Howdy friends!! Thanks for stopping by for this month’s Where Bloggers Live 03.2023: My Favorite Website. This month finds the gals and me each sharing our favorite website. I think it is safe to say my favorite website will be one all of you are familiar with…drum rollllllllll…
Am I right? Is there anyone reading who hasn’t at least heard of Pinterest?? Anyone who hasn’t pinned??
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Where Bloggers Live
Ever wonder where the ideas for this series come from? Well, let me tell you!! Each month our fearless leader Bettye comes up with a prompt for the gang to respond to. This has been one of my favorite series in which to participate and I hope to continue to join these fun-loving ladies for more thoughtful posts.
If you missed last month’s post, you might check it out. We shared a peek into our pantries. Since writing my post, I have done a little more work in organizing my pantry. Picked up a rack for our bottles of soda and liquor. And another rack for sodas in cans. Then I ordered more air-tight storage containers. Hope to get everything put together this coming week. See what blog writing inspired me to do?? And some of the organizational ideas I shared in my post were inspired by none other than Pinterest!!
A Little Pinterest History
As a retired librarian who always warned her students to be careful of their sources when doing research, I hesitate to say this…but Wikipedia actually has a pretty darn good article on Pinterest. You can check it out, here, if you are interested knowing more about the history behind this website and app.
A couple of things in the article stood out to me.
- Pinterest was developed by 3 men…MEN!!
- the site was created by Ben Silbermann, Paul Sciarra, and Evan Sharp in December 2009, launched as a closed beta prototype 4 months later, and had 10,000 users within 9 months.
- in 2011 “Time” magazine ranked Pinterest as one of the 50 Best Websites of 2011; the same year, the site became one of the top 10 largest social network services
- users between the ages of 18-40 have been driving the growth of Pinterest. And as one of Pinterest’s most faithful users, I am 25 years outside that range.
How Do I Pinterest?
There are lots of reasons why I fell in love with Pinterest shortly after it was released. And lots of ways I have used Pinterest. About every day since I first created my account. I Pinterest for:
- the life tips…the tips for making life and everything life encompasses, a little easier…there are 721 pins on my Tips and Time Savers board
- cleaning suggestions; I love cleaning – or used to – now I do it but without as much gusto as I always did before in my younger years when I had a lot more energy. So, I welcome ways to make cleaning easier. But you can tell that housecleaning has slipped in my life-priorities. And not only by looking around my house!! My Spic and Span board has only half the number of pins my Tips board has.
- all the beautiful images. I don’t understand how Pinterest works around copyright but it seems to do so successfully. And I always feel safer using an image I found on Pinterest in my blog posts and Facebook pages rather than just something I found on the Internet. On hard days and on lazy days, I enjoy just looking at pretty things on Pinterest and pinning some of them. My Images and Imagery board is just a collection of prettiness. It has over 1200 pins.
- the recipes. Oh, the recipes. The ones that are ‘good for you’ and the ones that aren’t. I have a “21-Day-Fix/Weight Watchers” board for the former. A “Breakfast, Brunch and Bites Before Noon” board for morning meals. Then what doesn’t fit either of those boards get tossed into “Cooking, Cuisine and Calories” – which is subdivided into lots of sections. My daughters and sister pin to that board, too. I have a board for desserts and another for appetizers and salads, a snack board with a section for charcuterie boards. And one of my personal favorites is the “Souper Chili and Stews” board. I am thankful that pinning photos of delicious looking foods doesn’t pack on the pounds!!
Then There’s…
- all the boards for holiday activities and decorating. “Seasonings” is one where I pin holiday and seasonal pretty things. “My Home, for the Holidays” is a board where I pin ideas I might actually try in my home for the holidays…mostly Christmas ideas. But that board is not to be confused with “Home, Sweet Home” where I pin ideas and products I would like to try in my house or have purchased for my home.
- separate boards for fall and winter clothes, here, and spring and summer, here. Boards for bling, footwear and activewear. I love pinning clothes. Sometimes I think it keeps me from shopping because I get almost the same gratification from pinning pretty clothes.
- health, wellness and beauty-related pins get filed under several sections on my “Health, Wellness, Beauty and the Beast” board.
And So Much More
I have boards for hobbies, books, library lesson plans, teaching art and “Let’s Play School” for teaching ideas. Boards with photos of those I love, and a board called “You Will Be Missed” for those who have passed. When we started thinking about building (the nightmare that became) our pool, I created a board ironically named “Planning Our Paraiso”. Ha. Little did I know. Paradise…my big behind!! *However. as I type this the pool demolition has begun. We are finally getting all of our pool problems addressed…I hope!!
Boards for products I love, toys, one called “Herstory and History” for history-related pins. A board for my new car!! Another for “Furry, Feathery Family and Friends” – pets and animals. “Frilly, Feminine Foundations” – self explanatory.
A board for Lyme Disease…something I have contracted twice. And one for eating disorders…I was anorexic in high school and college.
Boards for vacations. Date night ideas. A whole board devoted to paisleys. Clearly, I have too much time on my hands.
Why Do I Pin?
I think I pin because I like organization. I like cataloging ideas, images and being able to access and use them. Call it the librarian in me. And while I have some crazy number of Pinterest boards and so many more pins, I use a number of the ideas I have collected and categorized. The recipes. The crafts. The style suggestions.
While a lot of bloggers are concerned with other aspects of social media, I like Pinterest. It doesn’t feel like I have to do a dog and pony show to gain followers. I just have to pin things I like. And somehow folks seem to like what I pin.
My most popular pin right now is this one filed on “Seasonings”:
And I made Easter frames similar to this one after coming across this pin. So, thank you, Pinterest. Now that I think about it, I even have a board called just that…”Thank You, Pinterest!!”
Your Turn
What is your favorite website? Do you pin? Have you ever created boards on Pinterest? If so, are you still using Pinterest or was it a passing fancy for you?
Hope you will join me in stopping by to check out the favorite websites of my Where Bloggers Live girl friends. Shall we all pop in on their blogs together?
Bettye at Fashion Schlub
Daenel at Living Outside the Stacks
Em at Dust and Doghair
Iris at Iris’ Original Ramblings
Jodie at Jodie’s Touch of Style
Sally at Within a World of My Own
Leslie at Once Upon a Time & Happily Ever After
Well, LIFE is kicking my butt again. I have tried for 6 days to save this post. Nope, WordPress doesn’t want to play. I have copied the whole post, pasted it onto a new post and still won’t save. Have deleted my history. Cleaned my cache. Pulled out my hair. Stomped my feet. No luck.
I think LIFE doesn’t want me to blog. If you ever see this post you will know that finally WordPress kicked in and allowed me to save and publish.
One last thing. On Monday, PC was diagnosed with cancer. We are trying to wrap our head around this. We don’t have all the information yet, as more tests are being ordered. But we surely appreciate any and all prayers and good thoughts. Not sure how much blogging will be in my near future. Just glad to finally get this post saved and published.
Thank you for your visit.
Hugs and kisses,
jodie filogomo
Hey, look, you got the post up!!
I remember when my employees were all gaga about Pinterest and I just didn’t get it. Until I finally played around and fell in love. Eeeks, I could spend hours on the site.
The funny thing is I don’t use it much anymore.
Sending love,
Lisa Elliott
I am praying for you and PC right now!!
Leslie Roberts Clingan
We surely feel those prayers and appreciate every one. Waiting to get in for PC’s PETscan. Then we will know more about what happens next. This has knocked the wind out of our sails. But today we enjoyed a reprieve from worrying as we celebrated Lucia’s 7th birthday and Paul won his baseball game. Hallelujah!!
Well. I’m glad to see your post. I hadn’t even thought of Instagram in a long time. Maybe I need to look at it again. Hope all is better at your house.
Leslie Roberts Clingan
Thank you, Iris. We have struggled this month. My daughter had surgery, then PC’s issues, and now my grandson is having to have surgery, too. Surely April will be a gentler month.
I am thrilled my blog is cooperating for today, though. Thankful for the little things.
Jo Kathryn Maddox
Praying for Paul and you. I hope you find good doctors and treatment if needed. 🙏
Leslie Roberts Clingan
Sweet Jo Kathryn, we are feeling your prayers and so appreciate them. Waiting for word on when PC will have his PETscan. In the meantime, we have enjoyed the distraction of our granddaughter’s birthday and Paul’s baseball game today. So nice to be able to not worry for a few minutes. Thank you again for your prayers and well wishes.
em dirr
ME TOO!!!! I looooooove Pinterest! As in “real love” …like the way I love chocolate!” Nearly any project or craft or, as you said, recipe, usually involves Pinterest… and since we’re starting a kitchen Reno (who knew) I am on it all the time looking for the specific set of variables that we’re considering. Same for our fireplace. There are so many specific keywords that I was easily able to find some great ideas with links to great websites.
I enjoyed some of the ones you posted, so I am heading RIGHT over there to make sure I am following all of your boards!!
Leslie Roberts Clingan
Girl, you amaze me with all of the renovations you undertake and the beautiful results in every case!! Can’t wait to follow your progress on your shiny new kitchen. We are in the market for a new roof – BOR-ING. And then there’s the pool demo. They are gutting it and replastering, retiling and repairing the deck. Finally!!! Can I get an AMEN? Thank you for your part in making that happen. I wore the tee shirt you sent me and picketed in front of the pool builder’s store. We finally got a settlement last summer but had to beg the contractors to take on this project. It’s that bad.
Alice Rowe
Hi Leslie:
I love reading what you post! I am a retired English teacher, mother of three, married 41 years this week, and find myself hoping for an early spring, as it feels like it has been (another ) long winter in upstate New York.
The end of your post caught my breath. Even though we have never met, your writing is so kind and so filled with empathy that I feel with each post you share another special part of yourself. Your life is full, and is marked by joys and struggles, and appreciation for the everyday. We may not have met, but you have a friend in me, and I will be praying for you and PC (I hope that is not a private nickname!) and that his healthcare providers find his situation to be manageable and just another bump in the road of life.
Sending you love and light, Alice
Leslie Roberts Clingan
Oh, Alice, congratulations on your 41st anniversary!! What a milestone. Very admirable. You guys in New York have had a crazy hard winter. Are you beginning to see any sign of sunlight at the end of the snowstorm?? I am thinking there is yet another storm heading your way. We had snow flurries today. But 80* highs earlier this past week. Layers. Wearing lots of layers.
Thank you so much for the kind words. I am so touched that something in my crazy writing makes some semblance of sense to you…a retired English teacher. What a compliment. Thank you so much.
Thank you so very, very much for your prayers and friendship. Love and light. We need all the good things to help us through this chapter. We have enjoyed a bit of reprieve this weekend from worrying as PC (everyone has begun calling him that!! I love it!!) had a baseball game and we celebrated our granddaughter’s birthday. Thankful for distractions. We are still waiting for the appointment for Paul’s PETscan. If we haven’t heard anything by Monday, this wife is going to get on the horn and fingure out what’s happening.
Please know how very, very much I appreciate this comment and your friendship. Big love right back to you, Alice.
Good job, Lil bb! 😺
Leslie Roberts Clingan
Thank you, baby. Thank you for cheering me on.
I, too, love Pinterest! How am I not following you on there? I will have to rectify that! I’m sorry to read about PC’s cancer diagnosis. I will keep him and you in my prayers!
Leslie Roberts Clingan
Thank you, my sweet friend, for the prayers. This weekend we have been able to set aside his diagnosis for a few minutes and just enjoy his baseball game and our granddaughter’s birthday. Hope the distractions continue. Still waiting for a PETscan appointment. The waiting is so hard.
So glad to be Pinterest friends!!
Marsha Banks
Leslie, please know you and PC are in my prayers. I’m praying for quick healing and comfort.
I was a bit late to the Pinterest game, but I use it for so many things, too! I don’t have near the number of pins you do, but I have loads of different categories! I’ve found I sometimes pin the same thing…I love when that little reminder shows up to tell me I’ve already saved it!
Take care, my dear friend!
Leslie Roberts Clingan
Thank you, darling Marsha. Just hope we can hurry the heck up and get this Petscan. The waiting is killing us.
I am so glad Pinterest reminds us we have pinned something earlier. It is very relaxing to me to just the scroll the pretty images and the clever ideas. Let me make sure I am following you on Pinterest.
Oh yes! I don’t think a single days go by that I’m not on Pinterest. I use it as my go to site for all sorts of inspiration from card making and scrapbooking to menu/food ideas, clothing finds, and so much more.
Donna Connolly
Hi, Leslie – Your boards are very impressive. I tried hard. Honest I did. But I could never get the hang of Pinterest so finally gave up. I admire those (like you) who use it brilliantly!
Leslie Roberts Clingan
Hi Donna, I think pinning on Pinterest is relaxing for me. I know there are some gals who feel like it is just another form of social media that pressures women to try to do more, be more and makes them feel less than. I just have fun with it. Thank you for the sweet words.
Sally in St Paul
Your Pinterest game is really strong! I need to get my Pinterest organized…it’s pretty haphazard right now. I loved seeing these Easter/rabbit pics 🙂
I’m sorry to hear that about your husband – it’s a lot to take in, and there’s always so much uncertainty. This is reminding me of my mom getting the cancer diagnosis twice, with two different cancers…but she’s fully recovered and doing great. The outcome is uncertain, and it takes a long time to get through all the tests, etc., then all the treatment. Wishing the best for both of you!
Leslie Roberts Clingan
Thank you for the kind words of support, Sally. And the encouragement in the story of your mom. Hope we can get on the other side of this diagnosis and have our own happy story to relate.
I love organizing so Pinterest is just an extension of my organizing!!
Laura Bambrick
I’d have to say pinterest is my favorite too. There is so much great content! I can get recipes, crafts, and outfit inspo all in the same place!
Leslie Roberts Clingan
I am glad I’m not the only one still Pinning!! You are all over my boards with your cute clothes, crafts and good recipes.
Kathrine Eldridge
So sorry to hear about this news. Sending prayers your way. Pinterest is such a fun place to discover new ideas. I stay away most the time because I know I would be pinning for hours!
Leslie Roberts Clingan
Thank you so much for the prayers for my PC. We are pins and needles until we have a clear picture of what we are dealing with. All good thoughts and prayers appreciated.
It is easy to lose track of time on Pinterest. I try to visit for just a few minutes, maybe at breakfast. But breakfast can quickly melt into lunch if I am not careful.
I still love Pinterest. The ability to categorize all the things I want to make/bake/cook/see/do/and places to travel/visit in one place is still the best thing ever. I am going to look for you there. I’m very sorry to hear about the cancer diagnosis. I’m sure it’s a scary time, and I will add you and your husband to my prayers.
Leslie Roberts Clingan
Thank you for this kind comment. We sure appreciate all of the prayers. Paul’s PETscan will be next Monday. Praying they find no other cancer anywhere.
Please find me on Pinterst if I don’t find you first. I love following the boards of those I ‘know’ and admire.
Jessica A Jannenga
Hi Leslie
Ohh Im sorry for not making it here sooner. I think PT and doctors, blogging and IG, just busy. I get it about Life! I will be saying prayers for you and your family.
You did get the post up, congrats! If I didn’t have my techie-IT husband, I probably would have tossed my computer out the window by now! I use Pinterest, but find it is tough to find enough time for all of the socials! It is great for recipes for sure!
Pinterest is one of my favorite websites too. WordPress glitches are no fun and I’m glad you finally were able to post. I’m so sorry about PC’s diagnosis. Sending prayers and a big virtual hug.
Jill – Doused in Pink
Jennifer Jones
Hi Leslie I too love Pinterest. I save recipes and garden ideas and lots more. However I’ve been very spasmodic about saving my blog posts there. I really should get more organised. At the moment my boards are mostly private. I enjoyed your post. It’s made me think about the possibilities