Good morning, good evening, good night nurse, my friends. Thanks for joining me for Sentence a Day 11.2024 – a long-winded review of my November in one run-on sentence a day. Overall, this was a pretty fair month. Looking forward to even better in the last month of the year. Always like to end on a high note, don’t you??
Before We Jump In
As I have always said, I write these sentences for me. As a way of keeping track of what all has happened and when. I know this is really a lot of gibberish. A bunch of stuff I really don’t expect anyone to wade through!! But it helps me to reflect on each day, and record the important things so I can keep them straight, if not in my mind, on ‘paper’ at least. So, with that being said, please know you are free from any expectation that you need to read every word.
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And you can find where I link-up on this page.
Sentence a Day & OGT
Every month I try very hard to get my SaD post together once the month is over, in order to make the What’s Been on Your Calendar? link-up with Deb at Deb’s World, Sue who blogs at Women Living Well After 50, Donna from Retirement Reflections and Jo who can be found at And Anyways. The link-up opens on the last Friday of each month and is only open a few days. So I am not always successful in joining the gals. Hope to link up this post with for Jennifer’s Thankful Thursday series over at Overflowing with Thankfulness, too.
Que Mas?
I also share an OGT = one good thing for each day; something each day for which I am grateful. Try to update the progress I have made or lack there of toward incorporating my WOTY = word of the year into my day to day. And when I have had occasion to get dressed for the day, I like to share a few OOTDs = outfits of the day.
Sentence a Day 11.2024
November was a kinder, gentler month. Hallelujah. Here’s how it looked.
Hello, November
- Feliz Dia de los Muertos. First whole day wearing 2 shoes since 08.29, limping and very stiff on the first steps after sitting for a bit; made these homemade-y cinnamon rolls from a refrigerated roll – yum; showered, did our first day of NaNoWriMo writing (941 words toward my 733 words per day goal); put together a homemade chicken noodle soup; doctor appointment to go over my annual labs – all very good!!, mammogram was normal, too; tried to take my wheelchair and scooter back but the organization is moving and won’t reopen until Monday; split a sandwich and bowl of soup at Capriotti’s; enjoyed the movie “Here” with Tom Hanks and Robin Wright described as “Multiple generations of couples and families inhabit the same home over the course of a century.” – apparently doesn’t get great reviews but we both liked it; kitty visit and by that time my foot was pretty puffy and sore; home to eat soup and watch “The Floor” and the beginning of season 2 of the “Lioness.” 11.01.2024 OGT: wholesome movie with a good story and no violence
- Slept on the newest mattress for the first time and both of us tossed and turned; the mattress is so tall, makes our bed look like something George Washington would have climbed onto to sleep, and it is hard, oy vey; we had heavenly rain with thunder and lightning in the night; PC woke up at 2:00 am, then at 4:00 am when he got up to knock out his NaNoWriMo writing for the day; he played baseball then had lunch with a couple of ball playing friends; I did my writing then scrapbooked with Valerie; did our kitty drop-in visit, picked up groceries, warmed up leftover chicken noodle soup for dinner; my ankle is more swollen than ever, so tiresome. 11.02.2024 OGT: rain, rain, rain
Princess and the Pea
- Second night on the mattress was better, thank goodness; busy day even though I really wanted to elevate my leg; no church, took donations for our writing group’s food basket for the Lee Moor Children’s Home across the mountain to Dick and Denise, ran by the kids’ house to drop off children’s hangers I no longer need and carbon paper for Lauren to use on the “Snow Happy” project, the girls are sick so we didn’t get close but both called out ‘I love you’ and Cami told me how beautiful I looked (in leggings and a sweatshirt – God love that angel); had a Taco Cabana breakfast taco; dropped off clothes at Uptown Cheapskate – made $112, took other clothes to Goodwill; quick workout at the gym; iced my swollen foot; got laundry done; watched football; grilled homemade hamburgers for dinner; had rain showers off and on all afternoon; sold our stationary bike; read blog posts; did my NaNoWriMo writing; going to be cold with a possibility of snow showers in Pinos Altos tomorrow, our getaway destination. 11.03.2024 OGT: anticipation of our writing getaway
Three’s Charm?
- Three’s charm…this new mattress might almost be comfortable; terribly windy all night and when we awoke, rained again sometime in the night, too; did over 30 minutes of weight equipment – arms and abs – at the gym; breakfast, showered, packed; took the humane kitty trap back to my friend Benita, picked up books at the library, filled the tank and stopped by the bank (that rhymes) and then we were off to Pinos Altos; stopped at the Las Cruces Red Lobster for lunch (PC’s treat for winning a bet about when my ortho boot would come off); the drive into the mountains was lovely; Bear Creek cabins did not disappoint!!; there was even snow on the ground and on the roof tops from a morning snow shower; unpacked the car, took lots of pictures inside and out; warmed up leftover Red Lobster for dinner; PC built a fire in the adobe fireplace; did my first day of the Jesus Calling “Practicing Thankfulness” Bible study and my NaNoWriMo writing while watching football; enjoying a little slice of heaven tonight. 11.04.2024 OGT: safe travels to the mountains, snow, cozy cabin, my PC

Needed Getaway
- Delightful to awaken to sunlight coming in the skylight near the foot of the bed; enjoyed watching the sky change from night to morning (as we were up at 5:00 am); breakfast in the cabin, showered, dressed and off for Silver City and a morning of story writing at Tranquil Buzz coffee shop – a quaint cafe with so many interesting decorations to appreciate and a spicy mug of Chai; wrote for about 2 hours then headed out into the sunshine to walk around town, through an antique mall, and window shopping at jewelry and book stores; lunch at Little Toad Creek Brewery and Distillery, I had a grilled Swiss on rye with chilis and PC the BBQ; stopped to take pictures here and there, back to the cabin and walked around the premise; turned on Fox News for the election returns; leftover sandwich for me, frozen pot pie for Paul; worked on blog posts with one eye on the TV; no final results yet, heading to bed to watch TV there. 11.05.2024 OGT: breathtaking scenery, new sights to see
- Not long after midnight, Trump was declared the winner and 47th President-elect; PC was up before sunrise just his stocks and waiting for the market to open; showered, dressed in my Ageless Style look then headed to Birdwell’s Vintage Vibes for pastry and coffee (cocoa and PSL); we wrote for about an hour and a half then walked through some little shops; popped through a little museum, check out La Capilla (chapel) and then had lunch at La Jalisco Mexican restaurant; clouds began building in the north, forecast of a winter storm In Santa Fe, a little concerned about what we may wake up to find here; hope we can get home safely; Declan is running a fever again. 11.06.2024 OGT: moving better; CBD rosemary mint lotion that relieves the pain in my foot
No Place Like It
- Home again, home again, jiggety jig!! What a restful, cozy getaway; woke up to a fresh layer of ice on the rooftop, car, and porch walk; chilly, but the sun soon came out and began warming things up; slept all night long – what???; had yogurt for breakfast after our showers; packed up and were on the road before 10:00 am; traveled under cloudy skies the whole way; stopped at Luna Rossa winery for a couple of bottles of vine; picked up Panda Express on our way to the house; puddles everywhere; kitties were glad to see us; did our writing and just relaxed all afternoon, tomorrow we get back on track; Thursday night football – PC and my fantasy teams are playing each other. 11.07.2024 OGT: a restful, enjoyable trip and safe travels back home
- Oooo, was so chilly in the night, thankful for our very old electric blanket that kept us warm; we snuggled with the kitties in bed before getting up; Bren wrote that Declan has strep, poor baby, you would never know looking at him; breakfast then gym, returned the insurance-loaned wheelchair and scooter; stopped at Lowe’s to get a replacement for our kitchen faucet; had to call and remind my doctor to send PT orders; have lost a week waiting on them to do their job; Paul worked on sink and replaced front door latch; scrapbooked a little and started work on my “Snow Happy” door round; made this pumpkin sausage pasta for dinner – you need to try it!!; didn’t get to our writing until after dinner; Cami and Cia were both student of the week in their classes!!; have struggled with my phone, laptop today, grrrr; finished reading “The Happiest Man on Earth“; Bible study before bed. 11.08.2024 OGT: no longer need my wheelchair or scooter
Thankful for Covers
- Slept burrowed under all the blankets and quilts, so snuggly; up with the alarm at 8:oo am, need to stop all of this languishing in bed for an hour or more; did our writing right after breakfast then off to the gym where I did 6 upper body weight machines in 40 minutes; home to shower and dress and head around the mountain (not over today) for Cami’s gymnastics showcase – girlfriend is so strong and does so well, with such pizzazz; all of us went to Chick-fil-a for lunch, the girls played in the play area, we visited with Lauren and Francisco; walked the perimeter of the outlet mall, bought Christmas-y wallflower plugins, home to watch Tennessee football, a win against Mississippi State; my back has been hurting lately, probably lack of exercise but got 7k steps today. 11.09.2024 OGT: the way the girls love PC and vice versa, Cami’s dedication to gymnastics
- Another Sunday and no church; I checked for the theme of this month’s messages and it is managing emotions, definitely something I could benefit from; we need to get back to church; fixed a good breakfast then we sat down to write; I hung the Thanksgiving banners my sister gave me and we decided that tomorrow we will start our fall spring cleaning – hurray; did some abs, arms and an elliptical type machine at the gym; started painting my “Snow Happy” door decor with Valerie; leftovers for dinner; lots of football today but PC’s fantasy football team shellacked mine; Lauren traveled all day to Chicago for meetings this week; Facetimed with Bren; nice day. 11.10.2024 OGT: being home today
I Love My Vet
- Salute to my veteran and all the veterans!! Spent most of last night purging things all over the house from my bed rather than sleeping!! Four hours of tossing and turning, inventorying everything in the house – no bueno; dragged myself out of bed and had breakfast while PC had an MRI of his shoulder, he really detests MRIs but thankfully this one wasn’t enclosed; did all the laundry including washing the drapes in the living and dining room; PC washed the very tall windows from his folding ladder, I cleaned the blinds, window sills, he dusted art on the walls and light fixtures,I removed everything from the buffet, washed it, purged some things, and put everything back in; tomorrow we finish these 2 rooms with thorough dusting, vacuuming, and washing the baseboards; went with Paul to PT so I could find out why I haven’t been called to start my physical therapy; was given an appointment for 10 days from now!!, GRRRrrrr; skipped the gym as my foot was very swollen, Chipotle for dinner; football on TV, PC’s team beat mine this week; my sweet sister-in-law was in a bad wreck this afternoon but God protected her and she wasn’t badly injured. 11.11.2024 OGT: Leeann is safe tonight, recovering from her wreck; my soldier PC

Getting It Done
- Loved this day except for the tiny little meltdown I had when, after 30 minutes in the oven, the pork chops had not browned and my foot hurt, and I was tired; we did our writing after breakfast and then jumped back into the fall spring cleaning – oh, how I love getting our house cleaned up!!; I dusted most of the living and dining room furniture (a few pieces left for tomorrow) and PC cleaned the upholstery; I washed the baseboards and we rehung the drapes; will finish tomorrow; got our VIPS applications renewed so we can help at the girls’ school/attend luncheons; went to the gym for a quick 30-minute workout then did our first drop-in visit with 2 new kitty clients; home to fix Mix and Match Mama’s schnitzel recipe with mashed potatoes and corn; watched the latest episode of “Lioness” and then “Monsters” about the Melendez killings. 11.12.2024 OGT: our clean living and dining room
- Guess who has the cleanest living and dining room in the land? Oh, yeah, baby!! We finished today. And I just want to sit in there and smile; we did our writing after breakfast then dove in to putting the final touches on our cleaning; PC used the carpet cleaner on the area rug; I finished dusting and washing the baseboards then we put it all back together; I set the table for Thanksgiving, and I am in love again with my house, so blessed, so thankful to Paul; worked on my “Snow Happy” door round; picked out paint samples for painting the baseboards (hello fall goal), quick workout at the gym, met 2 new puppy clients that we will be watching over the holidays; did a drop-in visit with Brooks and Peaches; cheesy chicken and broccoli casserole for supper; tracked my WW points; watched the happy ending to the “Golden Bachelorette.” 11.13.2024 OGT: growing Rover clientele and those opportunities to make extra money
Working Back to Normalcy
- Subbing!! Had accepted this half-day sub job the first week of school in August, turns out it is my first sub job for the year, now need to get about 3.5 more assignments before the Christmas vacation; up early to do quiet time before I left; PC had to drive me to Paul Moreno Elementary – had never subbed there before; he went by to see his former work colleagues then swung back by to pick me up at noon; the kids were very good – 3 boys in a Special Ed class; ran to Lowe’s to get PAINT for the baseboards and edging to begin work on the walk – 2 fall goals!!; late lunch at Boozy Taco, split a quesadilla; picked up Christmas books at the library for the book club December consideration list; did our kitty visits, tracked my points again today; Bren shared Declan’s school pictures, he is a beautiful baby. 11.14.2024 OGT: chance to be back in a school with kids again
- Fri-YAY!! Did my Bible study lesson in bed this morning before starting my day; put all of our laundry away; breakfast, NaNoWriMo writing, which is going surprisingly well, finished the first draft of “Purple Dress” – yay, me!!; picked up groceries at Walmart, and the water bottle I left behind at school yesterday, took my new Google phone to Spectrum to be set up which was surprisingly quick; home to put groceries away; painted on my snowman with my sister on Facetime for a few minutes; gym, 2 kitty visits, then Paul picked up Burger King for dinner after dropping me at home; tired tonight but a good tired; watched Thursday night football while I worked on updating my phone apps and my passwords list, tedious. 11.15.2024 OGT: my foot has felt better for 2 days now
- Had planned to jump out of bed and set our gym equipment and other odds and ends out in an impromptu garage sale but didn’t feel like it!!; PC went to the ball park to see if they needed him to play but they had enough guys and he didn’t want to potentially hurt his shoulder more by playing – the MRI shows he has tendinosis, now to find out what can be done; painted on the letters on my snow man door round; did our writing; cleaned out the closet under the stairs, gathered more things for a someday garage sale; bite of lunch; gym, kitty visits; home to eat leftovers and watch the Tennessee-Georgia football game, ate well, tracked WW. 11.16.2024 OGT: I’ve lost almost a pound.
- Glad to be back in church this morning, and the message was about controlling your emotions, something I struggle to do at times; Facetimed with Brennyn in the parking lot after the service; got our name on the iHop waiting list and met Lauren, Francisco and the babies for breakfast; the girls had made us some early Christmas presents which they had packed in boxes and wrapped in handmade wrapping paper, so dear, so heartwarming; the girls were animated and talkative and fun; good breakfast; then walked around the outlet mall – every chance she could get me alone, Cam would ask to borrow my lipstick!!; had our pictures taken with Santa; big hugs goodbye when we got in our individual cars to go home; painted on my snowman with Valerie; did our kitty visits; homemade chicken noodle soup and grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner; we opened our boxes and they were filled with sweet, colorful artwork; a framed drawing by Lucia and some beautiful handmade kitty stickers based on the characters in our make-believe game “Babies” that we always play in the car; Cami drew herself in full make up and heels and some kitties, too, with incredibly long eyelashes; we have the sweetest babies with the best hearts; football this evening and a very close Cincinnati Bengals game. 11.17.2024 OGT: being with family, Paul’s love for the girls and vice versa, love love love

Another Week
- Monday, I love a good Monday!! We did our writing right after breakfast and then tackled another fall spring cleaning project, the laundry room; to start I did a deep clean of the washer; popped a round roast in the crock pot; we went to the gym and Lowe’s and then came home to dive into cleaning; moved the appliances, cleaned them and behind them; washed baseboards, door frames and doors; cleaned and organized the cabinets above the washer and dryer with all of the pet supplies, towels we use for bathing them; fixed lunch; watched a little of the Laken Riley murder trial; did our kitty drop-in visits, home to eat French dip sandwiches and watch football; my fantasy football team kicked behind this week!! 11.18.2024 OGT: another clean space
First Turkey Day
- Busy day; showered, dressed and off for PC’s urologist’s appointment, took a blood sample to check his PSA, praying it is undetectable; drove across town to the westside, renewed library books, walked through Kohls then met Lauren at the girls’ school for Cami’s Thanksgiving lunch – which was delicious, she was tickled to have us there and Lauren brought me purple dress; back over the mountain to Paul’s doctor appointment about his shoulder – the doctor says the tendon damage is probably not reversible, referred him to an orthopedic specialist; home to write and back brownies for our writing group meeting; back across the mountain, picked up pizzas for the group; lots of laughs over our prompt writing tonight – what if our pets could talk? – back across the mountain to do our drop-in visit with Brooks and Peaches; home to watch more Laken Riley murder trial on YouTube and to write my Ageless Style post. 11/19.2024 OGT: being with Cami; getting medical help for our assorted issues right now

Second Turkey Day
- Hate when I forget to write my sentence for the day. Now to remember what happened 2 days ago…yikes. Oh, I know…it was another crazy day…we managed to get our writing underway when I realized that we had to be across the mountain for Lucia’s Thanksgiving dinner 30 minutes earlier than I remembered; fastest shower ever, threw on my clothes, and we were off; lunch was yummy and our baby girl was just precious angel, as we like to say; we headed back home for a bit then off to physical therapy, PC finished his for his shoulder and I started mine for my foot; PC’s PSA results came back undetectable for cancer – thank You, God; gym then last kitty drop-in visit for awhile; Burger King grilled chicken sandwich, hold the mayo for dinner; made a grocery order for May; watched “Lioness,” so good, very tired tonight. 11.20.2024 OGT: starting PT to strengthen my foot, being with Cia, PC is CANCER-FREE

Precious Baby
- Thursday – I think I am telling myself, more than telling you – I never know what day it is; started the day with a phone call from our financial advisor; Bible study in bed; showered and dressed for working out; did our writing, I am editing “Purple Dress” right now, but editing it for what??; cleaned the downstairs bathroom, hallway, hall closet from baseboards to light fixtures, washed shower curtain and all towels; late lunch then off to the gym for 35 minutes of semi-cardio (trying a little stationary bike); walk around the block; have lost almost 3 pounds; nachos for supper with a beer and Thursday night football; messaged with my friend Dani, would like to meet her; Cami made a Christmas card for my mom in Heaven!! 11.21.2024 OGT: friends from blogging
Not Enough Hours in the Day
I truly don’t know where the hours go each day. Yes, we are sleeping later than we did when Paul worked but it isn’t as if we are sleeping ’til noon, for heaven’s sake.
- Jumped out of bed with alarm to get in the shower ahead of PC who had a stretch appointment across town at 9:00 am; while he was gone I ironed for 2 hours and am almost caught up with the exception of shorts I was wearing back in August before I broke my foot; we went to see “Wicked” at the theater at noon, it was entertaining and boy, Ariana Grande and Cynthia Erivo sure can sing, but the songs weren’t things I can see myself singing, and this was a part one so there is more to come; ran into the library to pick up 2 books and the young man behind the circulation desk was one of my students, who actually recognized me before I did him; home to paint on my “Snow Happy” snowman with Valerie; walk around the park; did my PT at home; leftover French Dip sammies for super; we both feel kind of puny – sore throats, tired and Lauren’s crew is sick; figured out the December book club consideration list; Facetimed with Cia and Cam and they escorted me about the zoos they had drawn on paper, very detailed drawings. 11.22.2024 OGT: grandbabies
Unhappy Feet
- Really tired tonight and my foot is unhappy, too; we pulled everything out of the garage for an impromptu garage sale this morning, selling things we have collected from the rooms we have deep cleaned and our garage, too; sold about 75% of the stuff we had out there and gave away some of the leftovers; quick bite of lunch then painted on my “Snow Happy” for a few minutes; off to the gym for 35 minutes of cardio and some weights; on to the commissary for Thanksgiving food; dinner at Casita Linda; put the groceries up and iced my foot; blog reading tonight with one eye on college football on TV. 11.23.2024 OGT: having money to buy Thanksgiving groceries and family to celebrate with
Happily Home
- This is the kind of day I LOVE; we were home except for a quick trip to the gym; did our writing on the pool deck by the hot tub; went through our nightstands and cleaned them out; tried on jeans and purged a couple of pairs of pants; sold the inverse table to a poor soul who really looked like he needed it to relieve pain, hope it will be a blessing to him; at the gym I did about 35 minutes of cardio, some abs machines; finished my book “The Love Elixir of Augusta Stern” by Lynda Cohen Loigman, a very enjoyable read/listen; painted on my “Snow Happy;” soaked in the hot tub while eating dinner and burned a torn up American flag in our fire pit; made a video reading the first paragraphs of the 6 books on the book club’s consideration list for December; sent out the book summaries and voting link and the voting has begun!!; started a new book on my Kindle, “The Ballerina of Auschwitz” by Edith Eva Eger; today was the 23rd anniversary of baby Andrew’s death. 11.24.2024 OGT: being home
Pennies from Heaven
- Did my quiet time and Bible study in bed; showered, ate breakfast, fed kitties (I do this everyday, even if I don’t mention it – ha); started laundry, changed sheets then out the door for the gym; did arms machines today while listening to a new book, “What Does it Feel Like?” by Sophie Kinsella; picked up some puzzle, crossword, coloring books at Dollar Tree then took them and our jigsaw puzzles to the Ambrosio Guillen Texas State Veterans Home; took 3 pairs of pants to Uptown Cheapskate and perused the new store across the street Daiso, cute, inexpensive Japanese-based dollar store/yen store; did our writing in the library; home to fix manicotti for dinner; began fall spring cleaning of our downstairs guest room, washed baseboards, blinds, window, cleaned fan, dusted art on the wall, PC vacuumed and cleaned carpet; painted on my “Snow Happy” but kind of messed it up!!; ate dinner, Supernatural workout; Monday night football, another tough loss for my Pale Pink Pork Bellies this week. 11.25.2024 OGT: found 3 pennies, beautiful colors in the changing trees
More Fall Spring Cleaning
- Had to be up early for my first day of physical therapy at 7:30, an hour of treadmill, exercises, stretches that left my foot and ankle feeling loosened up some; we had breakfast at iHop and did our writing there; went to the gym afterward; home to put the downstairs bedroom back together again – looks so nice!!; my new Edison bedside lamps arrived and they are fabulous, love the dimming feature, very cute; Lauren and the girls came over late in the afternoon after Cia’s first orthodontist appointment to soak in the hot tub and help us eat up leftovers; Cami pulled out a half-dozen of my heels to play shoe store; Cia brought her poster-sized drawing of all the animals at the zoo; poor Cia’s new spacer was bothering her; we watched “Lioness” after they left. 11.26.2024 OGT: physical therapy to help my foot return to normal
- We are setting the alarm these days so we don’t sleep half the morning away; after breakfast I talked to May, my MIL, PC wrote on his story; went to the gym; I did a kitty drop-in visit and PC picked up our grocery order at Walmart; stopped at Dollar Tree to buy poster boards for the girls to draw on at Thanksgiving; finished my “Snow Happy” door round; fixed hot dogs and soup for supper; did a standing Supernatural workout – the first one since I broke my foot; watched “Hacks” on Cinemax which is pretty good, baked our pumpkin pie. 11.27.2024 OGT: painting
Third Turkey Day
- Happy Thanksgiving!! If you are here wading through this drivel, I am thankful for YOU!! After breakfast baked the little girls’ favorite cake; mixed up sweet potatoes, prepared potatoes and jalapeño poppers then off to the gym, did the treadmill; drop in visit with Lily and Rosie; fixed stuffing and popper Tom Turk in the oven; put together twice baked potatoes while PC did green bean casserole and poppers; the kids arrived and the ham went in while we soaked in the hot tub; pulled everything together and we were eating by 4:30; my favorite is always the turkey and stuffing and pumpkin pie; watched “The Wizard of Oz” with Cia and Cami alternating turns on my lap; took them to do a kitty drop-in visit with us so Lauren could have a few minutes down time; the girls enjoyed drawing on poster boards I bought them; they were off for home and I had the kitchen cleaned up by 7:30; thankful for all of Paul’s help over the last few months; love of family and friends. 11.28.2024 OGT: finding Paul
- Fri-YAY!! Black Friday, in fact. No shopping for us unless you count getting the kitties’ their vaccinations, and X-rays for Purrcival because he has been limping on his right rear leg – no fracture, thank goodness, just soft tissue involvement, prescribed pain meds for 3 days, a $350 and 3 hour visit; dropped the kitties back home; lunch of leftovers; over the mountain to take paints to Lauren for her “Snow Happy” door round, and leftover cake and pie from yesterday; around the city and back toward home to do a kitty drop-in visit for Lily and Rosie, then gym workout then our other drop-in visit with Tink; snacky supper, watched “Hacks” til bedtime, my foot is really hurting and swollen again,; my book club selected “The Book Club Hotel” by Sarah Morgan for its December read. 11.29.2024 OGT: having the money to take care of our kitties
Hasta la Vista, November
- Last official day of NaNoWriMo writing challenge – we both met our goals; was supposed to meet Benita for breakfast but canceled last night because my foot was so sore; PC took me for coffee at Starbucks and we wrote a little; stopped at Old Navy for Xmas/bday clothes for Dec; split a taco at Taco Tote; did our last drop-in visit with Rosie and Lily, will be glad to have some time off from Rover jobs; home to change clothes for the gym; did a 60 minute workout on a variety of machines including upper body and bike; took down all of my fall decor; now to try to convince Paul to help get out the Christmas. 11.30.2024 OGT: faithful to our writing challenge
And that’s a wrap!!
1 Second Each Day
Here’s a quick video review of my second to last month of the year.
Check me out!! I am finally wearing something more than sweats and wide leg pants. Even managed to squeeze into my straight leg jeans. And went through all of the pants in my closet, trying everything on and was pleasantly surprised that everything fit…with the exception of 2 pairs of skinnies I needed to get rid of. And a pair of jeans from Lucky with a button fly that wouldn’t button or fly. Never did really ‘get’ button fly jeans.
You might remember for the Ageless Style link-up this month, we styled brown and cream – or in my case, coffee and cream. Can you spot that outfit below? Most recently, I wore the burgundy kimono/shawl/wrap with the jeans and turtleneck. Feels good to be back in real clothes. Splurged on a third Wiholl activewear matching set from Amazon, here. Now I have black, blue and a cream or ivory color. These are so comfortable, sooooo soft. And I have had a number of compliments on them. They are on sale for Cyber Monday, too!!
2024 Word of the Year (WOTY)
My word of the year for 2024 has been lighten. As is almost always the case in LIFE, we have had some trials this year that kept us from being very light. Here are a couple of ways I’ve lightened up this month.
- no more orthopedic boot
- began earnestly tracking Weight Watchers points and have lost about 3 pounds
- sold our home gym equipment (which I loved having but PC didn’t use much), so our garage looks more like a garage and less like a very tiny gym
- joined the gym and have gone 20 out of the 30 days in November
- started fall spring cleaning and have purged a number of odds and ends aside from the gym equipment
- purged fall decorations and will be able to pack away the things I am keeping into a smaller bin
In this last month of the year, hoping to continue to lighten up in all of the areas above. Weight loss, purging more stuff as we continue our fall spring cleaning. Will go through our Christmas decorations and see what I can part with. We want to get into our garage and rearrange, clean, reorganize everything in there. Hope we can make that happen.
Your Turn
How was your November, my friends? What would you rate it on a scale of 1-10? I think I’d give mine about a 7. Fewer frustrating days and definitely more mobile this month. Hope by this time next month, I will be walking much more normally and for longer periods of time.
Thank you for spending some of your busy day here with me. Hope during this hectic holiday month, you take time to take care of YOU!!
Hugs and kisses,

Hi Leslie – it looks like it was a full and fun November – so glad the foot is healing well and you have it free from all the support structure that you’ve had to put up with for so long. Nice to see that your WOTY panned out well and that you feel lighter and happy. I published my end of the year WOTY post today and was reminded of how helpful I find this idea to be – it works so much better for me than resolutions or bucket lists – less task focused and more growth focused.
November was a very good month. I feel guilty for hoping December might even be better. But I am greedy like that!!
I still enjoy my bucket list making when things aren’t upside down in my life and I feel like I might have a chance at actaully doing some of the activities on my lists.
Thank you for coming by to visit.
You are pretty good in selling stuff! How nice that you can have a garage sale, we aren’t allowed here. And how great is it to work out right. I always feel better when I do it. I hope for you that december will be a fabulous month!
Ha!! Thank you. We can have garage sales pretty much as often as need be!! We hope to sell the last piece of gym equipment today. And then we need to take everything out of the garage and clean it!!
Now that sounds like a much better month! So pleased that your foot is healed enough to wear normal shoes and do some exercise and great to hear that PC’s test results were exactly what you wanted to hear 🙂
Thank you, sweet friend. I am feeling much better. And even wore heels twice, TWICE, in the last week. Yes, we are so relieved to know PC continues to be cancerfree. What a gift.
So very happy results came back cancer free for PC! Wonderful news! And happy your boot is off. Looks like your getaway was so needed. Hope PT continues to help!
Thank you, doll. We have much to celebrate as we move into 2025.
Leslie, I really enjoy the sentence a day post. It is curiously fun to venture thru a day with you and I truly admire your dedication to excercise. So wonderful that your PC is helping to clean your house from top to bottom. What an accomplishment! Having flown into El Paso on our way to Riudoso I am curious what you mean when you have to travel ‘over the mountain’.
Thank you so much for coming by!! I am blessed to have such a supportive PC. We have our downstairs about clean now, in time for the holidays. Hurray!! Onward and upward to the second floor!!
El Paso is bisected by the Franklin Mountain range. Most of the city is on the east side of the mountains but about a 1/4th of the city is on the west side of the mountains. In order to travel from east to west, you have to drive all the way through the city, kind of around the city. Or you have to drive across the city on the Transmountain Road that crosses the mountains. That I the route I usually use as it is beautiful!!
How did you enjoy Ruidoso? Would like to get up there this season!!
You are the sweetest thing!! So glad you find something enjoyable about my Sentence a Day posts. I know it is a lot of drivel but life is made up of a lot of routine (which I love) and then some trials and some magical moments. PC has been AMAZING about cleaning this houe. We have only the garage left to do and then we move to the second story.
November does sound like such a great month between the fun little getaway, the cancer-free news, and all that house cleaning! Your snow round painting is so cute. I really enjoyed The Book Club Hotel book; it is adorable.
November was much kinder and gentler. Hoping we have more of that in 2025. Thank you, sweet friend.
Praise the Lord for PC’s blood test!! Wonderful news, Leslie! I really would like you to come live with me for about a month and help me deep clean my house. I used to know how to do it, but I seem to have forgotten. Or, maybe it’s that I just don’t have the willpower to actually do it. A New Years Resolution, perhaps? Love that you had three Thanksgivings! One was more than enough for me. And, how in the world is Declan in school? Wow, time really does fly!
So excited that you might do a bucket list and goals with me. Love you!!
You got some really good cleaning down.
The fire looks nice and cozy. Declan is adorable!
Lovely photos