Hi all…
Maybe “all” is a bit presumptive of me as I am probably just talking to myself here! But ‘hi all’ sounds better than ‘hi me’!!
I just learned from an article on www.guideposts.org that today is National Be an Angel Day. I love this! How much better would this old world be if each of us did something “angelic” today and everyday?
The article provides 10 simple suggestions for ways we can bring a little bit of heaven to someone here on Earth. Things as easy as using kind words in speaking with or about someone, thanking someone for making your life richer or better, praying on behalf of someone you know who is struggling. You never know how something as small as a smile, a compliment, a sincere hug might make all the difference in someone’s life. Please take just a moment to read this very short article 10 Ways You Can Be an Angel and then go out and be a blessing to someone.
Some of My Personal Angels
Speaking of angels, I have been blessed with some people who have come into my life and enriched it for a reason or a season. Three earth-angels in particular come to mind today as I reflect on all of the people who have crossed my path. All three of them volunteered to help me in my elementary school library and worked hours and hours over several years to help me process new books, withdraw old books and shelve the books that had circulated.
I’d venture to say that until you have worked in a library, you don’t know all the work there is to do. By the same token my mom used to say, when someone would ask her to sew something for them “real quick”, that no one knows how much work goes into sewing if they don’t know how to sew themselves. Believe me, I do have a healthy respect for anyone who sews because replacing a button is a HUGE endeavor for me! But I digress…there is so much more to the library profession than just checking books in and out and reading books in between.
I think I will save a detailed job description for another day and will ask you to trust me on that one for now. All of this to say that I couldn’t have done half of what I wanted to do at the H.R. Moye Elementary School library had it not been for Lorena, Susie and Liz. I will never forget you, ladies…I mean you ANGELS!
Your Turn
A dear friend just emailed me the link to a beautiful Thai life insurance commercial. It is entitled “Unsung Hero” and features an everyday angel who touches the hearts of other everyday people he encounters on his way. You can view it below.
Thank you, Marg, for sharing this with me today. You are another angel in my life.
Do you have some angels in your life? Do you have a favorite way of ‘being an angel’ for others? Would love to know more in a comment below.
And thank YOU for stopping by today.

that’s so sweet.
I need to make a point to do more kind things for no reason!
Oh, Shaunacey, thank you for reading. You are keeping me from talking to myself out here. Big loves to you. Hope baby girl is feeling better.
You should be a writer, baby 🙂 Love you
Baby! How sweet for you to pop in for a visit! If I should be a writer – YOU should be a WRITER! This winter. Gonna happen.
What a great article and thanks for sharing. I think many of us get caught up in our day to day, that we forget this. I think it is always a good reminder that a simple smile or kind gesture can truly make a difference in someone’s day. I’m loving that you’ve decided to start a blog, you are a wonderful writer and I’m sure you will have lots of followers in no time! I can’t wait to read the next post.
Oh my heavens! I am so thrilled to have some real followers following me. Thank you so much for taking time to read my article and then to write me this sweet message. Big, big hugs to you. Just hope I can think of something else to write on day 3! Stay tuned…
Leslie YOU are the angel, always positive, always happy, and always full of love for others. Thank you for being an angel in my life!!
Thank you, sweet Marg, for sharing this video with all of us and for being such a dear to take time to stop by my blog. I am not sure how long or how well I will be blogging but am enjoying it so far. Trying to learn html and my way around WordPress. Might be true what they say about teaching an old dog new tricks. Time will tell! XO dear friend!!