hey, hadn’t thought of it before, but would that count as paying it forward on my bucket list?
Oh, and along with this little currently 10.2019 post, I am sharing my final summer goals update and my autumn goals!! Here they are…
Summer Goals Update
- Reach and maintain my Weight Watchers lifetime goal weight. ✅ I’m hovering around 137. Not strictly tracking my WW points but still watching what I eat and monitoring my weight. Concentrating on toning now.
- Do Wishtree book study. ✅ Finished this book last week. It was a quick, delightful read. Grab your favorite youngster and read this book together.
- Write 2 new TpT library lessons. ❌ Nope. Wrote one new lesson for our Teachers Pay Teachers store this summer but need to get after that second one.
- Train for a triathlon. ❌ This fell by the wayside. Huge goal that was just unattainable. But I’ve been working out more, and eating healthier.
- Finish spring cleaning. ✅ Yes, by golly, I have!! It went from spring to summer to ‘seasonal’ cleaning but it is done, son!
- Continue finding 30 minutes of ✌ peace everyday. ✅ Doing pretty well at this. Quiet time, listening to books, crafting, writing, napping.
- FINISH. ✅ Going to say I have done pretty well on this. Finished a number of books, my cleaning, a section of my mosaic, started painting my rocks, finally. Just need to FINISH, for Pete’s sake, finish my story.
Autumn Goals
- Finish Boxes from Betsy (working title), my children’s book. I think about it all the time. Why can’t I get it finished????
- Scrapbook Lauren and Brennyn’s weddings and Lucia’s birth. Have started working on this, now to do the tough part…finish.
- Vlog twice a month this fall. Did you catch my first vlog attempt, here? Going to get better at it, I promise.
- Write 2 more library lessons for Library Lovin’ Sisters, our TpT store. Check out our store, here.
- Complete VipKids demo lesson and submit. Hoping to get a part-time job teaching English online through VipKids.
Hope you will cheer me on over the next few months.
Your Turn
How would you respond to Anne’s prompts for Currently 10.2019? What are you arranging, embracing, loving, purchasing and sharing? You can get ‘sharing’ out of the way by sharing a comment below!
Thank you, sweet friends, for being here with me for a bit today. I enjoy sharing with you, embracing you and loving you!!
Hugs and kisses,

I love your fall decor! Your wheelbarrow is so fun! I think sharing Bath & Body Works coupons would really be appreciated and definitely counts as paying it forward. I didn’t know you were writing a children’s book! That’s really impressive! My SIL is a writer and has a few YA books published.
Jill – Doused in Pink
Who is your SIL? Would love to check out her books!! I may never get my book finished because I get so nervous about writing on it! What????
Thank you for the sweet words about my fall decor. Sure enjoyed your well decorated porch post!
I wanna decorate my porch. But, gosh, I’m so lazy. LOL But I love looking at the decorations. I guess I’ll live vicariously…
Those blazers are super cute. I need to add more to my wardrobe. I like them with boyfriend jeans.
How sweet of your husband! The Hubs has been helping me settle into my new digs at our new campus. Putting in a full day’s work. LOL
That sweater is cuuuute. I love that color. It kinda looks like cashmere.
Just do a little bit of decorating on your porch and then you might find yourself all in!!
Yes, yes, yes to blazers and boyfriend jeans. And heels. The sweater arrived and it is softie. And the color is great. I am not a big J.Crew Factory shopper but might be headed that way.
Lovely Leslie, I really lkke the scare crow; my baby would just adore you. She loves decorating dor EVERY occasion! I also love the blazer choice, I tried on the other day but couldn’t decide on the color and left both behind. But, I will go back haha!! Lovely post.
Hope you do go back for the plaid blazer. If you haven’t tried on the ones at H&M, and have a store near you, please give them a go. They were by far nicer and more reasonably priced than any I tried elsewhere.
Thank you for the sweet words about my scarecrow and fall decorating. Need to get my altar up for dia de los muertos. Thinking of doing a video about it!!
I’ve heard good things about VIP kids! Good luck with that! I love those Bath and Body Works coupons. So sweet of you to share them! I stock up at their outlets after Thanksgiving and try to get enough for the year. It’s amazing all the things you can get!
I am glad to know you have heard good things about VIPKids. I am so nervous about doing my demo. Need to just take a deep breath and do it for pity sake! Oh, I would be in pig heaven at a Bath and Body Works outlet store. Even PC likes to shop there!
I love the way people decorate their houses over there – we really don’t embrace halloween so much over here – apart from leaving a carved pumpkin outside as a sign that you are happy to have trick or treaters visit!
Oh, I like the idea of leaving a jack-o-lantern out to signal that you are giving out candy. I have the porch all decorated but we will be taking Lucia around trick-or-treating and won’t be home. One year, I set candy out, though, and came home to find we still had a little left! People were kind and didn’t take it all.
The book group book you chose sounds good! I love your wheelbarrow decor, it’s so cool! Good luck with your fall goals!
Oh, The Girls at 17 Swann Street is so good. Kind of haunting for me reliving some of what I experienced in high school and college. But a very good story.
What a fun idea to get a thrift store wheelbarrow and fill it with seasonal decor! And go you on the leopard pants – love it. Also love any mention of books – so exciting that you are working on your own, and I like the sound of The Girls at 17 Swann Street and especially Wishtree. Think that one is doable to read with a 6 year old?? Maybe he needs a couple more years on him first.
Wishtree is absolutely doable with a 6 year-old. Especially if you guys talk about it together as you read. Has he read the Wonder series? So good!!
I am spellbound by The Girls at 17 Swann Street. Probably partly because I had anorexia and it is bringing back lots of forgotten feelings and memories. It is a good story.
I love decorating my wheelbarrow. Thank you. And I have seen little wagons dressed up for fall that are awfully cute.
I like those plaid jackets. I keep meaning to try something like that, but haven’t had a chance to do it. I didn’t get the autumn goals post done either, ugh.
Thank you, Julie. H&M had some great plaid blazers and were the most reasonably priced. Lined, too. Autumn is young…go ahead and do your goals post!!
It’s great you can pass out the coupons, that’s definitely paying it forward! I love the plaid blazers on you too, but so cute! Your autumn decorations look lovely and so colourful as well 🙂
Hope that you are having a great week 🙂 I’ve just posted a giveaway on my blog!
Hello, new friend! So nice to have you come by and leave a comment. I will return the favor. Have enjoyed wearing my plaid blazer and thinking that come payday, I will add a herringbone blazer in black and white. Really enjoy decorating for the different seasons. Do you?
Heading over to your blog now! Thank you for coming by!
Okay…I’m loving those leopard jeans, Leslie. I may have to get a pair myself!! Then we could be twinsies!!
Thank you, Jodie!! I was so sad when the leopard jeans came from J.Crew and they were snug. Ran to the store to see if they had the next larger size…and they did…and they fit!! The side zipper is a little hard to zip up. But I love the fit.
You are really good at decorating! I love that wheelbarrow and I also love that you put the beaded garland I have you on your tiered tray. So pretty! Aww, it makes my heart happy to hear how good PC has been to you. He is truly a Prince Charming! 🙂 Wow!! 137 is really, really good, Leslie!! You’ve been making some great progress with Weight Watchers! I am planning on doing a 21 Day Sugar Detox Nov. 7-21 this month and I hope I can do it… that is 3 weeks without my beloved Starbucks! LOL!
Hey doll!! Thank you for all the kind words. You always war my heart. PC has been darling. I know this is a tough time for both of us but we have to remember we are on the same team!! We both have some pretty great guys.
I read that you were thinking about a sugar detox. Oh my gravy! Not sure I could do that. Is it all sugar, even fruit? Will be cheering you on and then maybe I will try it myself.
You are always so ambitious! Love your fall decor.
Thank you, sweet friend. I don’t think of myself as ambitious. In fact, I feel rather sloth=like lately. Moving slowly, not working out like I should. But going to get past this.
So happy I dropped by; gotta go check out the Get Your Pretty On list. I need inspiration for a fall wardrobe, as traditional fall shades are not my favorite colors.
Thank you for finding me and leaving a comment. I have returned the favor and stopped by to visit you. Maybe we can do a post together sometime. The Get Your Pretty On capsule wardrobe challenges are fabulous. Hope you will consider signing up for the fall challenge or the upcoming winter challenge.
Great job on your summer goals, and I hope Autumn is just as successful. You’re doing great with your weight loss goals. I really need to focus more on mine this season – need to start losing weight again and just be “better” all around.
We are slipping a little these days with the weight loss and exercising but will get back at it. Been in a funk over PC’s job situation. Hard to want to do anything when you are not feeling it.
Congrats on meeting and maintaining your WW goal weight! I am just 10 lbs away and I feel like the weight loss has practically come to a stand still.. but I know if I keep tracking and watching it will eventually catch up.
Congratulations on your great progress on losing weight. It does feel good, doesn’t it? We are at a stand still, too, but I am not really wanting to lose more weight. However, we aren’t working out right now either. Have been in a slump. Hope to get back at it TODAY!
Your fall decorations all look nice!! I used to get Bath and Body Works coupons, haven’t gotten them in a long time though. Looks like you did well with your summer goals!
Thanks, Dee. Those Bath and Body Works coupons are dangerous. They always work to get me into the store!!
Your fall decorations are adorable! Great job pulling all that together. And I love the jacket. You should definitely go back and get the other one too. Looks like your fall is off to a great start!
This payday, Penny, I am going back for the other jacket. Thanks!! I visited it this past weekend. There are 2 in my size. Hope they don’t disappear before I get back in there to buy them.