Morning Glories,
Howdy from Ohio! We are on the second leg of our whirlwind 3-state tour. Visited with mom in Lexington, KY first, now just north of Dayton in Tipp City with PC’s fam. Haven’t had a whole lot of time for blog reading or writing but wanted to share my summer bucket list update 08.2019 real quick.
With one month left to accomplish everything remaining, I need to print this list and get it on my frig to remind me of what we are lacking. If you missed the earlier summer bucket list posts, you can catch up here and here.
Now let’s see where I am at the end of August.
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- Paint rocks to give away or take a painting class. Pending
- Take a pottery class through Falcon Pottery & Art Studio. Pending
- Attend an outdoor music event. ✔️ Just last Friday night. Went to the movies to see “Blinded by the Light” about the Pakistani teen living in Great Britain who is inspired by Bruce Springsteen’s music. Then took our Origami cranes to the shooting memorial. Had a beer – for me it was a chocolate lager called Abuela (grandmother) Stout and pretzels at Dead Beach Brewery. Listened to an ’80’s band on the patio of the Abraham Chavez auditorium.

- Watch fireworks. ✔️ On the 3rd of July after the Chihuahua’s win at Southwest University Ball Park.
- Go on a nature scavenger hunt. Pending. Have some ideas pinned on my Outdoor Adventures board.
- Finally plan that blessed backward date. ✔️ We had a really great day!! I used the backward date for our anniversary celebration. Need to write that post.
- Play Pictionary. Pending. Didn’t happen in Ft. Worth. Wondering if I can sneak the board into my suitcase to play on our trip. Stay tuned.
- Snap a photo of all us girls. ✔️ So, I still don’t have a professional photographer’s photo of us but I do have a couple of selfies now. Who knew how hard it can be to get 5 people to smile and keep their eyes open at the same time.

- Water fun in Ft. Worth. ✔️ Our day at Hawaiian Falls did not disappoint. Water slides, wave pool, lazy river and pepperoni pizza. And without mentioning any names – one of us ate a whole lot of Doritos.
- Check out routes for bike ride & run for the Mighty Mujer Triathlon. Going to call this a bust. Have decided I cannot participate in a triathlon with the trouble I am having with my right leg. Instead what I am working on is being able to swim, run and ride my bike the distances required in a triathlon. Then if I decide to try to participate in one next spring, maybe I can.
- Swim at night or skinny dip. Pending.
- Take donations to the animal shelter. Pending.
- Make food donations at church or pay it forward. ✔️ Donated hygiene products and cleaning supplies to our church for the elderly. Made Origami cranes for the memorial for the El Paso shooting victims. Still hoping to pay it forward.
- Get a custom temporary tattoo. Pending. So. Frustrated. Ordered my custom temporary tattoo on 07.09. Have never received it. Had hoped to have it to wear in Ft. Worth but that trip has come and gone. I’ve emailed Momentary Ink several times, to which they reply that there was an error but my order will be shipped shortly. Now thinking I will order from another temp tatt place. But won’t see my girls together until Christmas. Maybe by that time my order will have finally arrived?
- Shop a new store. Pending. But I did try Fashom and loved it. Hoping to hit the outlet mall near Dayton, Ohio so maybe I will discover a new store there. Stay tuned.
- Investigate going natural. ✔️ Going to give myself a check on this one. Haven’t colored my hair yet, which is good. Used a deep smoky ash Expresso glaze from Madison Reed to neutralize the brassiness of my highlights without covering the gray. Also, bought some purple shampoo and conditioner at Sally’s which has helped to neutralize the blonde.
- Bake a cobbler – hopefully peach. Pending. Bought the filling and have everything for the crumb topping. Just need to mix it together and bake it. Will make that a priority when we return from our trip to KY-OH-TN.
- Try a new recipe for the grill. ✔️ Found this recipe for ginger steak marinade with rum on Pinterest. Had all of the ingredients, well, except the fresh ginger, which I don’t care for. Used ground ginger instead. The meat was delicious and tender. A little sweet, a little spicy.
You might remember that the items in this category are only ‘maybes’; not going to even work on these until I know PC has a job. But a girl can dream. And I have been adding things to Pinterest for both of these projects. These are both still on hold as PC has no job prospects at this time. The last thing I need is patio furniture and a new cactus themed kitchen!
- *Begin changing kitchen theme. Want to do something southwest. Maybe cactus? Have been wish-listing canister sets like this one or maybe these? We’ll see how the job search goes.
- *Begin freshening up the patio furniture and backyard. And when our ship comes in, hope to replace the patio furniture. Maybe start with some chaise lounges like these? Have so enjoyed my quiet time on the patio this summer.
How are you coming on your summer bucket list? Won’t you share your update, 08.2019 with us by linking-up below? Or leave a comment with an update on the activities you have enjoyed this season. Then pop by to visit with a few of the other bloggers sharing their summer bucket list update 08.2019. It’s such fun to read what everyone else has been up to.
Please keep in mind we will be sharing our autumn bucket lists and final summer update on 09.21.2019. Would love to have YOU join us. Fall is my favorite season and there are so many fun things to do. Start working on your list now, gals!!
Thank you for coming by. Hope your week has gone along swimmingly.
Hugs and kisses,

You always inspire me! I love the pictures of all of you girls! So much love!
Don’t hate me – I could not get my act together to do my update – but it is coming! I promise!!
Could never hate you!! Look forward to your update when you get to it. Please think about doing a fall list and linking up with us. If for no reason other than to give yourself some direction on things you want to accomplish. No updates required! Your upcoming six posts with your darling buds could be a biggie on your fall bucket list. You guys have been planning this for awhile.
It looks like you’re doing a lot of fun things this summer, and yay for crossing off some items! I can’t wait to hear about the Backwards date. I think I want to see Blinded By the Light – it looks really good. I still need to go and see Yesterday though!
Go go go see Yesterday. Grab your sister, your gal pals and go! So. Good.
You’re doing great on your list! So frustrating about the tattoo not arriving!
Finally have the tattoo. But it was over a month late. Frustrating. Come make a fall bucket list with me!
GRRRRR on that temporary tattoo thing! GET WITH IT PEOPLE!
Finally received my tattoo but the whole point was to have it in JULY!! Ugh.
Such a beautiful family.
I’m trying to do the natural thing too. It’s so stressful. I have a million different colors and textures. *sigh*
I wouldn’t have guessed that you are going’natural’ as your hair looks great and not the least bit striped like mine does!! We can do this! However, I almost colored my hair last weekend. Need to be strong and see how it is going to look.
Thank you for the comments on mi familia. I love them so.
It looks like you’ve had a fun-filled, productive summer, Leslie. I love your photos. Thanks for sharing them with us. Enjoy your travels and that peach cobbler when you return. Yummy! Thanks again for setting up the bucket list link-up for us!
Thank you, Christie, for joining me for the bucket list posts. Hope you are ‘in’ for fall, too! Have the ingredients for that peach cobbler, so plan to make it soon.
I made your steak marinade last week and we really enjoyed it! I used pineapple juice from canned pineapple and then we grilled the pineapple rings to eat with it. Very tasty! You are doing a great job with your list! How frustrating with the temporary tattoo!
Thank you, doll, for trying the steak marinade. We liked it, too!! Grilling the pineapple rings is a great idea!
Finally have the silly tattoo but wanted it in July. Oh, well.
Now, I wonder who that Dorito eater is? Pleased you caught a photo of the culprit!
You’re doing great with your list and even if you haven’t ticked something off, you have very good reasons for that item still being pending.
Love the photos of you with your girls!
LOL You always make me laugh. That darn Dorito eater!!! Thank you, Deb. Wish we could get together for tea. I know we would hit it off. Maybe have our grands playing together at our feet.
Hi Leslie, it looks like the travel time has been good, with lots of relaxed smiles in the photos. Good for you to go natural with the hair color. I’m still hesitant to let the gray-streaked mousy brown grow out so continue to keep it auburn. At some point… 🙂
OMG, Leslie! I am exhausted just READING your list, so I’m amazed at how much you’ve completed! Your Friday night out with the movie, beer, and outdoor 80’s band sounded great. And the backwards date…glad you got that one done, because I can’t wait to read about it. I’m still wondering what the heck that IS! Your daughters and granddaughters are so beautiful! Glad you had such a great time with them. I’m sorry you’re having trouble with your leg. It sounds like you’ve got a perfect alternate plan to get yourself ready for a possible future triathlon. And I know how frustrating it is not to have your tattoo order yet. I ordered something for all of my family members for Christmas this past year. I ordered it before Thanksgiving. It didn’t arrive until THE DAY before Christmas. Aaaarrrrgggghhhh. But at least it did get here in time to put under the tree. And as for trying a new store…have you tried Alter’D State? My daughter and I went in the one in Fort Worth’s University Shopping Center, and we loved it. I bought a sweater there to wear at my son’s wedding (which I did not need), and she bought a few things, too. The sweater I bought has a nice drape to it in the front and detail I like in the back, so I know I will wear it plenty when the weather turns cooler. If you have them in your area and have never been, you should check it out. Oh, man…this comment is so long! Sorry!
So glad to hear you like Alter’D State. We have one here but I have never wandered in. Just admired their things from the sidewalk. Will venture in now. That could be my new store for the bucket list!!
Need to get a fashion post written and a book review post written and a date night post written. Stay tuned for info on the backwards date.
My leg is better, thank you. Enjoying physical therapy too much, I fear!! Need to get to the gym more this week and see how it does.
Thank you for the sweet words about my daughters and granddaughters. I think they are pretty special but I know I am biased!
I love your bucket list, the girls pictures are beautiful and your date night sounds awesome!! Seems as thou you’ve worked it out. Busy lady!! Have a safe trip…
Shuguna, come play when we do our fall bucket lists!! We will share our lists on 09.21. Would love to have you join us. It can be a totally fashion related list of activities or any combination of things!!
I’ve been watching all the fun you’ve been having on social media! Oh, I’m so jealous you got to go to Magnolia. I would give anything to go there!
Whatever you do, when you finally make plans to visit Magnolia go during the early spring or late fall. It was unbelievably HOT.
Love reading the list all summer, Leslie, and how you have been knocking things off one at a time.
It was an ambitious list for sure, so ok to give yourself a break for not accomplishing them all!
Picks of the girls were lovely…at Magnolia, eh???
Nancy, come do a fall list with me!! We share on 09.21.
Thank you for the compliments on my girls. We did a whirlwind visit to Magnolia on the hottest day of the summer. Brutal!!
Hi Leslie! Looks like you are checking off those bucket list items in perfect time! Thanks for linking up and co-hosting the #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty 41! sharing!
Thank you, sweet friend, for the encouragement and for sharing my bucket list post. Come join me on 09.21 with your own fall bucket list!!
Looks like you all had some fun! Thanks so much for linking up and co-hosting at the #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty 41.
Thank you!!