Hobbyists and hundred-dayers, welcome to the first day of #the100dayproject 2022. As I am typing these words, I still haven’t settled on my project for this year. What is #100dayproject, you ask? I am so glad you did. Because it has made me go back and review the goals and directions for the project in order to share them here with you.
You might remember last year, I finished the mosaic project I had started shortly after retiring the winter of 2014. Looking back on last year, I didn’t work on the project every single one of the hundred days. So, I didn’t quite play by the rules. But I did finally finish that mosaic. That counts, right?
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#the100dayproject 2022
Lindsay Jean Thomson is the creator of the #100dayproject. She describes it as “a *free* global art project that takes place online 🎨” [source]. Thomson explains:
At the beginning of every year, I set a theme to guide me. The idea of the theme is that it’s not really a goal or a resolution, more a direction or energy. A way of being. Less “write 1000 pages” and more “generative”, for example.
As we get started, what are you looking forward to about your project this year? What might your theme for your project be this year?
If nothing comes to mind (or too many things!), give yourself a week or two to feel it out. We are, after all, just getting started. It’s ok not to know yet.
Well, huh. Glad to realize that it’s okay not to know what I am doing yet. Here are the ideas I am tossing around.
Possible Project #1
Toying between challenging myself to run a mile every day – a 10 minute commitment which seems very manageable. Until I have one of those days where I am dog tired. T-A-R-D. Or sick. Even sick, seems like I could drag my bootie onto the treadmill for 10 minutes. But then what to do when I am traveling? Could run outside I guess. Or what if I get hurt? Then what?
So maybe running a mile every day isn’t the best plan. And running on the treadmill isn’t really a creative endeavor. What else is there?
Then There’s Project Possibility #2
Next idea. Journal in my 365 Days of Creativity for 100 consecutive days.
Up to this point, I have only journaled a few pages, none of them consecutive. But I haven’t allowed myself to just pick any day and do it. When I have journaled, it has been the entry for that day. Some of the prompts have been quick fun. Others have been more involved. And some haven’t spoken to me at all. So, what happens if I get one of those days where I don’t like the prompt?
Enter Project #3
Thought maybe I could sub in Bible journaling for the days where the 365 Days prompt doesn’t excite me. That would be a similar activity. Journaling and journaling. I am using this journaling Bible. Have enjoyed coloring the pre-printed illustrations but really would like to doodle my own images on some of the pages.
My friend Amy, at Amy’s Creative Pursuits has a wonderful journaling Bible. And she creates the most beautiful pages. She uses the Inspire Bible. Wish I had purchased it when I bought mine instead.
Or Project Idea #4
Orrrrrr, do I just continue with #write28days, taking it on into 05.24.2022, when #the100dayproject concludes. After all, this is the year I want to write. Right? I could keep following the prompts Maria shares each month, the writing prompts from Adventures in Writing.
So glad I bought mine when I did. Certainly would not have paid $42.00 for it!! For that I better be writing from it every day, writer’s block, writer’s cramp, Covid…come what may. I have written to several of these prompts and enjoyed doing so. But for the most part, these prompts require more than a 10-minute response. They require something more like an essay. Even a short story now and then. Hmmm.
Where Does that Leave Me?
Today is the first day of the challenge and I haven’t done anything. Haven’t run. Haven’t journaled. So, whatever I pick, I still need to do today. And it is after 8:00 pm. The pressure is on.
Okay, okay…I need to make a decision. Eeny meeny miny moe. Here’s what I am going to do. I am going to journal. In whatever medium/format that takes. Doodling, Bible journaling, writing blog posts, responding to prompts, creative writing. Journal in any form. Even journaling about my 1-mile run on the treadmill every day.
I give you my #the100dayproject…JOURNALING.
Your Turn
Are you doing #the100dayproject? If so, let me know in a comment below. And inspire me with your ideas. Then we can cheer each other on. This is my 13th day of writing for the #write28days challenge. Almost to the half-way point. Yay ME!!
So glad to be home this week. Have several appointments but should be here for most of everyday. Hallelujah!! Enjoy a blessed and healthy week.
Hugs and kisses,

Oh, geez! 100 days! I can’t think past two or three days let alone 100 days! Although I do knit or crochet every night. But, it’s more than one project. Hmmm…could that count…getting my stash cleared out?
Hi Leslie – I’ve seen various bloggers take on their own 100 day challenges – and they’ve really enjoyed them. I don’t have the commitment to follow through every single day for three months. One of the greatest joys retirement has brought with it, is flexibility – each day is fresh and different and I’d start beating myself up if I missed days etc – and that kills the freedom and flexibility I love so much. I’m glad you found something you can slot into your daily life – enjoy the challenge and I guess writing something for the blog also counts as journalling – so you’ll have lots of variety.
Good luck with the journaling! Actually one line stuck out for me – ‘It’s OK not to know yet.’ Oh yes, that’s so true, especially when applied to the entire retirement life.
What an interesting post.
Out of your list I was thinking “journaling” too; glad you found your 100 day project.
I think I might challenge myself to run a mile every day when the weather gets warmer. I could do a mile a day for 100 days, right?!?!? Even on vacation.
Journalling is a great choice as you can journal in so many different ways! Even writing this blog post must count as your first day of journalling surely 😉
I feel like doing anything for 100 days straight could be hard! But it’s a fun challenge!
Journaling sounds like a very healthy way to spend the next 100 days! When I first saw your prompt I thought, “ooh! every project takes me 100 days! I could do this!” but then I read that you have to do it EACH ONE of the 100 days and realized I was out, haha. But you’re in! And I am very impressed by your commitment and the ways you intend to meet your goal. I will live vicariously through you (and your very admirable personal habits). (Perhaps I should consider 100 days of self discipline…or 100 days of no excuses.). Good luck, sweet friend!
Hi, Leslie – I completely agree with the incredible power of commiting to doing one thing (that you have been struggling to do) for just 10 minutes a day. I believe that making this commitment and taking this leap can be life changing. Last Spring, I committed to working out on my yoga mat (weights, yoga, stretching, whatever…but always following a video program) first thing each moring, for just ten minutes each time. It is now a joyous addiction. I absolutely love starting my day this way and it takes no effort at all (even when I have been injured, traveling or have had other curve balls thrown my way). Good luck with your journaling!