Hello, dear ones!
Welcome to “Sentence a Day, 02.2018”. If you are new to Once Upon a Time & Happily Ever After, “Sentence a Day” is a monthly series where a number of bloggers share a review of our month written in one, often run-on sentence a day. Click on the month to read my December and January posts.
Sentence a Day, 02.2018
To be honest, writing my sentences this month was a struggle for me. Several times, I had to double up and write for more than one day in order to get caught up. Which defeats the whole purpose. But guess what? A new month is upon us with an opportunity to do better.
Here’s a litte bit about my February 2018.
Off to a Good Start
- Yay for new months full of hope and promise and lots of fun things to do. 02.01.2018
- Yay for a Prince Charming who helps me with projects I can’t do right now with this orthopedic ball and chain on my broken foot…things like standing on the kitchen counters to take down the winter decorations, helping me hobble out to the desert to photograph the word “neglected”, walking up to Subway to fetch dinner so I don’t have to cook. 02.02.2018
- What a sweet day listening to John Denver on my record player while putting up my Valentine garland and baking my grandmother’s cinnamon rolls, nostalgic tears spill over onto my cheeks; hot tub, dinner at our favorite mom-n-pop Mexican restaurant, pop corn and “Peaky Blinders” til bedtime. 02.03.2018
- Crazy warm weather continues making it wonderful to be out on the patio; cheered the Philadelphia Eagles to their first Super Bowl win. 02.04.2018
Germs, Germs, Everywhere
- My Prince is sick so we enjoyed a quiet day at home together, working on my wreath, putting away my winter decorations, eating the cheesy hamburger sliders I made but we didn’t eat for Super Bowl yesterday. 02.05.2018
- Have had a change of perspective about my foot…have decided that the purpose of my broken foot was to slow me down and help me to find peace…which is my word for the year…and for the most part, it’s working. 02.06.2018
- Difficult day – my Lauren had many blood tests done after an appointment with her new rheumatologist and the results indicate she has some serious health issues; baby Lucia is sick again, too, with another ear infection. 02.07.2018
- PC is just now feeling better after 4 days off from work and being lazy around the house; happy birthday to my baby brudder Kevin! 02.08.2018
- My PC returned to work and it was a little lonely around the house, we curled under the covers to watch an episode of “Peaky Blinders” before bed. 02.09.2018
Early Valentine’s Day Weekend
- Groupon hot stone massage followed by I-Suspect mystery dinner; good food, fun and front row seats to the murder that took place at our feet. 02.10.2018
- My sweet PC drove me all over El Paso so I could take photos for this week’s 52Frames architecture prompt, used Walmart’s grocery pick-up service again – too easy – then planned to go to a movie but my foot was hurting, so we wound up just staying home. 02.11.2018
Happy Days
- Good news, my foot is healing…doctor prescribed three more weeks in the shoe but I can begin doing whatever doesn’t hurt, so we took a walk this evening! 02.12.2018
- Started cleaning house after three weeks of just looking at the kitty fur and dust bunnies, smells good and looks better. 02.13.2018
- Finished the house, and a little decorating, found the cutest spring/Easter bunny pillows at Marshalls, made my PC a red dinner for Valentine’s…spaghetti and meatballs, red wine, apple pie and gave him a turn two baseball tee…I received flowers, an apple necklace to wear when I work and a diamond necklace to wear when I am home. Wow!! 02.14.2018
- Enjoyed a visit from Metra and Mark (Kentucky fam) who we took on a mini tour of El Paso during our first rain since 12.2017; Lauren had a doctor’s appointment which confirmed the likelihood that she has a couple of serious life-long illnesses, more scans to be run to determine to what extent. God, please strengthen and comfort her. 02.15.2018
Three-Day Weekend
- Our company left at sun-up but because I was awake worrying much of the night, PC and I went back to bed for a few hours; yesterday’s rain continued through tonight making it the perfect time to see a movie, “The Shape of Water”, which was strangely entertaining. 02.16.2018
- Home body today, with the exception of a 15 minute trip to the gym to ride the bike, I think this week’s stress caught up with me, enjoyed a nap on the couch. 02.17.2018
- Sunday funday…scrapbooking with my sister via Skype, What’s Apping with Lucia and Lauren in the Albuquerque snow, making pallet signs at I Painted That!’s wood and wine night with my Prince. 02.18.2018
Answered Prayers
- Yay, it’s back to the gym for me, Lauren’s CT scans have been scheduled, thank goodness for this new doctor, Panda Express for dinner, lying on the couch together to watch “Bachelor”. 02.19.2018
- Busy day…back on track with Miracle Morning, exercising at home and gym, cooking dinner, laundry, blog writing…Brennyn has an offer on her house and they are negotiating. 02.20.2018
- Painting class at Hobby Lobby, lazy afternoon, enjoyed laying on the bed with PC when he got home from work and watching “Office” reruns and giggling. 02.21.2018
- Worrying over my baby Lauren today as she goes for CT scans to try to determine the causes of her health problems, worrying over my grandbaby Cadence’s hiccups at school, Brennyn’s ups and downs in selling her house…Skyping with Lucia and Cady helped ease my tensions. 02.22.2018
- Lunch with my friends Nancy and Dolores at Buon Giorno, which is owned by one of my former students and where we ran into more teacher friends and the parents of former students. 02.23.2018
- Super day…quiet time working on my 52Frames photo while PC was at baseball practice, soak in the hot tub, Souper Salad for dinner followed by a play, “On Golden Pond” at the El Paso Playhouse…so well done. 02.24.2018
What Constitutes Hoarding?
- Sad, hard day…PC mentioned that I am sort of, kind of hoarding things…my seasonal decorations, my library lesson plans in notebooks, my books and he is concerned that I will fill every inch of our house with stuff…but I am so torn about what to part with. We don’t have any storage space, no attic, no walk-in closets except our master closet. I feel a blog post coming about this day. 02.25.2018
- Spent all day feeling hurt, and sad but got a lot of purging and cleaning done. 02.26.2018
- Feeling better again, organized scrapbooking supplies, wrapping paper, grandbaby furniture, made a SkinnyTaste lemon chicken dish in the crockpot. 02.27.2018
Happy Birthday, PC
- Happy birthday to my PC, who requested gorilla cheese sandwiches, tomato soup and apple pie for his birthday dinner…so glad he was born! 02.28.2018
Lest you think I may be featured on Hoarders in the near future, please allow me to clarify. I have my holiday and seasonal decorations in large tubs in a closet under the stairs. But because I have a lot of decorations, it has become a concern to PC that I will begin filling every empty space in the house with a plastic bin full of more decorations. I’ve assured him and assure you now, too, that is not going to happen. If we had an attic, these bins would easily go there. Or even in the garage, if we had more shelves. Hope that if you are envisioning a house full of clutter and chaos, I have dispelled that notion. I can cook in my kitchen! We don’t climb over anything except the occasional kitty to walk from room to room. There are no mountains of trash bags in every corner. Here’s a pic to prove that!
See all that floor? But I won’t be buying any more decorations for awhile. And spring cleaning has begun.
Your Turn
How was your February, friends? If you could summarize the month in a sentence, what would you say. Or maybe in 10 words? I think my 10 words would be broken foot, sick family, fun weekends, sad days, happy birthday. What would your words be? Leave me a comment below, pretty please or link-up your “Sentence a Day, 02.2018” post below.
As we move into March, I have a few new ideas for the ole blog. Hope to be able to share some of them in the next few days. Please come back for a visit soon.
Hugs and kisses,

What a month Leslie with lots of ups and downs. I hope your daughter is okay and your foot is now very much mended. You always have such a gorgeous smile even with the down times. Love you and your positivity!
Thanks, cuz!! My foot is much better. Hopeful that I can put away this ortho shoe forever come Monday’s doctor appointment.
I am truly worried about my baby girl. She has had health problems for many years but we have never been able to have anyone give us a diagnosis. Hopeful that we are going to finally figure out what she is struggling with so she can begin to get some help.
Love you, sweet one. So so so proud of the beautiful things you are doing on your blog. So happy to know you!
I do hope you are recovering fully now Leslie, it’s been pretty full on for you lately! I love reading through everyone’s monthly posts. Hope your month ahead is better for you. And no I don’t believe you’re a hoarder 🙂
Looks like you had a great month, Leslie, even if you had to back track a few days. I have to do that sometimes, too, if nothing “major” happened that day! Hello to you and March!!
You always know how to dish out a smile Leslie.
First I’m so impressed that you got that perspective about your foot. I’m not sure I’m that good, but it’s probably the best way to look at it.
As for the “hoarding”, I’d be happy to help you purge!! It’s my specialty (for others only…for myself it’s so hard at times….)
Oh my goodness, so many differing emotions after reading about your month my dear Leslie!
Firstly, I love the love you have for your family, as it always shines through your SAD posts. I remember reading once that we parents are never happier then our least happy child, and so I feel your pain and concern for your daughter. Fingers crossed that whatever it turns out to be is manageable for all concerned. (XO here to you all!)
Secondly, your reference to hubby hoarding concerns made me smile in that just last week my husband commented on my ‘chair of clothes’ in our bedroom. He had a point in that I have a tendency to change clothes multiple times over the course of a day (PJ’s to workout clothes, to daytime clothes, to at-home lounging clothes . . .) and simply lay them in layers on the chair in my room till I get around to putting them away. I’ve worked hard to do better ever since, though I’m a long way from perfect. So cut yourself some slack here, you are not alone! 🙂
We are taking my SIL to a John Denver tribute concert in April. What are some of your favorite songs? I’ll listen for them when we attend, and send you positive thoughts as they are performed!
Glad to read your foot is healing well, Leslie. I’m not sure if I’d be able to do as much as you’ve done with a broken foot. Wishing you a peaceful March with good news for your daughters. Hugs!
My ten words: sick, single parenting, holidays, blah, spring break, cold, hospital, thankful. Ha! That’s quite the list.
Sorry to hear about your daughter’s health issues. It is soo stressful when a loved one is feeling unwell. How is your foot? I love the picture of you riding in the cart. Totally making the best of it. And your house is spotless. Can you please come and clear mine out? Pretty please?
Ha!! Bless your heart. Your ten words for February are so pitiful. March has to be a better month for you guys. This 2018 has been pretty disappointing so far, huh? But with spring comes new hope!!!
Thank you for checking on my daughter. Did you know Lauren from the style challenges? She has had health issues for a long while but we have never had a clear diagnosis or name to put on her issues. Other than a vague “auto immune” problem something like Lupus. Hopeful that with the many tests she is undergoing, we are going to finally have a diagnosis and a treatment plan.
My foot is almost pain-free. Yipppeee!!! Hoping the doctor releases me to mountain climbing and Salsa dancing on Monday. I am really anxious to wear shoes on BOTH feet again.
Thank you for the kind words about my house. I was truly hurt by PC. We don’t often fuss or fight but Sunday was no bueno. He has since kind of retracted some of what he said. Anxious to get spring cleaning started once he goes to Germany. I just love you for saying my house is spotless. Music to my ears. You have littles and a hubby who has been very sick and you work fulltime and have a busy, full life. There’s time for housecleaning when you are 60!!
Thank you, Dani, for being such a doll. I think of you often and always with a smile. XO
Haha, you are so funny with the clutter comment. Sorry to hear about all of the health stuff your family is going through, including you! Many prayers that they get answers for your daughter. I’m glad that your boot made you slow down, you go 100 miles a minute lady! Also for your sign, did you stain it? I’m going to be making one soon and need all the help I can get! Also did you just screw in screws, or did you do a little hole first for the screw to go through?
The sign making was such fun. We did a kind of watered-down acrylic white wash for the base. I wanted the wood grain to show through. Then I drew my cactus on with a pencil. And used stencils for the lettering.
To build the sign we used a nail gun. But I think you could probably just use little nails and a hammer. The wood was pine, so it was soft. Or you can get ready-made pallets for signs at Walmart. Bought one for $5. Going to try string art with it. We used four longer pieces (14″ I think) for the pallet and then nailed two smaller pieces across the back to hold the longer pieces together. So 4 long pieces going horizontally and 2 shorter on each end on the back going vertically. Hope that makes sense.
Thank you for the prayers for my baby girl. Do you remember Lauren from the style challenges? She has very curly hair. She is about your age. Has always struggled with her health. Praying that we finally get a diagnosis and a plan of attack.
Well. You have had a stressful month. I am sending up prayers for your dear Lauren. And I had to laugh at our disclaimer there at the end. Mr. Menace and I might just qualify as hoarders.
🙂 gwingal
I’ve always wanted to take a painting class at Hobby Lobby!
Come on, girl!! Take a painting class at Hobby Lobby and share your progress. Wish we could do it together!
So sorry to hear about your daughter’s illness – I do hope that the news is more positive and that treatment is available to help her.
Good luck with getting rid of some of your ‘hoarding’ – I am awful at being ruthless in throwing things away. We have a double garage, my car goes in ‘my’ side, but the other half is full of boxes of things I can’t bear to get rid of!
I finally joinedd the link up for the first time! A day late but I was at a big trade show and travelling yesterday. Your month is always so varied….and I know all about the hoarding of decorations (or stash as I used to call it) —- I went through a couple of years of obsessively scrapbooking and card making, and buying stash at every opportunity. But fortunately, like you, I had somewhere to store it so we weren’t tripping up over it.
This seems like a roller coaster month…ups and downs.
The phrase of the first two months at our house has been, “you’re only as happy as your least happy child,” so sending prayers your way for Lauren.
The storage issue can really force you to either make tough keep/toss choices, or battle over stuff (and you’re welcome to read that a couple of ways).
Mr and I are both savers of different things, and we still have to revisit those “differences” periodically, lol.
We definitely keep too much, and keep inheriting family “heirlooms” that no one else wants to store OR part with. I feel like we are becoming my family’s Smithsonian…. 😘
LOL, bless you for making me smile in the midst of this on-going struggle about stuff. For now, we have a truce. PC is going to Germany to work for six weeks and while he is gone, I am going to go through my favorite hoards and try to eliminate some things. I did read the book about the joy of tidying up, as I am a tidier and organizer. So plan to access which things give me joy and which things I can let go of.
Thank you for the prayers for Lauren. You and Tamara both mentioned the phrase “you’re only as happy as your least happy child”. I have never heard that before but how true. I will pray that your child with struggles or health issues is soon back to 110%. Our babies grow up but we are always still their mothers.
Are you writing your sentence a day? It isn’t too late to start for March!! Even if you don’t post them. Maybe it will be therapeutic and helpful to you as a mama with worries for your baby. It helps me to put my worries down.
I miss your voice but am so thankful that you continue to come by here to visit. Please stay in touch. Thank you for your wise words. XO
Oh my goodness, so many differing emotions after reading about your month my dear Leslie!
Firstly, I love the love you have for your family, as it always shines through your SAD posts. I remember reading once that we parents are never happier then our least happy child, and so I feel your pain and concern for your daughter. Fingers crossed that whatever it turns out to be is manageable for all concerned. (XO here to you all!)
Secondly, your reference to hubby hoarding concerns made me smile in that just last week my husband commented on my ‘chair of clothes’ in our bedroom. He had a point in that I have a tendency to change clothes multiple times over the course of a day (PJ’s to workout clothes, to daytime clothes, to at-home lounging clothes . . .) and simply lay them in layers on the chair in my room till I get around to putting them away. I’ve worked hard to do better ever since, though I’m a long way from perfect. So cut yourself some slack here, you are not alone! 🙂
We are taking my SIL to a John Denver tribute concert in April. What are some of your favorite songs? I’ll listen for them when we attend, and send you positive thoughts as they are performed!
Thank you for this dear message. You find a way to touch my heart with every comment. Lauren is beginning to get results from many of the imaging tests she has had in the last few weeks. Will be anxious for her to meet with the doctor again. I had never heard the phrase that we are never happier than our least happy child until both you and Em mentioned it here. How true. Both of my daughters and their daughters are having struggles and stress right now. And, although they are all grown up, I am still their mom! Means so much to have friends who ‘get it’.
We gals do have to change clothes throughout our day. It’s worse for me when I am working. PC can put on sweats or jeans and make them work for whatever we are doing the whole day. But I am not comfortable wearing sweats anywhere but around the house and to the gym.
The John Denver tribute concert sounds like a real treat. How kind of you to send me positive thoughts when you hear my favorite songs being played. All of his music has a special meaning for me, but I especially like Sweet Surrender, This Old Guitar, Annie’s Song and Grandma’s Feather Bed. What a sweet gesture, Tamara. Thank you so very much.
Leslie, oh my goodness, what a fab, fab, filled month you had!
So many things.
My month of February can be described in two (or three) sentences:
Five days in five trips to the ER
Twenty three days crying about it.
So happy it’s March and things are looking better.
I think. LOL!
I hope to be back up and running myself, in the swing of things.
Thanks for sharing.
LOL, Cindi, you made me laugh. Hope your nose bleeds have been remedied once and for all. Glad March is turning out to be a better month for you.
What a month – the boot didn’t slow you down! I love the lead pic of you & those cinnamon rolls look scrummy. Again I forgot to link up…I think it’s because I co-host the lovin life link-up on Thursdays so forget the other linking I need to do. Yes, I’m hopeless 🙂
I would like to join you for Lovin’ Life. Can you email me the details so I can add them to my agenda? We can be hopeless together!
I guess the boot didn’t slow me down because my foot is bruised and swollen again! Boo. Another week in the boot. Will I ever wear two matching shoes again?
It’s sooo easy to accumulate a lot of “stuff”… I have sooo much to get rid off even though I just got done cleaning out several closets…
So sorry that you had so much to worry about in February, and I hope that Lauren will be doing better! It’s so hard to see our babies go through a difficult time…
I am headed to Albuquerque in few moments…road trip with kitties!!…to see Lauren and celebrate Lucia’s birthday tomorrow. Lauren seems to be better. Just having someone (medical) listen to her issues and believe that they are real and work to try to find an answer for her is half the battle. My sweet baby.
My oldest daughter, Brennyn, is having a hard time this week as she packs her home of 9 years and moves into a hotel for six weeks with Cadence until her new home is ready. If I had known when the house was going to sell and she would have to move out, I would have canceled my trip to Kentucky to help her. So hard to be a mom sometimes!