Good morning, good evening, good night, my friends. Thanks for joining me for Sentence a Day 01.2025 – a long-winded review of my first month in this shiny new year coming to you in one run-on sentence a day. Feeling all the good vibes about this year. How ’bout you?
Before We Jump In
As I have always said, I write these sentences for me. As a way of keeping track of what all has happened and when. I know this is really a lot of gibberish. A bunch of stuff I really don’t expect anyone to wade through!! But it helps me to reflect on each day, and record the important things so I can keep them straight, if not in my mind, on ‘paper’ at least. Would never dream that anyone would read this bunch of hooey word for word!!
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Sentence a Day & OGT
Every month I try very hard to get my SaD post together once the month is over, in order to make the What’s Been on Your Calendar? link-up with Deb at Deb’s World, Sue who blogs at Women Living Well After 50, Donna from Retirement Reflections and Jo who can be found at And Anyways. The link-up opens on the last Friday of each month and is only open a few days. So I am not always successful in joining the gals. Hope to link up this post with for Jennifer’s Thankful Thursday series over at Overflowing with Thankfulness, too.
Que Mas?
I also share an OGT = one good thing for each day; something each day for which I am grateful. Try to update the progress I have made or lack there of toward incorporating my WOTY = word of the year into my day to day. And when I have had occasion to get dressed for the day, I like to share a few OOTDs = outfits of the day.
Sentence a Day 01.2025
- Welcome, 2025, get on in here, girl!! A quiet day to begin the year; breakfast, gym, lots of football, blog reading and blog post pondering; did my Supernatural workout and a standing abs workout – that one for the first time in months and it felt good; up to bed early to read Christmas with the Queen by Hazel Gaynor and Heather Webb; announced the winning title for the book club book of the month (which I already started), The Memory Library by Kate Storey– so good!! 01.01.2025 OGT: starting a new year with hopes and dreams
Purrcy’s Surgery
- Up early to shower, dress and start for Silver City, New Mexico where sweet Purrcy is having his hip surgery; he fussed in his carrier in the backseat for the first 20 minutes of the trip so I put the carrier on my lap but he still cried, then I took him out and put him on his bed on my lap and he got quiet; checked in at the clinic at 9:00, they took kitty back and we headed to Adobe Springs Cafe for a tasty Mexican-style breakfast; walked up and down the main drag then headed for a short hike on Boston Hill before running by the clinic to check on Purrcy then checking into our hotel; dinner at the tiny Nancy’s Silver Cafe – Mexican food in other cities just doesn’t compare to what we have in El Paso; my foot is quit swollen tonight; cold in our room at the Drifter Motel; watched “Jerry Maguire” and worked on blogging things on my laptop. 01.02.2025 OGT: Purrcy did well, we enjoyed our first hike since I broke my foot
- Great bed in our motel room so I slept well but kept waking up wondering where I was; we showered, dressed and split a ham and cheese sandwich before driving to the vet clinic; met with the veterinarian and the vet tech, then picked up our boy, our drugged, angry boy; made the drive home in record time; got him situated, ate some lunch and we all took naps, me on the couch with Snickitty on my tummy; tried to ice Purrcy’s incision as we’ve been directed to do 3x a day, but he didn’t like it at all; did a drop in visit with Colby and Winston kitties; stopped by the library; took a short walk; fixed Weight Watcher taco salad for dinner; gave Purrcy his meds and tried icing his incision again; blog reading and writing tonight, tired and worried about this kitty. 01.03.2025 OGT: glad to be home, Purrcy is on the road to recovery
Nursing Our Baby
- Woke up with a heaviness worrying about taking care of Purrcival as he recovers, just hate to see him in pain and struggling; gave Purrcy his concoction of medications, ate breakfast then let him out of his crate to walk a little bit about the kitchen and he did so well!!; took kitty out into the yard for a few minutes of sunshine; Paul sprayed weeds in the rocks while I pulled weeds with this handy dandy Grampa’s Weeder – a gift from Bren; PC went for his last stretch; I worked on my bucket list post, did a Supernatural workout and scrapbooked while he was gone; had chicken salad for lunch; worked out at the gym; Taco Bell for supper; Purrcy enjoyed a little more time outside his crate; watched a crazy Cincinnati Bengals-Pittsburgh Steelers football game; off to bed. 01.04.2025 OGT: Purrcy is doing well
Already Behind
- Whoops, it didn’t take long for me to get off track. Writing this Sunday sentence on Tuesday evening. Again we missed church, had this scrumptious quiche for breakfast, watched a lot of football, I worked on blog posts and blog reading; did my Supernatural workout, a hips and standing abs workout; Purrcy is getting around very well, finished his Tramadol today. 01.05.2025 OGT: thinking straight these days
Love Being Gabba/Mimi
- Monday; Lauren texted that the girls were sleeping late and she would text us when they were up and ready for us to come get them for a day at our house; published 2 blog posts – winter bucket list and goals and WOTY: we picked them up about 10 am, Cami and Lucia were in grand form, they asked to play “Babies” – our pretend game for car rides but then proceeded to talk so much that we never got to the game; we played “Walmart” with the toy grocery store that the girls set up in the living room; they made price tags for all the items in their store to include some of my old statement necklaces, high heel shoes, and sparkliest purses; then we had lunch and played “Rainbow Friends” on Roblox; followed that with a soak in the hot tub, and PC built us a fire in our little fire extinguisher fire pit; back inside for more “Walmart” and to spend about 30 minutes putting on makeup in our bathroom; the girls were delightful, funny, polite, sweet and Paul joins in with everything making it even more fun; Francisco picked the girls up late in the afternoon; we had leftover quiche for dinner; watched the Netflix movie “Six Triple Eight” – “a historic battalion of all-female soldiers as they face a mission unlike any other: to restore hope to WWII’s frontlines by delivering over 17 million backlogged letters.”; started reading Lucia’s favorite book Dog Man by Dav Pilkey. 01.06.2025 OGT: learning about the heroic unsung heroes of the 6888 battalion
Taste of Winter
- Up early for quiet time in bed; showered, dressed, did a little extra with my makeup(!!see winter goals!!); off to PT which I dread but am always glad for when I leave; just so tired of this sore, stiff foot; home to tackle laundry; started work on “A Year of Writing to Uncover the Authentic Self” offered through the DailyOm; blog reading; ordered my mani/pedi UV light; received my beautiful Talbots vest from Poshmark; did my Supernatural workout; worked on my writing goals for 2025; ran to the outlet mall, where I did the snow*dance in the parking lot, to buy a Claire’s gift card for Cami’s bday tomorrow; scored a bright red sweatshirt at UA for $15; on to writing group where Dick, Denise, PC and I were the only ones in attendance, Denise had delicious chicken salad sammies and brownies, we wrote to PC’s prompt, shared our writing goals for 2025, enjoyed good conversation; spitting snow on our way home; bitter cold tonight; praying for all the stray animals out in the weather. 01.07.2025 OGT: writing group, friendships
Precious Baby Birthdays
- Happy birthday, Cami Jean, my spicy, lover of life!! So glad you were born. Happy heavenly birthday, baby Andrew. Hectic day kind of in and out all day; breakfast, checked emails and banking; enjoyed a piece of Three Kings/Tres Reyes bread and found the baby in my slice – now I have to have a party!! want to have the kids come for game night anyway; ordered a few extra things for Cami; scrapbooked a half a minute with my sister, worked on Nutcracker photos; showered and dressed in my new-to-me fuzzy Talbot’s vest and sequined top in honor of the bday girl who loves sparkle; picked up a doll for her at Target; enjoyed the evening so much, McD’s for dinner at Lauren’s, delicious birthday cake, present galore for our angel; watched the fires in California where Francisco’s sister has had to evacuate from the Palisade fire; spitting snow as we crossed back over the mountain. So blessed that PC loves my daughters and our grandbabies. So blessed in love. 01.08.2025 OGT: Cami Jean!!
Quiet Day
- Should have had PT today but canceled as my foot was so swollen and stiff and sore; should have had a foot doc appointment but he rescheduled for next week – freed up my day!!; put laundry away; gave Purrcy his last antibiotic and heavy duty pain meds, he is doing well; took car for an oil change and the service rep was my former student Missael; went to the gym; made green chile enchiladas for dinner with refried beans; worked on my Where Bloggers Live post most of the afternoon and evening; back across the mountain to pick up my car; spitting snow off and on all day; Supernatural, hips and abs workouts; watched Notre Dame and Penn State; started a new series, “American Primeval” on Netflix. 01.09.2025 OGT: slower paced day, foot felt better again
Makin’ Money
- Sub day but with the delayed start, it was quick and completely painless; love my second graders and their teacher is a doll; so around the mountain to get to Zac White by 9:45 am, enjoyed the kids and the teachers I interacted with; we drew penguins for fun; home for leftover enchiladas and refried beans; PC had vacuumed and mopped the downstairs – NICE!!; we watched football, did our Supernatural,and called it an early night, it was brrrrrr – cold!! 01.10.2025 OGT: opportunities
First World Frustrations
- Bad dreams awoke me this morning, don’t you hate when that happens? and they hung over my head most of the morning; had cereal for breakfast, did banking, email checking, worked on a World Through My Lens post then we headed to the gym; I got so IMPATIENT because my phone never connects to my earbuds, it is ridiculous!!; walked about a quarter mile around the gym trying to get them to connect but my phone could only find the 3 dozen TVs at Planet Fitness to connect to – anyone else have these first world issues?; started my workout and finally they conected and I was able to listen to my latest book “God of the Woods” by Liz Moore, creepy, mysterious; lunch, then scrapbooked with my sister for a couple of hours, PC ran to get popcorn at the theater for supper; lots of blog reading tonight, like catching up with friends, and lots of football. 01.11.2025 OGT: I didn’t throw my phone
- Very pleasant Sunday found us back to church and while the message didn’t really move me, just being back in church did; iHop senior breakfasts afterward; walked around the outlet mall, and PC bought me a beautiful, beautiful sweater I had been ‘visiting’ at Lucky since early fall; Brennyn is having a time with Declan and Lauren had similar troubles with Cami, so thankful they have each other to bounce ideas off; picked up a small order of groceries, put them away; scrapbooked with my sister; soup and sandwiches for dinner; will get back to cooking this week; lots of football all afternoon and evening; fatal car wreck around the corner this morning – the intersection is terribly dangerous; God bless the families involved. 01.12.2025 OGT: feeling clear headed and optimistic to start the new week
Impatience is My Middle Name
- And just like that, I’m not optimistic or clear-headed; Mondays are often my favorite days but they are also days when I catch up with family and friends, seem to have a lot of texts, emails, Messenger messages and phone calls; got up early to do quiet time, and that was good; started laundry after breakfast, changed the sheets, tended Purrcy; then sat down to bank and read blogs; before we headed out to the gym, I decided to make a lasagna and cheesecake but both were more time consuming than I planned; got a call from Cami who was sick at home and I suggested we play “Roblox” which we did for an hour; sweet PC hopped up while we were playing and started taking apart the upstairs guest bedroom which was on our to-do for the week; I was impatient with him, sadly, because I wanted to help and he was tearing the bone out; we got the windows/blinds clean, washed bedding and drapes, baseboards, dusted furniture, cleaned closet, wiped down art and mirror, vacuumed; then had lunch and headed to the gym; did leg weight machines; elliptical, treadmill and massage chairs; dinner, football but I was exhausted and stressed so climbed in bed to read at 7:30 pm. 01.13.2025 OGT: we are a good team but I can be unkind
Back to the Drawing Board
- Quiet time and breakfast before heading to PT where I did the treadmill, leg presses, stretching and the dreaded trying to balance on my bad foot while passing a ball around my body; home to make this bean soup to which I added breakfast sausage crumbled – it is so easy with a hearty, smokiness; off to the orthopedic foot specialist, more Xrays, my foot was already swelling from PT, doctor says no more PT, no more working out other than walking on flat ground; back to icing, elevating and having to take Meloxicam everyday for 30 days, while the bones have healed I now have peroneal tendonitis – this injury just keeps giving; doctor gave me a cortisone injection which relieved the pain temporarily, at least; bought PC a cheeseburger; home to finish upstairs guest room, looks so nice; ironed through most of my pile; recieved my toe shoes from Patricia who offered to bling them up for me; renewed my sourdough starter; struggled with my phone, my laptop and finally called it a day, feeling very defeated. 01.14.2025 OGT: health insurance
Makin’ Da Moolah
- Sub day for second grade at Zac White; listened to my book, The God of the Woods by Liz Moore, on the way across town; kids were pretty good, read The Invisible Boy by Trudy Ludwig to the kids as there are a couple of ‘invisible’ children in this classroom, such a beautiful story; we talked about ways man changes the environment to help himself and I told them about my beloved Ernie the goat; met PC at the gym on the way home to walk on the treadmill for a mile; picked up my Meloxicam and took it with dinner; iced my foot, swelling went down; watched the rest of “American Primeval”, which was terribly violent; off to bed to read “Christmas with the Queen”. 01.15.2025 OGT: good books

Pain Relief
- Slept like a champ, that Meloxicam really helped and PC wrapped my foot in an old brace he had; ate breakfast, sorted laundry to fold; off to Walmart for waters, a better fitting brace for my ankle; the library to exchange books; bank; Starbucks to work on my DailyOm “A Year of Writing to Uncover the Authentic Self” course, enjoyable, while PC read over his book and walked to Supercuts to get a haircut; gym where I did 1.5 miles on the treadmill and abs machines; iced my foot; put groceries away; scrapbooked with my sister; leftovers for dinner again tonight; my foot feels much better. 01.15.2025 OGT: pain and swelling relief
- Up early thanks to the terrific winds, in the shower before PC awakened; made up the guest bed upstairs with the clean linen, the room looks so sparkly clean; after breakfast we spent some time writing before going to Walmart again – this time for cleaning supplies, specifically Mr. Clean erasers, for the bathroom; did a 45-minute walk on the treadmill at the gym and arm machines; home to scrub our bathroom; I took a catnap on the couch with the kitties taking alternating turns on top of me; did a kitty drop in visit for our regulars Boogie, Pi, Lulu, Nacho and Papaya; delicous mole enchiladas at Casita Linda for dinner; PC grabbed some caulking for our shower at Lowe’s and we have been watching “Yellowstone” on Peacock ever since; think we are the last ones to watch it!! 01.17.2025 OGT: my foot is feeling better
Not Flu, Not Covid, Not Strep
- Flat on my back most of today, or curled up under blankies trying to get warm; my throat started hurting and I started coughing last night, awoke this morning this 101.4 fever so headed to urgent care because we were supposed to babysit for the babies so Lauren and Francisco could have a date; negative for flu, Covid, strep but didn’t feel like I should expose the kids to my crud; presciption for nasal spray and cough suppressant; spent the day on the couch dozing between football games; headed to bed in the downstairs guest room before 8:00 pm. 01.18.2025 OGT: God is slowing me down and my foot is much better
- Cannot believe I slept all day yesterday and all night last night; woke up feeling much better but started fading mid-afternoon; watched football; scrapbooked with my sister; Facetimed with Brennyn; had hoped to see the El Paso grands tomorrow but don’t want to share my germs; did our last kitty visit, now we have a wide-open calendar without any sub jobs or Rover jobs on it; no interested in eating – might be a good thing; hoping to feel back to normal tomorrow. 01.19.2025 OGT: thankful to be able to rest
On Strike
- Happy birthday, Martin Luther King, Jr. Thank you for making this world a better place. For all my good sleeping night before last, I couldn’t sleep much at all last night; on nights I can’t sleep, my sister told me t think of a word – READ – and for each letter in that word think of as many words as I can and that would put me to sleep; and it did, 3X but I kept waking up; first thing this morning we selected the excursions for our Alaskan cruise; slow day around the house, watched moments of the inauguration, thankful that the immigration crisis is going to be addressed; very congested; took a nice walk; scrapbooked a few minutes; frozen pot pies for dinner – get so tired of trying to think of something to fix for dinner; Ohio State v Notre Dame – Buckeye win; episode of “Yellowstone.” 01.20.2025 OGT: taking a break from cooking
- Restless night again; woke up less congested, though; soooo cold; PC had an appointment about his shoulder with the ortho specialist, but I was feverish so I stayed home; they have postponed thinking about surgery until spring; while he was gone, the vet called to say Purrcy’s incision looks good so no more cone, or crate or Gabapentin; got the crate put up, all the kitty beds washed and out in the sun to dry; put laundry away; we cleaned the linen closet; PC put felt tabs on all the kitchen cabinet doors and drawers; after lunch we went to the gym, I walked on the treadmill; my sister called worried about her husband and some memory issues he has been having, praying for answers; PC cooked a delicious red beans and rice and smoked sausage concoction; I sat down and wrote on my memoir course – so nice to not have to worry about dinner; watched “Unstoppable” – such an inspirational story, please watch it!! 01.21.2025 OGT: quiet day
Snug as a Bug in a Rug
- Slept so cozy warm and deep back in my own bed upstairs; a chilly 17*F this morning; fixed bagels with pecan-honey cream cheese and scrambled eggs for breakfast; did some blog reading, banking, looked into the #100dayproject and shared details with the writing group; gym workout – 1.5 miles on treadmill; leg machines; salad for lunch; ironed ALL the wrinkled clothes; ironing warmed me up nicely in the afternoon; PC cleaned out the old caulking in the shower; looked into a collage project I want to start tomorrow with Jennifer Chamberlin; fixed this smothered chopped steak recipe for dinner, it was hearty and good, loved the mushrooms; cleaned up the stove and kitchen good, need to go through the pantry before ordering groceries; warmed up nicely today, looking forward to 60s this weekend; worked on labeling old pictures on Photomyne tonight, so many still to do; more “Yellowstone” tonight. 01.22.2025 OGT: productive day
- Ooo, these mornings are nippy; PC had a dental appointment early; I had breakfast, cleaned the kitchen, emptied the dishwasher, tried on these winter white straight corduroy pants I had ordered from Loft and this pair of Old Navy high-waisted green utility pants and like them both very much; sat on the lounge chair on the back porch in the glorious sunshine to read while the kitties played in the yard; when Paul got home we took a long walk, the wind was frigid but the sun was so nice; ran to get a haircut, drop off craft kits at the Friends of the Library and clothes at Goodwill; had lunch, placed a Walmart order for us and one for May, my MIL; dusted downstairs; PC vacuumed and mopped; scrapbooked with Valerie; ordered pizza using a gift card from John and Greta; watched news for a bit then “Yellowstone;” did a Supernatural workout. 10.8K steps today and my foot hasn’t fallen off. 01.23.2025 OGT: being in the sunshine

- Fri-YAY!! Chilly morning, showered, breakfasted, did a little work on my laptop; dusted our bedroom; went to Dollar Tree for feminine hygience products to give away through the patnry at church; picked up jalapeños to make poppers, worked out at the gym – treadmill, arms – finished The God of the Woods by Liz Moore – rather long page-turner with too many characters; I baked sugar cookies, while PC prepared the poppers; had lunch; emailed the book summaries and voting link out to the book club members as we select our 02.2025 book of the month; got ready for game night, picked up grocery order at Walmart, chicken wings at Wing It, ordered pizza at Domino’s and then the kids arrived; Cami had to touch up her makeup first thing, then we ate, played Lucia’s marshmallow games in the dining room; both girls touched up their makeup after eating and then we played the upside-down goggles game at the coffee table in the den – lots of laughs, a fun night, Purrcy laid in his bed right beside us in the den; watched several episodes of “Yellowstone, ” didn’t crawl into bed until 10:30ish, how grown up of us!! 01.24.2025 OGT: laughter with fam
Fun Day
- Didn’t get up all night, crazy!! Opened our eyes about 7:45 am, with the covers pulled up to our chins; talked to Brennyn and Dec on Facetime; showered, dressed for the gym; ate breakfast, checked the voting and updated the book club on the voting results so far; gym workout – added in incline on the treadmill but my foot was not happy, did abs machines, finished “Holiday Hideaway” – cute, predictable, easy read, while walking; lunch; showered and dressed for date night; scrapbooked with my sister for a bit before we left; walked around the Fountains at Farrah, scored this crazy, blingy, fun shacket with my Cavender’s gift card from PC a year ago; dinner at Jason’s Deli, picked up a peach, flocked bunny for Cami Jean at Home Goods; home to watch Tennessee v Auburn basketball, TN lost; more “Yellowstone.” 01.25.2025 OGT: good day doing a mix of fun things
Back to Church
- Love waking up tucked toastly warm under all of the layers of blankets; showered, dressed for church; fixed bags of feminine hygiene supplies and diapers for the pantry; still not really feeling the message at church, but hopefully, my enthusiasm will return; home for leftover chicken wings and jalapeño poppers for lunch; watched some of the Eagles v Commanders game; scrapbooked a few minutes, still working on 3 years of “Nutcracker” pictures; took a walk with PC in the warm sunshine; tomato soup and grilled cheese for dinner; cheered for the Bills v Chiefs but they couldn’t overtake KC; “Yellowstone” before bed; hoing this week will feel more normal again. 01.26.2025 OGT: being home all day
- Monday, my favorite day of the week. Slept well but my dreams are wrapped up in “Yellowstone” somehow; breakfast, banking and email checking; together we put a homemade chicken noodle soup in the crockpot for dinner; did some writing in our respective offices but PC had a close call – he couldn’t find the latest version of his story, and had to practically stand on his head, poring over Word documents until he could find the most up-to-date version, thank heavens; gym – treadmill, leg machines; scrapbooked with my sister; Declan is delighted with his new haircut: little walk in the late afternoon sunshine; soup, cheese, crackers and summer sausage for dinner; tried to track today; Supernatural workout and 7-minute standing abs; “Yellowstone” before bed. 01.27.2025 OGT: 13K steps; PC found his story
Successful Day
- Writing group Tuesday. Woke up without the alarm, snuggled a few minutes before venturing out in the cold to shower; had breakfast, put up all of yesterday’s laundry; did some memoir writing about loss and grief through the DailyOm course I am taking; rode the bike, walked on the treadmill and did an abs workout at the gym; had a doctor’s appointment after lunch to refill my OCD meds, but also got medicine for my sinus infection(?), asked about having a hearing test and the PA forgot to get information about that for me, will call back tomorrow; PC and cleaned up the garage, organized items on the shelves, swept everything out, arranged remaining gym equipment; enjoyed writing group tonight, Denise fixed a delicous Cobb salad, good converstaion, encouragement for writing and future meetings, Dick has had a very recent TIA and is undergoing tests, very worrisome, will be praying; writing group always leaves me uplifted. 01.28.2025 OGT: clean garage, refill on my meds, meds for sinuses, writing group
Wellness Wednesday
- Another busy day beginning with Wellness Wednesday at school with Lucia and Cami – we walked a few laps with each girl during P.E. then watched as they and their friends played on the playground equipment, was fun to be with them and their pals; late morning breakfast at iHop, our favorite senior+ combos – I love pancakes; walked around the outlet mall where I bought a delicious masculine fragrance that is the combination of some of my favorite ‘notes’ (lemon, patchouli and blonde cedar) called Glory and a waterproof, Omni-wick tobacco-colored jacket for our cruise; stopped for ice cream at DQ on the way home; appointment with the doctor to get refills for my OCD meds and an antibiotic for whatever has been going on with me and wanted an authroization for having my hearing checked but didn’t get it; early dinner at Casita Linda’s then home to watch news about the helicopter-plane crash over the Potomac River then “Yellowstone” before bed. 01.29.2025 OGT: being with the granddolls, getting meds to feel better
Winding down
- So hard to climb out from under those covers on these cold mornings; showered, breakfast, bill paying and my daily battle with technology; went upstairs to write a little on the piece I started writing in November for NaNoWriMo; the doctor’s office called and said they couldn’t authorize a hearing check for me because I didn’t have a history of needed a check. not sure how I get a history of needing a check; went to the gym, 30 minutes ofn the treadmill, arm machines; organized the last shelf in the garage; scrapbooked with my sister on Facetime and Purrsnickitty sitting on top of my photos; fixed this easy ravioli casserole for dinner – added a couple of spoons of ricotta on top and added a little more water than called for – it was delicious; Supernatural workout and standing abs; terribly windy today and we couldn’t get warm; my book club selected its 02.2025 read, The Housekeeper’s Secret by Sandra Schnakenburg, which is a memoir; ready to climb back in bed and call it a day. 01.30.2025 OGT: easy dinner; paydays
- Adios, Enero!! Anxious to move into February and one step closer to spring; my foot is feeling better – thanks to a combination of pain meds and steroid injection but hope in the coming month, I can be painfree on my own and over this sinus infection once and for all; generally good day today; breakfast, writing, gym – treadmill, leg machines, picked up photos at Walgreen’s; McD’s for lunch; then we jumped into winter spring cleaning the upstairs guest bathroom – washed the shower curtain, towels, scrubbed it from top to bottom til it shined; scrapbooked with my sister, still working on Nutcracker pictures; took a mile walk with PC in the fading sunshine; Valerie texted me that there was another plane crash, this time in Philadelphia, worrisome, strange coincidences?; leftover ravioli casserole, garlic bread and veggies for supper; baked lemon bars for dessert; “Yellowstone” before bed. 01.31.2025 OGT: splitting the day between work and play
Long month? I can’t decide. Some days were way too short!!
1 Second Each Day
Here’s a quick video review of my second to last month of the year.
Appears I wore a whole lot of brown this month. Ha!! Didn’t realize it and would never have guessed. Nothing special about any of these looks. Just cardigans and sweaters, skirts, jeans and cords. Oh, and I did discover a pair of black ponte knit pants in the closet from NY&Co. that I hadn’t worn. Ooops. They were very comfortable and will be regulars from now on.
2025 Word of the Year (WOTY)
I revealed my WOTY in this post at the first of the month. After a couple of days thinking on it, taking quizzes to determine it, my word came to me. What I want to do in 2025 is nurture…nurture myself, my relationships, my interests, my return to better health. And I want to nurture my playful side.
I started off this month great guns. Put together my winter 2025 bucket list and goals and planned to set the world on fire. Mid-month, I had an appointment with the orthopedic specialist about my foot. And he put the kibosh on all my fancy plans. Five months after the accident, my foot shouldn’t be swelling and as stiff and painful as it is. So, the doctor put me on Meloxicam (for pain and swelling), restricted me to just walking on the treadmill without incline at the gym, and nothing more, and suggested I return to elevating and icing my foot several times a day for a month. So, doctor-imposed nurturing, if you will.
Making Progress
Now, 2 weeks later, my foot is less -swollen, -stiff, -painful. I feel like I am walking a little better. Have worn only flat soled shoes, mostly tennis shoes. Today, for the first time, I added a little incline to my walk on the treadmill. I tried doing my Supernatural workout. And somehow, I managed to get 13K steps. Hoping that tomorrow, I am still basically pain-, swelling- and stiffness-free. Need to nurture myself and have a quiet day tomorrow.
Last Friday night, we hosted Lauren and family for game night. A step toward nurturing my playful side. We played some party games that Lucia had suggested. Then used upside down goggles to play a drawing game. Pizza, chicken wings, chips and guacamole, and homemade sugar cookies. And lots of laughs.
Looking forward to a nice weekend with spring-like temperatures.
Your Turn
How did your January wind up? What would you rate it on a scale of 1-10? I think I am going to give our January a good solid 7. It definitely ended on a higher note than it began. Thank goodness!!
Sure do appreciate your popping in today – and always. Hope your weekend is full of fun adventures. Make some memories.
Hugs and kisses,

Oh my goodness, Leslie, I am always inspired by your commitment to writing a Sentence a Day! I loved your recap video which is a wonderful memory of January. Your smile always shines through no matter what you are doing. Have a Fabulous February and I’m so pleased you were able to join us at #WBOYC? to start 2025. Sending hugs and love, Sue x
Yay, you made it! (To the linky, that is). And up and down month to be sure. I like how you’ve chosen to see the nurturing in your doctor’s advice. It must be so frustrating for you though.
Leslie, I loved reading about your January. It’s so heartwarming to see how much care and attention you’re giving to Purrcy’s recovery and all the little moments that bring joy, like the birthday celebrations and game nights. Your January sounds like a blend of busy days with lots of love and reflection. Wishing you continued good vibes and fun adventures this February.
Thank you so much. We are enjoying spring weather this week with highs in the 80s. Can you imagine? Purrcy is well recovered and happy to meander around in the backyard in the sunshine. I am volunteering to work the book fair at Lucia and Cami’s school on Friday so hope to sneak in some hugs from both girls then. February is off to a great start.
Oh Leslie, as I read through your daily goings on I smiled and felt all the feels. What fun you have, such busy days and lots of activities! but also worries and niggles especially your foot. You really are a bright spark in my blog reading day, so many thanks for brightening my day. Take care!
Thanks for joining us for the WBOYC linkup and happy February!
What a dedication you have with sentence a day. And love the ogt! A inspiration!
Hey doll!! You are so sweet. These sentences are more for my benefit than anything. To help me remember things. Thank you for stopping by and for your thoughtful comment.
I think I’d give our January a 7 too; nothing bad really happened but it did feel like a long, boring, cold one! I hadn’t heard about the second plane crash so I’m off to read about that. I love your WOTY. Keep nurturing that foot!
Thank you for the encouragement. I am trying to behave with this foot but beyond DONE with the whole thing.
January was full of ups and downs for you, wasn’t it Leslie? I’m glad your sweet kitty is doing better and hope that your foot continues to heal. As for my January…January is typically my least favorite month of the year, but I would rate this one as an 8-9. The only thing that would have made it better would be some warmth and longer days…but I guess it wouldn’t be January then would it? I am so looking forward to spring.
Hey!! Are you guys having unseasonably warm weather this week? We are basking in bright sunshine and 80+* afternoons. LOVE it. But so afraid the other shoe will drop – Punxatawney Phil said we still have 6 weeks of winter left. Our trees are even budding.
Glad you had such a good first month of the year. I know you enjoyed being with family. Here’s hoping spring is approaching in both of our areas!!
Happy belated birthday to Cami! I am so sorry about your foot. It’s like I told Mike…is this merry-go-round ever gonna stop so we can get off! He can’t take Meloxicam because of what it does to his blood pressure. So, tylenol it is for him. I’m always so impressed by how PC is so into everything you do…from cleaning to writing to loving on your family!
Thank you, friend. Cami Jean was well celebrated. I am about to jump off the merry-go-round in full twirl!! Sick of this stuff. I didn’t know Meloxicam affected BP but that explains why my BP has been higher, I bet. I usually have very low blood pressure. Thank you for that tidbit.
We are about to have to have a come to Jesus because PC is writing out a daily schedule for us…and I do like a schedule…but by golly, at 10:30 I better jump up and run to the car to go to the gym. If I am in the middle of something, he paces around until I finish. That is not going to work!!
WOW!! I am totally impressed by this post….It was a long month in some ways and in other ways, not long enough….
You asked where do I store all my decorations in your comment…My attic is floored which gives me a 16 x 20 ‘ space up there for storage…I also rent a storage shed for outside decoration storage…The funny thing is that my husband is the one who bought most of my decorations…Thanks so much for stopping bhyQ!!
Debbie-Dabble Blog