Ladybugs…thanks for joining me for this month’s Where Bloggers Live 06.2022: Favorite Movie Moments. This month, the gals and I are sharing our favorite movies with you. Or in my case, my favorite cinematic moments. My single favorite movie may change when something new emerges on the silver screen. But there are a few movies that continue to remain at the top of my evolving and ever-changing list. And those are the movies I am going to share with you in today’s post. You probably won’t find a movie among them that you haven’t already watched yourself. But maybe my post and the posts of my Where Bloggers Live buddies will inspire you to revisit some of your favorite movies and cinematic moments.
But before we get to that, if you’ve missed any of the Where Bloggers Live posts this year, you’ve missed a treat. So far, we’ve given you a look at our ‘rides’ in January and our furry fam in February. And in March we described our dream house. In April I was overwhelmed by LIFE when the gals wrote posts about their favorite piece of furniture. Would still like to do that…someday.
And if you missed last month’s post, you can find it here. I shared my photo albums and scrapbooks.
Where Bloggers Live
Ever wonder where the ideas for this series come from? Well, let me tell you!! Each month our fearless leader Bettye comes up with a prompt for the gang to respond to. The prompts always make me use my noggin for more than a place to hang my hat!! And they usually have me traveling down Memory Lane in the process. Today’s post is no exception. Here’s are my favorite moments in movies.
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My favorite genre of movies is the same as my favorite genre of books: historical fiction. With my favorite time period being World War II followed by the U.S. Civil War and the turn of the 20th century eras. Most of my favorite movies portray stories set during one of those 3 settings.
World War II
It would probably be safe to say I’ve never met a WWII film I didn’t like. Or a book set in this era that I didn’t love. Sometimes I wonder what is wrong with me that this historical time speaks so to me. I may forget all the little details in the books and movies I love best…I am 64, you know. But I never forget how those books and movies made me feel. And I think that is what makes them perpetual favorites.
Saving Private Ryan
My all-time favorite World War II film would probably be “Saving Private Ryan” starring Tom Hanks and Matt Damon, directed by Steven Spielberg. This movie was released in 1998. It won 5 Oscars, won 79 other awards and nominated for 75 more.
IMDB Synopsis: Following the Normandy Landings, a group of U.S. soldiers go behind enemy lines to retrieve a paratrooper whose brothers have been killed in action.
There are many scenes that haunt me in this film. But my favorites are:
- Mrs. Ryan is receives official notification that her sons have died in battle.
- a desperate French father tries to get U.S. soldiers to take his children thinking they would be safer with them.
- haunting phonograph music echoes through the bombed buildings of a French village as the U.S. troops lie in wait for the approaching Nazi soldiers.
Schindler’s List
“Schindler’s List” is another movie set during the second world war that is among my favorites. Released in 1993, it stars Liam Neeson, Ralph Fiennes and Ben Kingsley, and was directed by Steven Spielberg. It won 7 Oscars, 91 wins total and 49 nominations.
IMDB Synopsis: In German-occupied Poland during World War II, industrialist Oskar Schindler gradually becomes concerned for his Jewish workforce after witnessing their persecution by the Nazis.
This film is shot in black and white. But one of the most moving scenes of the picture features a little girl in a red coat…the only color in the movie.
- prominent businessman Oskar Schindler watches from a distance as Nazis round up villagers and a small child in a red coat wanders among the chaos in search of safety and a place to hide.
- Schindler receives a send-off by the many Jewish people he saved from certain death by employing them in his factory.
Life is Beautiful
Another lesser-known World War II movie is the Italian “La vita è bella” or “Life is Beautiful.” Released in the 1997, this foreign film was directed by Roberto Benigni. He is cast in the leading role along with his real life wife Nicoletta Braschi. “Life is Beautiful” won 3 Oscars and has 72 additional wins and 52 nominations.
IMDB Synopsis: When an open-minded Jewish waiter and his son become victims of the Holocaust, he uses a perfect mixture of will, humor, and imagination to protect his son from the dangers around their camp.
The love among the members of this family is incredible and keeps them alive under the worst of circumstances. Guido and Dora go to great lengths to protect their young son from the truth that is the prison camp to which they’ve been relocated.
- Guido has explained to young Giosué that by living in the prison camp they are really playing a game. And the family must play their best to earn points and hopefully win the grand prize, a tank.
The ineffable human spirit is the thread that ties these 3 movies together. The love of parent for child. The love of soldier for country. And finally, the love of one human for another in the world’s darkest days. These movies are forever tucked in my heart and mind.
Your Turn
What movies come to mind when you think of your very favorites? I could certainly go on and on…there’s “Shakespeare in Love” and “When Harry Met Sally” for love stories. “The Great Gatsby” – both versions – for symbolism and beautiful images. And “Overboard” is ridiculous fun with a happily-ever-after ending.
Hope you will join me in visiting the blogs of my dear Where Bloggers Live buddies to discover their favorite movie(s). Then maybe we will both have something new to watch this weekend!!
Bettye at Fashion Schlub
Daenel at Living Outside the Stacks
Iris at Iris’ Original Ramblings
Jodie at Jodie’s Touch of Style
Leslie at Once Upon a Time & Happily Ever After
Sally at Within a World of My Own
So, last night I was spraying our pillows with linen mist before bed. I sprayed but couldn’t smell anything. Sprayed again. Nothing. Held the damp pillow under my nose. Nada. Started to spray a third time when PC asked why I was drowning my pillow with Bath and Body Works “Sleep” pillow mist. I told him I couldn’t smell the mist and asked if he could…and then it dawned on me…
I’ve lost my sense of smell.
Going to retest for Covid today. I am actually feeling much better but still very congested. Could just be a sinus infection. We’ll see.
If you haven’t seen the “Top Gun” sequel yet, I highly recommend it. We saw it in Tucson over Memorial Day weekend when I was absolutely raw with emotion over the Uvalde, Texas school shootings. I cried from opening credits to closing credits. Not solely over the movie.
Have a restful weekend friends!!
Hugs and kisses,

I don’t watch many historical movies so I have never seen either Saving Private Ryan or Life is Beautiful (I know…I’m like one of 10 people). It’s probably time to get them on my queue!
Hello Leslie. I enjoyed reading about your favorite movie moments. I also love Saving Private Ryan. I actually haven’t been to a movie theater in years, but now that I am retired, my husband and I have been talking about going to a matinee, probably the Top Gun sequel.
I hope you are feeling better and will be enjoying your linen mist smell again soon!
LOL, yes, I can smell my linen mist again!! Hallelujah.
Hope you do go to see the Top Gun Sequel. It was so good. Much better than I had anticipated.
We were just talking about these types of movies. They really pull on your heartstrings, don’t they??
Yes, they do. They bring on all the emotions.
Isn’t it hard to choose favourite films? So many different genres to choose from. I’ve seen the first two on your list, both of which I enjoyed. Haven’t seen the second Top Gun one yet, but I’m sure it is just a matter of time 😉
Hope you feel better very soon x
I think you would enjoy Life is Beautiful very much. It is heartwarming and very touching. If ever you find yourself in need of something to watch, check it out. And then go as soon as you can to see Top Gun. It was very good!!
We slept an unbelievable 12 hours again last night. Cannot get over it. Still tired, shaky and weak. Hope next week we will feel stronger.
Oh my goodness, you’re much braver than me. I can’t watch those movies. My Dad and all my Uncles were in WWII and I have some sad memories from that time. I know they’re history and I do love history, but the movies make it seem so real (and indeed, it was).
I appreciate the fact that you like them. My #3 son is a big history buff and he loves all those movies. I think they really have a place and more people need to see them and take them to heart – just not me.
I can completely understand your reticence at watching World War II movies. They hit close to home. And in some ways they hit close to home for me, too. Although I wasn’t born during that time period, I have always felt such a strong connection to World War II. When we lived in Panama, the Air Force would land helicopters in our back yard. For years after that, I flinched every time I heard a helicopter. And I still react to this day. We always lived with the threat of possibly having to evacuate our home in Panama at a moment’s notice so I was very much on edge.
I do love movies – I have all sorts of different ones that are enjoyable like the animated Anastasia and the Harry Potter movies and The General with Buster Keaton, etc.
Life is Beautiful is a wonderful film – so excited you shared that!
Oh, I think you are the only other person I know who has seen and enjoyed Life is Beautiful. Such a wonderful story. I just finished reading my first Harry Potter book. Thought of you!! Now to watch the movie again. I bet it will make more sense. On to number two.
Hahahahaha. I just laughed at your mist pillow story. I have a terrible sense of smell most of the time, so sometimes I am like this candle doesn’t smell at all as it’s burning and my family is like “wow, it smells amazing in here!”. Anyway, I do hope you are feeling better soon. You have some really good movies that I have totally forgotten about here. I also love that time period, especially to read. I am dying to see Top Gun but just haven’t had a spare moment, honestly I think it’ll be sometime in the middle of summer.
Girl, grab your fella and the kids and get to the theater to see Top Gun. So good. We just loved it. And everyone I know has too.
I have a really strong sense of smell so I knew something was wrong right away but kept looking at the bottle of linen mist thinking it had gone bad or something. My pillow was just soaked and PC looked at me like I had lost my mind. He assured me the spray still had a fragrance but I couldn’t smell it even with my head buried in my pillow. Thankfully, my sense of smell has returned. Not back to normal yet but I can smell things. Was kitty sitting for 15 kitties who were sharing 2 – TWO – litter boxes!!! Was thankful I couldn’t smell that!!
You have some great taste in movies! I need to check out a few of these others! I am hoping you are feeling better by now! I had a sense of panic a week ago or so when I had a cold and used a sinus spray-resulting in not being able to smell for a few hours! Thankfully I was negative, but I’ll be praying you get over your virus soon!
Thank you, my sweet friend. It was so strange to realize I couldn’t smell anything. And I take such pleasure in my sense of smell…most of the time!! Was so glad when it returned. While we have not been very sick, we can’t seem to get back to 100% either. We are sleeping 12 hours every night that we can…not on weekdays but on weekends for sure. And just have no stamina. Hoping after this restful weekend we will be back to normal. Hope you and the family stay well!!
I’m a huge fan of WWII-era films too. Life is Beautiful is one of my favorites! My all-time favorite movie though is Love Actually. I watch it anytime I’m feeling down and it always makes me happy.
Jill – Doused in Pink
I am not certain I have ever seen Love Actually. Going to ask PC. I could have seen it yesterday and for some reason, I cannot remember movies for anything. Struggle to remember books, too.
I really enjoy WWII films as well and of course I am a sucker for romantic movie for romantic comedies (which they don’t seem to really make anymore!).
You are right, there aren’t very many romantic comedies anymore. Too busy making silly (in my opinion) comic book movies with super heroes and lots of blood and violence. Yuck!!
I read a lot of WWII books too. I think the first one I ever read was written by Danielle Steel and I was sucked in from that point. I’m not really sure why — it was a terrible era. But there’s something about it…
Hi again, Leslie. I had a hard time watching Saving Private Ryan – too gory. Maybe I’d do better on a small screen. I’ve seen several Holocaust films. A friend of mine was a survivor. She never wrote a book or was the story of a movie (someone wanted her to be, but she refused.) She spoke in schools all over the country. I digress, but she was close to my heart. We watch a lot on Netflix. I love the series Call the Midwife. I enjoyed the historical ones about Queen Victoria and Elizabeth. We just watched Stephen King’s Mr. Harrigan’s Phone, which maybe was supposed to be horror, but wasn’t at all. I loved the actors. Some critics said it was too simple, but maybe I am too. That’s it for today. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about movies. I love watching movies. 🙂