Hello dollies!! Accountability time, my friends. Time to take a look at how I did on my spring goals and spring 2023 bucket list. Oh, and there’s that WOTY, too. Remember it? Yeah, consistency. Time to see if I have been consistently working toward achieving my goals and filling my bucket list.
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Spring 2023 Goals
Making seasonal goals works better for me than New Year’s resolutions that I lose track of before the second week of the year. If I get my goals scribbled onto my goal blackboard in some sort of shorthand, it puts them out where I see them as I begin my day. Going to make that happen as soon as I publish this post.
You might remember that I divided my winter goals into 2 categories. Things that are external I categorized under House. Goals specifically affecting me internally, my body, my personality, I categorized under Home. I did that same thing for spring. Let’s see how I fared.
- ⏱️ = work on goal underway
- ✔️ = goal met
- ❌ = goal not met
- finish kitchen purge: small appliances, dishes, pots and pans, knick-knacks – didn’t part with as much as I originally planned. Now need to put to good use those things that I rescued from the chopping block. ✔️
- spring cleaning: reorganize kitchen/bathroom cabinets; clean fridge, oven, washer, dryer, dishwasher, small appliances like toaster, can opener; purging, dusting, vacuuming, baseboards, walls, windows, blinds, linens, clean upholstery and carpets, clean closets, garage and shed – WHEW – almost done!! Finished the shed and garage and had our yard sale on 06.03.2023. I have cleaned our bedroom, bath and my loft. Just lacking the downstairs bedroom but PC has been sleeping in there. Going to call this finished. ✔️
- refresh patio: clean patio furniture, put out new rugs, hang sails, replace solar lights on pergola and solar torches, purchase new lanterns, clean grill – done!! I am so happy with the results. If you missed this May’s Tell Us About post, the gals and I shared our garden spaces. Find that post, here. ✔️
- yard sale: listed baby things on OfferUp and clothes on Poshmark – sold 7 things on OfferUp. So much more successful than the yard sale. Took some of PC’s clothes to Uptown Cheapskate. Then everything that we didn’t sell found its way to Goodwill. Done!! ✔️
- run 3x a week 1.6 miles a time: increased from winter goal of 2x a week/1.5 miles – I have been doing this. If I am not running 3x a week, I am running twice and always 1.6 miles. Going to give myself this one if I promise to keep up the good work. ✔️
- Supernatural 4X week: maintain from winter goal. I had managed to average doing it 4x a week until last week and then I slipped. HOWEVER, I am back at it, girls. Have done my Supernatural 4x this week so far. Can you see the ‘off’ week in the graphic below? Going to give myself the checkmark here. ✔️
- quiet time 4X a week: same as winter goal…but need to make this happen. Even took my “Jesus Calling” to Austin at the end of May. I didn’t do all the things I usually do for quiet time at home but I did read from JC. If you struggle with finding time, interest, energy for devotional or quiet time and haven’t tried “Jesus Calling” – please, please do!! Each daily message somehow hits the nail on the head for what I am dealing with in life at the moment. It is a simple way to (re)introduce that quiet time back into your life. I am also using “God is With You Every Day” and “Prayer Journal For Women: 52 Week Scripture, Guided Prayer Notebook for Women of God.” Remember I am a newbie (relatively speaking) to having a relationship with God. These 3 books and my journaling Bible have been so helpful on my journey. ✔️
- sit-ups/weights/leg lifts 3x a week: another winter goal carry-over that needs to happen. Why is this so hard??? We have new hand weights or little dumb bells, so I sold our oldies on OfferUp. Need to get over myself and use them. Until PC’s surgery we were doing well. But he can’t exercise or lift weights right now and I am not doing either in solidarity. ❌
- host book club online event: another one from winter – I wish I could have some kind of bright idea for this. But in the meantime, the book club is voting for our June read, The Mostly True Story of Tanner and Louise. Looking for a no-pressure, laid back, one-book-a-month club? “Come Read with Me” might be the perfect fit. ❌
- pedicure and manicure, at-home spa day: my BFF Sharon gave me a gift card for a mani-pedi and all the goodies needed for an at-home spa day. Haven’t indulged in a day of pampering yet. Want to finish the spring cleaning and THEN… ❌
Spring 2023 Bucket List
- Easter egg hunt: at our house or the park – we did this at our house, after Easter dinner. The bunny visited the girls at their house in the morning so PC were the ones elected to hide the eggs at our house. We filled them with change and then Paul put them all around the yard. It was fun telling the girls they were ‘hot’ or ‘cold’ or getting ‘colder.’ Love that they wore dresses, too. ✔️
- Plant my veggie garden, plant clover on the west side of the house: bought these little raised beds last June but never got my garden going. Ordered seeds in late winter and want to plant them in the beds. Also, bought clover seeds to sow in the shade of the west side of the house. Lauren has clover instead of grass in their backyard and it is beautiful. Hoping it will grow in our side yard and fill in the bare spots where Bermuda won’t grow – the clover is growing, and my vegetables are growing. Not sure which vegetables but I guess we’ll know soon enough.✔️
- Make flowerpots for pool: I have very little luck growing flowers in El Paso. I would love something like this but it hasn’t happened yet. And now we are having triple digit summer days so not sure I should even subject anything to those temps. ❌
- Hike or walk: we have really fallen down on the hiking and walking. If we do take a walk, it is just around our neighborhood park. We didn’t get this done and now it is far too hot unless we hike between midnight and 3 am. ❌
- Visit local wineries to pick up some wine: we did a one-day tour of some fairly local New Mexico wineries last summer or early fall. Look at all of the local wineries within about 100 miles. We really like Sombra Antigua and Mesa Vista wineries but didn’t make time to visit this spring. I mentioned them to Brennyn as something we could do when they visit the end of July. ❌
- Inaugurate the refreshed pool with a cookout and swim party: have been in the pool a total of 3 times since the repair was completed. The water is still very cold but we are now having 90* afternoons so it should be warmer soon. We warmed up the water for the kids a couple of weeks ago. ✔️
- Write a short story: for writing class, for me. I have been writing on this. Then again, I have been writing this story for years. I am finally almost finished. Want to get Lucia to help me illustrate it. Going to call this completed. ✔️
- Pub crawl – 3 venues: crawl as in walking from place to place, not crawl as in too drunk to walk; we could even do each one on a different day/night. Just wanted to try some new pubs. We did try Boozy Tacos this spring. Had been there once before but really enjoyed this latest visit. They have a wonderful happy hour. And I guess we visited a pub in Austin after the Steve Martin-Martin Short presentation. So that’s two. But not 3. No checkmark. ❌
- Chihuahua baseball game: so much fun. Love day games and night games, the ones with fireworks afterward. Hoping to go for the 4th of July, so this activity may reappear on my summer bucket list. ❌
- Trip to Austin: for PC’s birthday in February, I got tickets to see Steve Martin and Martin Short in a stand-up comedy performance in Austin mid-May. Enjoyed a road trip to the capital city. We stayed at Brava House. On Saturday, drove north to our old stomping grounds at Ft. Hood and Copperas Cove. PC lived in that area in the 90s and I lived in that area in the 80s. The show was Saturday evening. We drove home Sunday. ✔️
- Scrapbook Declan: carried over from my winter bucket list. Declan is now a year old, almost 18 months old, and I have not yet scrapped his birth. But I’ve gotten this underway. Here’s the first 2-page spread. Created a second 2-page layout for his BIRTH-day. But then my sister and I got started on some painting projects and have set aside our scrapbooking for a bit. ✔️
Your Turn
Today is officially the first day of summer so I need to get this post published. Then need to write up my goals and bucket list activities for the new season. What plans have you made for summer? Do you have a list of goals you hope to accomplish? Would be interested to know what you are hoping to do this summer. Please share in a comment below.
By my count I completed 7 out of 10 goals. Not too shabby. Still working on 3 of my goals. Of the items on my bucket list, I achieved 6 of the 11 items on my list. Hope I can do better for summer. Thank you for cheering me on. Have a restful weekend. I’m off to put together my summer goals and bucket list. Stay tuned!!
Hugs and kisses,
Marsha Banks
I always feel like such an underachiever after reading your goals! Will you come help me deep clean my house? I know I need to do it (even though it’s only a year old), but I just put it off. And, who knew a new house would be so dusty! I swear I dust in the morning, and you could write your name in it in the evening!
I love the photos of you and Declan! Such a sweetie…I can’t believe it’s been 18 months since his birth!
I do hope PC is continuing to heal well, and you continue to get good reports from the doctors! See you soon in the blogosphere!
Leslie Roberts Clingan
Hey my sweet friend, how are YOU? Have you made a decision about the procedure yet?
We had dust galore when we first moved into our house, too. Part of it was because it was summer and construction was going on all around us. But I think there is just a lot of dust in housebuilding. My sweet Declan is going to be here in about a month. Cannot wait to snuggle that boy. Thank you for the kind words.
You get so much accomplished! Just sent you an email with a question re the cute 3 tier garden planter.
Leslie Roberts Clingan
Oh my, I didn’t see the email. Let me look again. I am trying to switch from Hotmail to Gmail and in the process, I am not keeping up well with either one. Off to check!! Thank you.
Well you achieved a lot. But you also had a lot to achieve, what a list. The yard sale looks impressive!
Leslie Roberts Clingan
LOL thank you, Nancy. We didn’t get to sell much because the city code inspector took down all the yard sale signs on the Saturday we had our sale. But what wasn’t sold was given away. So it is OUT OF HERE!!
Lots of checks next to your goals; that’s great! I still struggle with consistency with my workouts too. It’s much to easy to find excuses not to work out. It is definitely one area I need to work on.
Leslie Roberts Clingan
Ha!! You are not kidding. I have so many great=sounding excuses for not working out. Wish we lived closer to each other. We could encourage each other. Back to WW today. But I fall off the bandwagon before dinner!!
Amy Johnson
Wow! Your physical fitness goals and accomplishments are amazing!
Michael Ann
Wow, Leslie! You’ve been BUSY!!! Good for you! I’m in a clear-out-and-organize mood right now. I did a first pass through my clothes and shoes, so that’s a good start, right?!? May hire someone to help me reconfigure our closet to make it work better. I’ve not made seasonal goal lists in a while now but may think on that. My two main goals right now are to blog consistently and exercise consistently. (I’m writing about our trip to Ireland and Iceland right now, and for exercise I’m walking and getting back into Pilates.) I love to write and do not super love to exercise! I hear you on the high temps! I just bought a walking pad so that I would have NO excuse not to walk every day! I’m liking it so far! Thanks for such a great update! You encouraged me!
Leslie Roberts Clingan
So nice to find this comment from you. I have enjoyed your photos from Ireland. I think my ancestors lived in Kilkenny, and my cousin’s wife’s family had a castle there. That sounds so ridiculous but they did!!
I have never heard of a walking pad. Need to look into that. I have a treadmill but it takes up some space and has been relegated to the garage with the other gym equipment – where it is hotter than hot. Last night it was 96* when we went to bed!!
I have tried to get back to blogging regularly but LIFE often gets in the way of my best intentions. Guess all we can do is try our best. Hope you will come back again.
Oh my goodness! I just got tired reading everything you’ve done. I actually started cleaning out my storage area at the back of my garage, but got sidetracked when I started having health problems. So, it’s just sitting there now. Hopefully one day soon I can get back to it. Enjoyed seeing your pool and patio.
Oh, I love my “Jesus Calling”. Praying for your PC. Please keep us posted.
Blessings to you, Iris
Leslie Roberts Clingan
Oh, Iris, I hope you are soon feeling like returning to your storage area to finish getting it cleaned out. I am sorry you aren’t well. I have been off my game, too. Had vertigo for a few weeks but that has passed, thank goodness. Now it is triple digit heat keeping me from being my most productive.
Thank you so much for the prayers for PC. He was feeling pretty defeated this morning but has bounced back this afternoon. He isn’t eating well, which worries me. And said he just doesn’t feel healthy which is scary, too. We got back to the doctor in 2 weeks and will know more then about what’s next.