Good morning, good evening, good night, my friends. Thanks for joining me for Sentence a Day 06.2024 – a monthly review of my June in one run-on sentence a day.
As I said last month, I write these sentences for me. As a way of keeping track of what all has happened and when. I know they are full of drivel and I really don’t expect anyone to wade through all of this wordiness. But it helps me to reflect on each day, and record the important things so I can keep them straight, if not in my mind, on ‘paper’ at least. So, with that being said, please know you are released from any expectation that you need to read every word.
Sentence a Day & OGT
Trying very hard to get this SaD post together, in order to make the What’s Been on Your Calendar? link-up with Deb at Deb’s World, Sue who blogs at Women Living Well After 50, Donna from Retirement Reflections and Jo who can be found at And Anyways, which opens on the last Friday of each month. But the last day of the month isn’t until Sunday so I will still be adding sentences up until that evening.
You might remember – or not – that I started sharing OGT – one good thing at the end of each of my run-on sentences. I also use a gratitude journal at night and am in the market for a new one. If you have one you love, please share in a comment below. I will never forget that sweet Carrie at Curly Crafty Mom sent me my first gratitude journal after I read about hers on her blog. I’ve been ending my days with a gratitude journal ever since. Thank you, Carrie. I just purchased a new gratitude journal, that I hope to being with this shiny new month. You can check it out here.
Just a reminder: Once Upon a Time & Happily Ever After occasionally uses affiliate links which are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link provided I may receive a very small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support.
And you can find where I link-up on this page.
Sentence a Day 06.2024
This was a pretty darn good month. Busy, busy but good. Check it out.
- Baseball Saturday but I begged off because of the forecasted 100* heat and terrible winds; Lauren is still struggling with leakage from last week’s spinal tap and blood patch so I took Cami to gymnastics then picked up Lucia and brought them home with me for a Happy Meal in the hot tub, and a swim with Campa once he got home; Cami used lipstick and lip stain to paint her face like a strawberry!!; stopped off with girls to do the afternoon drop-in visit with Omar-kitty and Cam got something in her foot – wiped it, washed it, but still hurt; took them home along with BBQ and baked beans for supper; tired tonight. 06.01.2024 OGT: cooling off in the pool, able to enjoy it
- Kitty-sitting before church; helped bag food for the pantry, fresh peaches and tomatoes, made toiletry bags and a diaper bag for giveaway; distracted during church but did listen enough to hear the message ‘FEAR NOT’ – an important reminder; Lauren called to say Cami’s foot was red and full of little splinters, asked me what she could have stepped on???; pictures of the writing group after service; iHop for brunch; quick walk around the outlet and picked up goodies at Bath and Body; emptied dishwasher and scrapbooked for a bit but my heart wasn’t in it; floated delightfully in the pool and had a family phone call with mother-in-law May about getting her extra care a couple of times a week – tough talk; kitty sitting before supper; BBQ sandwiches, tater-tots/sweet potato for me and beans; watched “We Were the Lucky Ones” on Hulu, and a recap kind of episode of “Calling the Midwives” on the occasion of their 10th year. 06.02.2024 OGT: floating
- Was worried how I would get everything done today but it all went like clockwork; started laundry as soon as I got up; packed my devotional to read at Omar’s when I did my kitty drop-in visit; then across the mountain to help with field day at Lucia’s school – it was well organized with so many fun activities and stations they moved through in the almost 100* heat – water balloon tossing, pouring water into cups, squeezing water soaked sponges into buckets; stopped at KFC for lunch and ate it in the parking lot of the Rio Grande Cancer Center before my first OLLI memoir writing class which I SO ENJOYED!! and the teacher even asked me if I had written a lot in my life, was impressed that the homework assignment I wrote was something I dashed off with greasy fried chicken fingers right before class; back across the mountain to the library and then by Omar’s house again; cubed steak, gravy, potatoes and green beans for dinner; Supernatural and an abs workout; Reds won their game; watched one episode of “Call the Midwives” and blog reading before bed. 06.03.2024 OGT: getting it all done and enjoying it in the process

- Up and out the door before 7:30 am to drop-in on Omar, then accompany PC to the urologist; good appointment with the nurse practitioner, whom I much prefer over this doctor; he explained that Paul’s PSA number was up because the test was done at a different facility and a pin-point test was not run, just a ‘regular’ PSA test so it isn’t as accurate, and assured us his number is still within the undetectable range – HALLELUJAH!!; had an early lunch at Jason’s Deli then walked around the outdoor Fountains at Farrah mall; stopped at Leslie’s to have the pool water checked – high in all the areas except chlorine; Paul worked on the pool then helped me by vacuuming and mopping downstairs; I cleaned the downstairs bath and the kitchen, dusted downstairs, and dusted our bedroom really well, on hands and knees; PC snuck out to pick up Chick-fil-a for dinner – love when he ‘cooks’ and we watched a little Reds baseball and some Midwives, nursed our struggling lomquat tree with more water and a structure to hopefully keep the sun from frying it. 06.04.2024 OGT: working together; PSA numbers within undetectable range!!
- Up early and across the mountain after fixing breakfast, feeding kitties, packing PC’s lunch and making smoothies; met Denise from our writing group for a most enjoyable early morning walk – 3.2 miles around her neighborhood at the foothills of the Franklins on the westside, I asked her to share their experience with retirement; she reminded me how fortunate we, she and I, both are that our husbands want to spend time with us; popped in Walmart to grab litter and inexpensive diapers/wipes for the pantry at church; did my last morning drop-in with Omar; blog reading, banking; then finished dusting our bedroom; put away spring decorations and got out 4th of July to set about with my summer cactus-themed things; scrapbooked an hour with Valerie; afternoon drop-in visit with Omar, the last one; leftovers for dinner; abs workout and Supernatural workout; “Call the Midwives” before bed; very hot today, 104*. 06.05.2024 OGT: new friendships and old
Oh, dear, I have been babysitting for my granddaughters and have lost all track of time and writing my sentences. Not sure where the last week has gone.
Week’s End
- Thursday – I think it was a happy day because I did some of the things I like to do; can’t remember what exactly, though…planted replacement seeds in my raised beds for those that haven’t come up yet; got 4th of July decorations sprinkled about; did a 1-1-1-row workout and I think a Supernatural workout, both during the day, managed to get a little ironing done – the pile is dwindling; scrapbooked with Valerie but encountered all kinds of trouble using my Cricut Joy which takes the joy out of the whole thing; worked on my writing piece for the prompt for the senior writing class I am taking on Monday’s this summer, Paul cooked = Taco Bell. 06.06.2024 OGT: ME days
- Cannot get out of bed in the mornings and when I do crawl out, I am so sore and stiff – what happened to my nimble body??; got PC on his way; picked up around the house; met Davette for an early lunch at Casita Linda’s where the waiter asked if we were sisters and we split a taco lunch special; made a grocery order of goodies for the girls while Lauren and Francisco are gone; feeling nervous about watching the girls for so long; leftover Taco Bell for dinner – I have to start cooking again!!; 1 year since Paul’s prostatectomy – I think we can say he is in remission. 06.07.2024 OGT: Paul is healthy
Get To, Not Have To
- Rolled around worrying much of the night despite telling myself that my new outlook on life needs to be I get to do A, B or C not I have to do A, B or C; I get to watch Lucia and Cami but I am still worried; Paul had a ballgame and I had to be across the mountain by 10:00 am; Lauren had everything so organized for me, and Francisco had doses of Lucia’s meds for her eating issues all premeasured; Francisco’s parents and sister picked the kids up for the ride to the airport; the girls and I started to play Barbies but Cami fell apart and cried for part of an hour; finally started playing in her jumpy house; we headed over the mountain to pick up groceries, Happy Meals and to swim in our pool; fixed ham and cheese sliders on Hawaiian rolls, rice and corn for dinner; we went to the park to swing then home for bathes and pjs and snacks; back over the mountain to play for a few minutes with their new goodies; horrified to put on the nails Cami picked out only to discover they were applied with real nail glue and not for kids at all – caused a meltdown when they popped off and it hurt; put the girls to sleep in their own beds, PC came over with me; kids arrived in London safely. 06.08.2024 OGT: safe travels for the kids
Gabba Duty
- Figured it best not to try church with the girls; we had a bit of breakfast, I got the girls dressed, their hair done, teeth brushed – all the things – then we went to the outlet mall (or Prenzel Town as Lucia used to call it because they always get prenzels=pretzels there); we ate soft pretzels and cinnamon rolls on the outside tables and fed the birds; Lucia fished dead bugs out of the fountain to feed the birds; went to Claire’s – the girls’ idea of pig heaven; Cami picked out all kinds of kids’ makeup and what I thought were press-on nails (but weren’t!!); Cia picked out a Pokemon stuffy and some school supplies; back to our house so I could do a kitty visit with 4 new cats; then to soak in the hot tub; fixed Hamburger Helper and broccoli and carrot sticks for dinner; PC cut a watermelon which the girls loved; park time for a bit; then back over the mountain to bathe the girls, have a snack and second snack (just thankful Lucia is eating again); heard Cami rummaging around and talking for quite late into the night; she will be tired tomorrow. 06.09.2024 OGT: Paul’s help with the grands

New Week
- Monday – usually one of my favorite days but I was dragging today; up early because of the unfamiliar sounds in the house; thought I could hear water dripping as if from a leak but it turned out to be the wind on the bathroom vent; Cami came in about 7 am and we cuddled for about 15 minutes then it was time to get Cia up and both dressed, fed, and ready for daycare; dropped them off just before 9 am; over the mountain to home; had breakfast, fed our kitties; started laundry; picked up the house; watered the plants outdoor with MiracleGro; set aside clothes for our trip; worked on my “June Wedding” writing assignment just a bit more; over to do the drop-in visit on the 4 felines; across town to writing; this group is made up of some very good writers and the instructor has been so complimentary of my writing; to KinderCare to get the girls, Bob-O’s to ride rides and play arcade games; home with McD’s for dinner; Cami fell apart right before we ate, she has such BIG emotions; played Roblox with Cia, letting Cami use my laptop to play; snack, bath, fixed their hair; second snack; snuggles, bedtime. Whew!! 06.10.2024 OGT: really writing

T-A-R-D, As in I’m So TARD
- Have mercy, I had forgotten how tired a full-time mama could be; I consider myself a full-time mama everyday but this hands-on, in the trenches stuff is exhausting, especially when you 66-years-old and out of practice; up early again and so was Cami, we snuggled, then came downstairs and had breakfast; Lucia slept another 2.5 hours!!; got everyone dressed for the day and laundry started; the girls were playing so well after they ate that I just sat down for a few minutes and watched them; started a HelloFresh kit that we would have for dinner; about noon we headed across the mountain to my house but did the drop-in visit with all the kitties beforehand; fixed the girls lunch; then we played in the pool, and I actually had a chance to swim some laps and float a few minutes; girls played well in the hot tub; PC got home, I got the girls dried off and dressed and we headed back across the mountain for dinner at their house; Cam fell asleep in the car and was less than sociable when she woke up; Paul took Lucia to writing and I stayed behind with Cami; she jumped in the bouncy house and we took a walk; everyone loved Lucia and PC was so good with her and proud of her; second snack before bed; I am wiped out; laundry going, need to write a blog post but toooooo tired. 06.11.2024 OGT: girls were a pleasure
Ooops, Again
Oh, dear. It has been 6, count ’em, SIX days since I last wrote a sentence. Have mercy. I need to do better. I can’t remember what I did this morning much less what I did last week. But I will give it the old college try.
Own Bed
- Nice to wake up in my house and have the day to do some things I needed to do; at the last minute nixed getting a pedicure – just detest spending that much money on something so trivial; had planned to at least slap some polish on at home but that didn’t even happen; packed; finished my Where Bloggers Live post; got my eyebrows threaded – had begun looking like a caveman; set up everything for the kitty sitter; did my kitty sitting visit; watered all of my plants well; watched the Reds then off to bed. 06.12.2024 OGT: sleeping in my own bed
Take Flight
- Up early and a good thing, too; I ran to do my kitty sitting visit first thing (6:30 am) then realized I had left my medicine (my OCD/antidepressant) at Lauren’s house; texted Francisco’s mom who was watching the girls, called, messaged, DMed her on FB, WhatsApp-ed her – no answer; hated to just barge into the house and into the room where she was sleeping to get my meds but I had to have them; finally just before I arrived at the house, I thought to call the kids’ house phone and she picked up; she set my meds outside the door and I didn’t have to upset the girls; showered, grabbed my suitcase and we were off to the airport only to to discover our connecting flight in Houston was canceled and we had to make arrangements for another flight into Louisville; 2 layovers and a lot of waiting and we arrived in KY at 11:00 pm, climbed into the rental, grabbed Airborne and a McFlurry for me, cheeseburger for PC and drove the 75 miles to Paris, KY where we were staying in an AirBnB with Valerie and her husband; they met us with flashlights at the dark driveway entrance; our accommodations were adorable – a refurbished train station on a working horse farm. 06.13.2024 OGT: safe travels; getting my meds before we flew
Glorious Green
- Slept like the worn out traveler I was; showered, dressed, we all meandered about outside feeding and petting the 2 mules on the premises then PC, Valerie, Roby and I headed into downtown Paris, Kentucky for a quick tour ’bout town and a bite of breakfast at Lily’s cafe; then over to GlenLary Estate to meet the soon-to-be bride and groom and the rest of the family for a very enjoyable day playing in the pool, eating lunch then dinner and watching the Tennessee Vols win another game in the college World Series; the wedding venue is beautiful, gorgeous big estate on a 200 acre horse farm, barn, slaves’ quarters, an old school house and the family cabin; took loads of pictures, videotaped the lightning bugs; Brennyn had a hard day at work was so sad when we talked, my poor baby. 06.14.2024 OGT: being with family in all this Kentucky green

Wedding Bells
- Wedding day! Wore shorts over to GlenLary for a huge family breakfast, the best blueberry pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, quiche and rundown on the rest of the day; helped clean up the kitchen, took lots more pictures; made a Kroger run for more water, attempted to correct the misspelled calligraphy on a plaque accompanying a photo of mom and dad for the wedding but wound up redoing it all together; back to the AirBnB to get ready for the wedding; back to the venue an hour later for family pictures; then a 5:30 wedding that was perfection; Kevin and LeeAnn thought of everything, lovely floral arrangements, beautiful setting; LeeAnn’s dress was simply elegant; the ceremony was so moving; cocktails and appetizers by the pool following and then dinner on the huge front porch – steak, salmon, shaved kale salad; potato au gratin; dessert poolside – lemon bars, turtle brownies, berry tart and parfait; found 2 heads up pennies and saw butterflies for my mom and dad; thankful to feel the presence of my parents and God. 06.15.2024 OGT: perfect wedding and ceremony
Home, James
- Slept like a champ again; showered and got packed up for the trip home; breakfast at Waffle House with PC, Valerie and Roby before they headed for a road trip to Michigan and we headed to the Louisville Outlet Mall and then airport; enjoyed shopping a Loft Outlet again; flight to Dallas, short layover and flight home, sweet home during which I finished reading The Secret Life of Sunflowers by Marta Molnar; stopped for a sandwich on the way; kitties were happy to see us, and our own bed felt delightful. 06.16.2024 OGT: safe travels home
- Hardly moved all night; had a writing assignment due for today’s writing class for the prompt: ROAD TRIP; got the kitties fed, the laundry started; PC cleaned the pool filters; I sent wedding pictures to Kevin and LeeAnn; made a grocery order for MIL May; unpacked the suitcase and put everything away; managed to get my memory of the time my mother accidentally left my father at the gas station on a road trip to see me; writing class until 3:00, home to swim and enjoy the pool; my stomach has been rocky all day so we just had snacky supper – plain pasta for me; watched the Reds lose and a couple of episodes of Midwives, about to finish the series; will miss the characters and the uplifting stories. 06.17.2024 OGT: writing
Gabba Duty Again
- Tuesday that felt like a Monday; woke up happily in my own bed; got PC off for the day; changed the sheets; folded the clothes and put them away; worked on blog posts for later this week; showered and dressed to run to Kohls to pick up these darling sandals to brighten up my white dress for July’s Ageless Style outfit; picked up the girls at daycare, ran to DollarTree for snacks; home to their house to wait for their pup, Pumpkin, to be returned home; PC came to the kids’ house after work; we did dinner at Jason’s Deli where the girls ate free!!; swimming lessons at the Y for Lucia where she swam the length of the Olympic pool at least 4 times; Cami paddled about in the shallow end; home for showers, snacks and bedtime videos; PC and collapsed into bed. 06.18.2024 OGT: free dinners
They’re Home
- So confused about what day it is as PC was off midweek for Juneteenth – an important holiday – so Wednesday felt like Saturday; Cami woke up with the sun and climbed into big bed with PC and me; Lucia was a sleepyhead; we had breakfast and a leisurely morning, then got the girls dressed and over the mountain for a swim in our pool and lunch; the girls were content playing together in the hot tub with mermaid dolls; midafternoon we got dried off and dressed and headed to Jungle Reef Aquarium to see the mermaid and the birds, otters, fish, and other animals and to have our faces painted, of course; McDonald’s for dinner thanks to a gift card from my BFF Sharon; I promised the girls wouldn’t have to take a bath and ruin their faces, so we just rinsed off; 2 bedtime snacks, watched “Sing 2” and played Roblox with them before Lauren and Francisco returned home from their vacation. 06.19.2024 OGT: a wonderful last day with the girls and my PC who was there every minute of the day

Happily Home
- Thankful to have a day at home; had to get 2 blog posts finished with complications with backups through the web host – blogging can be such work; started a new trial while ironing all afternoon – thank goodness it was cooler, 88* for a high after 106* yesterday; have 3 Rover drop in visits and dog walking jobs in the upcoming weeks; put chemicals in the pool after the splash of rain we got in the night and the terrible winds; fixed a taco soup for supper without following a recipe, just winged it; did a quick abs workout and Supernatural for the first time in a week; blog reading before bed; so tired. 06.20.2024 OGT: opportunities
Welcome, Summer
- First day of summer…really want to jot down and share a bucket list for the season (got it done, here) to ensure we try new things and experiences; struggling to get up every morning – have been terribly unfaithful to my quiet time; got PC off to work in the midst of a sprinkle of rain which continued off and on all day; when I asked Alexa if there was a chance of rain today, she replied that it would rain in 30 minutes for 10 minutes and that’s the way it has been; glad for any rain at all as we have had less than an inch all year; did some blog reading; cleaned the downstairs – dusted, vacuumed, mopped, cleaned the kitchen and bathroom; showered and headed across the mountain to donate blood then do a big grocery shopping at the commissary – 2 hours later, I was home putting away all the groceries and warming leftover taco soup for supper; started a new book, The Dutch House by Ann Patchett; Reds beat the Red Sox; watched an episode of “Bridgerton.” 06.21.2024 OGT: rain
Settling Down
- Could it be that I am getting back on track? Remembered to write my sentence, do my Duolingo and hope to play Wordle before I turn out the light; we slept until after 8:00 am; showered, dressed for PC’s ballgame, cereal for breakfast and then the 25 mile drive to Cougar Park in Socorro for the game; hot, humid and another Sun Kings loss but Paul had a good game at 3rd base; talked to Brennyn and then Lauren, Lucia and Cami; stopped at Jason’s Deli for late lunch, picked up these cuffed high rise straight jeans at Loft that Lauren has been styling so well; watched the Reds game, a loss then watched Tennessee play in the Men’s College World Series, game 1, another loss; blog reading until bedtime. 06.22.2024 OGT: talking to both my girls today, Lucia weighed 52 pounds
- What a pleasant Sunday; awoke after sleeping so well; showered and dressed for church, out the door and over the mountain to work in the pantry first before the service, the church is taking food donations for the pantry and specific donations for Ruidoso forest fire victims; guest speaker gave the message which was very good about prayers sometimes being answered with the seed we need to bring the answers to our prayers to fruition; iHop breakfast, quick trip ’round the outlet mall; watched Tennessee barely win the second of three games in the college baseball world series; swam then floated in the pool before grilling a steak and salmon for dinner; finished “Bridgerton” tonight, and about to wind up “Call the Midwives”, what to watch now? 06.23.2024 OGT: peaceful day
Last Week of the Month
- Monday, and I got up for quiet time; hoping to get back on track; did an abs workout after; got PC off to work then started laundry; watered plants, sat on the back porch and made my to-do list for the week; did my 1-1-1-row workout (a mile on treadmill, elliptical, bike and then rowing); quick shower then meet-n-greet for the pup I will be walking next week; received a text from my cousin Don letting us know his younger sister Jane died today, only 66-years-old complications of stroke and diabetes; he didn’t even know she had been moved to a nursing home or that her husband died last month – so sad, no children, no will, no directives, no list of next of kin; picked up groceries at Walmart – mostly flavored water; dropped books off at the library, then writing class – these writers are so talented, I am humbled to be a part of this group; home to fix inside out egg rolls in a bowl for dinner; Supernatural; watched Tennessee win the NCAA World Series, GO VOLS!! 06.24.2024 OGT: feeling back on track
Quiet Day
- Up for quiet time, yay me!!; made PC’s breakfast, packed his lunch and got him off; finished up the laundry, folded clothes and put everything away; worked on a summer goals and bucket list post; blog reading; Paul was home before lunch; he worked on sprinklers and I cleaned flower beds; did a 3-way What’sApp video call with the girls and their babies; started tackling the ironing and made good headway; 106* so we jumped in the pool, swam a few minutes then floated and talked about projects to tackle around the house; this spicy honey grilled chicken for dinner; finished “Call the Midwives,” will miss those characters. 06.25.2024 OGT: cooling off in the pool
Retirement Becoming Reality
- hUmP dAy – up early for quiet time then over the mountain to take the girls to school, they were adorable, hugs from both, both talking at the same time, played “Babies” in the car and drove around the block an extra time so we could play longer; stopped at Hobby Lobby for scrapbook paper and a gazing ball; jumped in the shower, dressed and headed for the Centennial Club for PC’s retirement luncheon and German food – yum!!; home to scrapbook a bit then swam laps in the pool; Paul took me to Boozy Taco for specialty tacos and frozen Margaritas; Supernatural workout; watched “The Perfect Wife” about the Sherri Papini kidnapping; rain!! 06.26.2024 OGT: being with my girls
Almost out of a Job
- Thursday that feels like a Friday; got PC off, breakfast, load of laundry, ironed and my pile is almost gone!!; got the book summaries and voting link out to book club members for our July book of the month; Paul was home by lunch time; scrapbooked with Valerie and finished 1 page, good start on 2 more pages from our first trip to Santa Fe, 2022, with the kids; swam about 1/3 mile then floated under a canopy of gray clouds but no rain; fixed Hello Fresh chicken for dinner; did my 1-1-1-row workout and finished listening to The Flower Sisters; Reds won big; played Presidential Debate Bingo during the first debate; how is it in all of America, these are the only 2 people we can find to run?? 06.27.2024 OGT: swimming
- Up and at it early in order to walk up McKelligon Canyon before it got too hot; we hadn’t walked this far in over a year – yay, us!!; stopped at Brown Bag Deli for a very early lunch; ran errands – Lowe’s, library, car wash then home to mow the grass, trim and work in the yard; made an ice cream run mid-afternoon – so hot and with 20% humidity that we just don’t handle well; replanted herb seeds in my raised boxes, I get hopeful, then nothing happens; planted pumpkin seeds, too; floated for an hour in the pool; leftovers for dinner; watching a disappointing Reds game. 06.28.2024 OGT: getting things done
- PC had a surprise baseball practice and was off before 8:00 am; I emptied the dishwasher, worked on this post and my assignment for Monday’s writing class; did a Supernatural workout – this humidity is killing us!!; when Paul got home we did a little yard work, had lunch then watched an early Reds game and I scrapbooked with my sister; we skipped swimming today instead marked off an activity on my bucket list by eating at The Tap, surprisingly good food – shrimp tacos for me, cheeseburger and onion rings for PC – but a dingy, dark hole in the wall, almost scary; worked a little on our stories at The House coffee shop; picked up the house and gate key for my Rover job with Lily and Rosie next week; started the second season of “House of Dragons,” which is more Paul’s cup of tea than mine; 21 days of triple digit heat so far this season. 06.29.2024 OGT: AC, our pool, opportunities, new experiences
- Slept like a champ; decided to skip church to work on installing our new sail over the pool – PC did all the work, I just supervised; ran to Lowe’s and Walmart for a few things then Lauren and the girls arrived to swim; we were in the pool about an hour when rainstorm came up out of nowhere but most welcome; we scampered out of the pool and grilled some hot dogs and brats for a late lunch/early supper; after brownies, we were back in the pool for another hour; the girls had new mermaid tails and managed to swim very well in them; glad to just rest, blog read and watch TV tonight. 06.30.2024 OGT: Rain, it finally rained
1 Sec Each Day
Here is a quick video clip of much of what has happened since my last SaD post in May. June was a busy month. Lots of picture-taking ops.
2024 Word of the Year (WOTY)
I was really, really nervous about watching Lucia and Cami and a day or two before the kids left for their trip, I started to get pretty concerned about how the whole thing would go. Not sure you know, but I am not as young as I used to be. In all seriousness, I really feel like I’ve lost some of the stamina I had 2-3 years ago. I was concerned I wouldn’t be able to keep up with the girls. Or that I wouldn’t be able to react fast enough if something happened to one of them…heaven forbid. But, thank God, it all went well.
The only real issue I had was with Cami wanting to wear fake nails. We bought what I thought were press-on nails only to discover they were glue-on, grown-up nails. That didn’t deter Camila in the least from wanting the full set on her right now. We tried everything to get them to stick without using the very strong glue that came with the nails. And I am talking 2″ nails, here. Nails she could never have functioned with while wearing. Big rookie mistake on my part to have bought them without paying closer attention.
Finally hid them one night while Cam was asleep, and then took off for Kentucky, leaving the poor other grandma to deal with Cami’s discovery that the nails were missing.
I need to continue to work on changing my mind set from HAVING to do something to GETTING to do something. Hope that will lighten my worries and woes.
Most days you’ll find me in some kind of active wear, if I am going to just be at home. And now that it is summer, I’m not subbing so I am home more. I am especially loving my 2 new skorts for running errands, even for my writing class. Be are going to a Triple A baseball game one night this week, and I will probably wear my white skort then. Here’s a quick rundown of some of my OOTDs for June.
- cactus daisy tee from Wonder Closets, Old Navy skinny jeans (still wearing mine), Skechers rose gold flip flops – wore this to writing
- dress I wore for Kevin’s wedding from Versona, silver sandals from Rack Room Shoes
- head to toe Old Navy – wore this on the flight to Kentucky, it was FREEZING on that plane
- Loft poet blouse and Old Navy white denim – wore to church
- very old dress tie-dyed dress from Amazon or Old Navy – worn for grocery shopping and running errands
- Old Navy b&w striped tee and high waist, wide-legged white denim – my outfit for Saturday date night
- Loft sea foam green tee, Amazon lightweight skort – love it – wore this to take the girls to school
- very old floral skirt and puff sleeved tee from Amazon – worn to church
- Old Navy poppy graphic tee and straight leg jeans – wore this to take the girls to school
Your Turn
How would you rate your first month of summer? As you can see, ours was pretty darn good. Thank goodness!!
Wishing you a peaceful week ahead. What do you have on your calendar for this first week of July? I will be juggling a number of kitty-sitting and dog-walking jobs and celebrating our country’s birthday, of course. Whatever you’re up to, hope you find time for YOU!!
Thank you for popping by to spend a few minutes with me. Off to read blogs and to stop by to see YOU.
Hugs and kisses,

I am so so glad PC’s PSA number is undetectable! Isn’t it something how we are all about numbers these days? You had a very, very busy month…I must have missed something. Did you daughter go to London for play or work? Anyway, those granddaughters of yours are growing up so quickly, and you did a marvelous job caring for them!
The wedding photos were beautiful. You were only 3.5 hours away from me!!! I hope you waved as you flew nearby (if you did).
I think you are so lucky to have that pool even though it has caused you so many headaches! I have always wanted one, but I doubt I shall ever have one now. Mike really likes where we live, and I just don’t know that I have another move in me anyway!
Love your SAD posts!
Oh, dear, no more moves. Pool or not. Join the Y instead!! I did wave to you as we flew over Indiana. My ex-son-in-law lived not far into Indiana from Cincy. Beautiful area.
My daughter and son-in-law actually went to England and Scotland. That’s when I watched the kids. Yikes, was I ever exhausted. But lived to complain and tell about it. It was really not bad at all just made me nervous…but everything does.
Wow Leslie! You certainly pack a LOT into your month AND you manage to document it all! My life is very quiet in comparison. I loved all the family photos and how you get to be so involved with your grandkids – I’m a little bit jealous! I enjoyed catching up on all your news and getting a little glimpse into your (very busy) life. I hope July goes well for you too. 🙂
Thank you so much, Leanne. I would welcome a few slower weeks this month but we are traveling out of town and I have 4 pet-sitting gigs. And PC retires. So we have another hectic month. I love being home in my house and just having a quiet day to look forward to. Hoping to catch up on blog reading today while it rains…music to my ears!!
Our June was really good too! I love the adorable mermaids dipping their fins into the pool. PC is looking nice and healthy too!
So glad you guys had a good June, too. Need to stop by and catch up. Thank you. The girls love their tails and love having to be carried everywhere like princesses because they can’t walk!! Ha!!
Thos mermaid tails are just too cute! Looking after grandchildren is fun but SO exhausting isn’t it?!!! I certainly had more energy 30 years ago when my kids were little 😉
You crammed so much into the month – I don’t know how you cope with such high temperatures though (not a problem we have had here in June!)
Oh, my goodness, keeping the grands was EXHAUSTING. I know you know all about it. There is a reason we don’t have babies in our 60s!! The heat this summer and last have been very hard on me. There is just no relief and it goes on for days and days. We are using the pool everyday and come in refreshed for dinner. Happy birthday to my friend, Coco.
The mermaid suits are adorable. Sounds like you did just fine with Grands while the parents were away, fun activities, good food, extra snacks…. The Estate looks like a lovely place for a wedding. I enjoyed looking at all the pictures. It sounds like the pet sitting is going good & keeping you busy.
Thank you so much. I did survive watching the grands. And look forward to seeing them on the 4th. Thank you for popping by!!
Your grandbabies are so adorable! You look like you are having so much fun with them! What a special bond you are building. 🙂
Thank you so much. How I love my grandbabies. And I will have all four of them together next week at the beach.
So happy to hear about Paul!! Thank you, Jesus!