Hello dollies…welcome to this month’s Where Bloggers Live 09.2020 where I’m giving a free-of-charge, grand tour of my closet. Or at least my side of it. To be honest, this month’s post snuck up on me. They are always scheduled for the second Friday of each month. And until about 3:00 Thursday afternoon, I was thinking that would be next Friday. Had to scramble to neaten things up a bit before taking these last minute photos. Reader beware!
Before we get started, just a word about Where Bloggers Live. This fun series is kind of like HGTV’s “Celebrities at Home,” but…with bloggers! Who doesn’t like to peek behind the scenes and see inside people’s homes and lives? For last month’s post, we talked about vacations. To which I was quick to ask, “What vacation? Did I miss something?”
In July, I shared a look at my kitchen and it was one of my most popular posts lately. The month before that, we gave tours of our outdoor spaces. I had just revamped our yard and patio so I was happy to share! If you missed that post, please check it out here.
Just a reminder: Once Upon a Time & Happily Ever After occasionally uses affiliate links. This means that if you click or make a purchase from a link provided I may receive a very small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support.
My Closet
Feeling kind of sheepish about sharing my closet for all the blogging world – or my small corner of it – to see. It is nothing fancy for sure. But I do have lots of clothes. Not fancy clothes. Nor expensive clothes. But a lot of tees, especially. I beg you to keep in mind that a whole bunch of this stuff is 4-5 years old. But I wear it all. Or have…until Covid. So, if I let you in, you have to promise not to judge. Pinky swear?
Remember, judgement-free zone. Just like Planet Fitness.
Okay, come on in.
I know, I know, that’s a lot. But let me ‘splain.
Tees, Tanks and Turtlenecks
These are my workhorses if you will. Right inside the closet to the right on top. And on the rack below the tees, tanks and turtlenecks are my pants. I have them arranged by sleeve length and by color. Bet if you look close enough, there will be a tee or tank in there you recognize!!
Looking at all those colors makes me smile. Can you find the top below in the photo above? Love my Loft distressed 6″ shorts (similar, similar) from this summer and my Old Navy polka dot top (similar, similar) from last year.
The silver trays on the shelf above my tops hold my earrings and my bracelets. And there are a few hats I am too timid to wear. Someday. Maybe I will make that an activity on my autumn bucket list. The photo below was taken in the spring of 2014. I am even shy about wearing my hat in a selfie that no one will see!! See the scar on my neck? This was shortly after I retired and had my second cervical spinal surgery. The surgeon accessed my spine from the front!
Jeans and Pants
On the rack under the tees, within easy access, are my jeans and pants. Right now my cold weather pants are in a vacuum storage bag under the bed in the guest room closet.
If our temps continue to be as cold as they were this morning – 47* as I drove over the mountain – I will need to get those babies out prontito. My dressier spring and summer pants are on the pants hangers on the left. These had been arranged in color order…but Covid. No, my pants didn’t get sick. It just got to the point that I was only wearing jeans and just sticking them back on the rack anywhere.
My favorite camos are hanging on the far right. I bought them in 2017. Last year, after several very successful months on Weight Watchers, I was down to my fightin’ weight. And these beloved Loft camo pants (similar, similar) were too big. Couldn’t keep ’em up!! Haven’t tried them since Covid. But I bet that won’t be an issue now. Wonder if I can even get them on.
Dresses, Skirts, Jackets
Dresses, skirts and jackets hang on the middle rack of my closet. I have jumpsuits and maxis there, too. Oh, and on the furthest right side are my camis on special hangers. Rarely wear them because I detest my strapless bra and couldn’t possibly go bra-less like my sisters in the ’60’s. Burn baby, burn. That ivory satin cami is about 15 years old. Maybe I need to go all Marie Kondo on it. Does it bring me joy? Do I use it?
Right before the world turned upside down, I bought several skirts and dresses on sale. Wore this outfit below for Christmas Eve church service. Do you see the H&M leopard skirt (similar, similar) and Papaya sherpa jacket (similar, similar) hanging above?
We were going to church every Sunday and one of my wellness goals was to dress up for church and for date nights. Haven’t had much occasion to dress up while babysitting the girls. Looking forward to initiating this Dress Barn maxi (similar, similar) and my Loft Easter dress (similar, similar) that wasn’t worn for more than a try-on.
Sweaters and Cardis, Anyone?
This rack gets a lot of wear, too. I love my cardigans especially. Would say my Covid uniform (when not yoga pants and workout top) has been a tee and jeans or tee and shorts, and cardi thrown in for good measure.
These have stayed pretty well in color order because I haven’t worn them as much this summer. I have a few heavier cardis and sweaters in another of those space saver boxes in the guest room closet. Hmm, maybe I should have featured that closet, too?
This red cardi is as old as Methuselah. It’s one of the first things I ever bought at the Loft, along with a tomato red skirt and cream and red polka dot blouse. Have always liked matchy-matchy. Also love me some Bachelor. Cannot believe Covid has even affected that. I mean is nothing sacred?
Blouses, Shirts and Kimonos
If my BFF Sharon is reading this, I wonder if she recognizes some of the kimonos below. She first introduced them to me in 2013, I think. Thought she was talking about the traditional Japanese robe until Sharon sent me one. I was instantly in love.
The kimono below is from spring 2019. I purchased it through Alison & Aubrey. Wore the tail off it. Almost. Can you spot it on the rack?
Odds and Ends
That brings us ’round to the back of the closet where I hang my bras. Yes, I hang my bras. See why my closet looks so full? I hang tees and jeans and bras and camis and sweatshirts, which are also at the back of the closet. Oh, and scarves. Do you hang your bras and scarves, too?
Had a shop on Etsy make me a sweatshirt with the name of my blog. Like pairing it with white denim and pearls. Makes me feel like a fancy lady!!
These white jeans have been purged and saved and purged again. Not sure of their status now. Drove around with bags of purged clothes (yes, there was more) for months waiting for the consignment store to reopen. Thanks, Covid.
Also at the back of the closet are my shorts. Hanging, of course.
I don’t have a lot of dressier shorts. Several pairs of distressed denim shorts, and a few twill. My active wear (shorts, tees, yoga pants), socks and panties don’t get hung up. Silly me.
Let me ask you a question. Scored(?) these floral shorts in the early spring at JCrew Factory for about a third of their original price. Wore them once paired with an older OTS Target top. Felt a little too youthful and girlish in them. And truthfully, I am 6 months older now and a whole lot tireder than I was when I bought them. What do you think?
The Rest of the Where Bloggers Live 09.2020 Story
So, that brings us to the rest of the non-clothing items on my side of the closet. The boots and shoes. Once upon a time, I did try to hang my boots. Yeah, not a good idea. So, boots on a shelf, shoes on racks below the hanging bras, scarves, shorts…ha!!
One of my 2 skinny mirrors is in my closet. As long as I don’t see my reflection anywhere else, all is right with my world.
My jewelry – the cheap stuff – hangs on two holders my daughter Lauren made for me and a rake that I made for myself. The good stuff is on a shelf above of my tees in the silver boxes, remember?
On the shelf at the back of the closet, I have my gingerbread house kits. I had making gingerbread houses on last winter’s bucket list but it never happened. Can’t even blame Covid on that. I couldn’t store them in the garage with my holiday decor so put them in my closet. Where do you keep your gingerbread house kits?
My grandmother’s sewing kit in case I decide to sew something. But first I have to learn how. Also have a milk crate – that’s some fancy storage container there – with VHS tapes (yes, I am that old) of the TV show I hosted years ago. A photo album from a past life. And an American Girl doll who was to scary for my daughters (and their daughters) to play with. But with whom I cannot part.

So, that’s basically it for my edition of Where Bloggers Live 09.2020. On PC’s side of the closet there are a whole lot of pants and shirts and baseball uniforms. BORING! Oh, and baskets of tennis shoes. When I get out my winter clothes, I might need to squish up some of his stuff a little so I can have more room for mine. But you didn’t hear that from me.
How many times have I wished that readers could leave photos along with their comments. Would love to see your closet, your hanging bras, VHS tapes and gingerbread house kits. But since that isn’t possible, why don’t we all go over to check out the other Where Bloggers Live 09.2020 posts and the closets of these terrific gals.
Bettye at Fashion Schlub
Daenel at Living Outside the Stacks
Em at Dust and Doghair
Iris at Iris’ Original Ramblings
Jodie at Jodie’s Touch of Style
Julia at When the Girls Rule
Leslie at Once Upon a Time & Happily Ever After
We have 2 more posts for this year’s edition of Where Bloggers Live. But never fear. We have decided to continue the series into the new year. Come on 2021!
Glad you stopped by. Hope you don’t think me the clothes horse or hoarder after seeing my closet. But if you do, can we still be friends?
Enjoy your weekend, girls.
Hugs and kisses,

Thanks for the closet tour! I enjoyed your story-telling and the photos of you wearing a garment with an “I spy” challenge. :). I noticed both you and Jodie hang your cardigans. All of mine are folded on shelves. Hmm. About your printed shorts, I think the top is throwing the outfit off, I’d try a few different ones to get a more “you” look. Hugs!
I love the rainbow shirt arrangement and I wish I had such a large closet!
I bought my sister the rainbow shirt. She is teaching during this crazy time and her husband has just retired so her whole life is upside down. Praying she has better days on the way very soon.
Loved it, and you looked so pretty in your outfits. (Wish I had your legs!)
This has inspired me to do a post on my closet. It would be hilarious 😂
I also have a lot of t-shirts.
(In a pile about as tall as I am on the floor waiting to be hemmed because they all hang down to my knees😉)
Ha!! You silly girl. It made my heart warm to see your comment here. Thank you for the sweet words and for making
me laugh. Oh my, you have to hem your tees?? Had never thought of that being a problem for petite people. I guess
Lauren mentioned it, though, the other day. I always see the struggles my very tall sister has but haven’t thought
of the struggles you and my daughters have with things being too long. If I don’t quite shrinking, you are going to
have to show me how to hem my tees and pants, too!! Love you, baby sis.
I definitely have closet envy Leslie…it’s so big and spacious!!! In fact, I see empty space…gosh I would be filling that up soon, LOL!!!
I absolutely LOVE all the colors in your closet. You are like me in that!!
Thank you, Jodie. I love the colors and prints. I wish I had a little better lighting in my closet. Might look into figuring that out. We wish we had a closet but the builder wouldn’t put one in.
Leslie, that’s not a closet, that’s a WING! You have so much room! That’s so great! I would probably get a pony if I had a space that large, but that’s just me.
VACCUUM STORAGE BAGS! That’s BRILLIANT! I should totally do that. Just brilliant.
Re the questionable floral shorts. How do you feel about blazers? If you wore a plain white tee with a navy or black (can’t tell for sure from the picture what color the background is) blazer, maybe linen (something on the casual side) that would give a little structure and “adultness” to the shorts…is that something that would have a place in your life?
Bra hanging. Hmm.
🙂 Thanks for sharing your Clothing Suite with us!
You make me laugh. A pony, huh? So glad I made your acquaintance. You sparkle!!
The ideas about the floral shorts are great. I think a plain white tee would work
better and be less fluffy and flouncy. I do have a black lightweight blazer. Will give
that a try, too!! Thank you!
I have a VHS tape of our wedding (not in my closet though) & I can’t part with even though we no longer have a VHS player in the house. It was made by my grandfather so nothing fancy but he did a good job and I love that I have his voice recorded too now that he’s passed. I used to hang up everything in my closet but found it was much harder for me to keep clean so we installed shelves and now I fold most things.
Someday, someday I am going to get those VHS tapes converted. Someday. And you should do that with that precious wedding tape.
Wow, you havea lot of great colors @nd items to chose from, I’d try pairing the pretty flowered shorts 2ith a colorful more classic or sophisticated top. Not too youthful.
After 4 houses over the last 40 years all with small or tiny closets I have learned to have a very sm@ll wardrobe but you have great closet space.
Thank you for the suggestion about the floral shorts. Will try this with maybe just a tee or sweater tank top, maybe? I like the shorts a lot. But just felt a little ‘off’ wearing them.
I have had good sized closets in both of my houses. But didn’t become such a clothes horse until I married PC. As much as I love clothes, I don’t buy expensive things but I do have lots of pieces. Going to try to trim things down a bit again tomorrow. But hate to part with my tees!!
Love all the colors in your closet. And, I think the floral shorts look great on you. Enjoyed your closet tour. No, I don’t hang my bras 🙂
Grace & Peace,Iris
Girl, get those bras on hangers!!
What!? You hosted a TV show!? Girl, you are full of surprises! Enjoyed your post. 😀
Oh, I did!! Isn’t that crazy?? I hosted a TV show for my school district but it was seen across west Texas, southeastern New Mexico and northern Mexico!! Ha!
Hi, Leslie – I arrange my closet first by colour, then by sleevelength as well.
Great minds think alike!
High five, sister. Is there any other way to arrange???
I love how colourful your wardrobe is, and you have a great kimono collection too! I need to try better at organising my wardrobe by colour – at the moment it’s all grouped into types of things but only the tees are organised by colour, everything else is just kinda thrown in there. Maybe if I ever get another moment to myself (putting it all in the wardrobe and all on the same velvet hangers took a few days and that was with hubby helping and watching the boys, haha!)
Hope you are having a lovely weekend 🙂
Bribe the husband with something…beer? Pizza? And beg for an entire afternoon in your closet without distraction. Start buying the little velvet hangers a little at a time. Pick out the afternoon you want to do the revamping and then do it. Allow yourself some music, wine and snacks and have fun. I find it so much easier to locate things in my closet since they are organized by color and type. With all your pretty things, you want to be able to easily access them. Can’t wait to see how it looks when you finish!!
My closet is pathetic! It’s embarrassing! Yours is so spacious, I love it!
Thank you!! I wish we had a window in there for better light.
Those colors would make me happy too.
I love the organization. Like most librarians, I’m an organization freak. I like the necklace hanger… I literally have nails in my wall. So very wrong. LOLOLOL
LOL, got a big kick out of the nails you are using for your necklaces. My rake isn’t any better!!
I love kimonos and your pink one is very pretty. I have a red one that I am crazy about. Thanks for the tour!
Thanks for stopping by!! I just saw the most gorgeous fall colored, velvet burnout kimono with a maple leaf print on a blogger I follow. I loved it so much but she bought it several years ago. Would love to find one similar.
I had to giggle at the doll, my sister has always said they’re scary. She says if she’d had a daughter dolls wouldn’t have been allowed. LOL
This was fun… taking a peek into people’s closets.
So glad we are continuing this series into the new year. This has been such fun snooping around in each other’s everything – outdoor space, office, kitchen, etc.
Soooo fun!!! Your closet is ginormous!!! I would fill that baby up and hang everything with a closet like that too! I only get 2.5 racks at our current house, so I have to do seasonal switching out. This is so much fun!!
Seasonal switching makes more sense but here in El Paso, I can really wear a lot of my clothes for 3 seasons. And some all year round. I like seeing them. That is probably really hoarder-like but it’s the truth. I like seeing the colors, prints and textures.
LOVE peeking into other people’s closets! (LOL, that’s why I do what I do…) We must be on the same wavelength. I just recorded a closet tour this morning for IG and YouTube! I don’t hang bras or scarves, but I do hang everything else. You have a VERY generous closet!
PS: LOVE the sweatshirt with your logo! I think I’m going to order a shirt with mine… Stay safe! XO
Thank you!! I really like my blog logo sweatshirt and have a tee with my blog name on it, too. Ordered them both from Etsy.
I love the organisation in your closet – especially the little hangers for necklaces etc. And I’m more than a tad envious about your boot collection – and all that fabulous colour! My closet is quite meagre in comparison & I really only wear the same things over and over. And there’s not enough colour…not nearly enough colour!
Girl, you have to get some new color into your wardrobe this spring. Arrange your tees or tops by color and see what colors you tend to wear most, then branch out from that. I did that to Paul’s side of the closet and he had soooo many gray polo shirts. Almost exactly the same, one after another. I challenge you to get tops in 2 new spring colors and share them on your blog!!
This post was so fun!! I love these glimpses behind the scenes – probably why I am a blogger and read blogs, I am endlessly curious. Anyway, I love your kimono and now I want one. And a sweatshirt with my blog name on it too. My closet reveal would be super sad – no one wants to see that sadness. LOL. I am the worst about buying clothes, and was just making a list of things I want to buy for fall. It’s been eons and eons since I have shopped for clothes for myself. I usually buy things for Wyatt and let myself wear the oldest blahest clothes ever. I feel even more inspired now!
I hope you allow yourself to get some new clothes this fall. Target and Loft and Old Navy all have some really pretty things. A few new graphic tees, some cardis in the pretty fall colors, and a pair or two of new jeans and you will feel so fashionable. Your blog name would be darling on a tee or sweatshirt. I ordered mine on Etsy. I think it is time for you to splurge a little. XO
Oh. My. Goodness.
So many clothes, such a big wardrobe! Wow. How do you ever decide what to wear when you have such an amazing choice? I am pleased that I do not have to ‘show and tell’ in return, my wardrobe is SO small in comparison! I love getting to see around other people’s homes, thank you so much for sharing.
Ha!! I worried most about what you would think about my closet of all my blogging friends. I know by European standards, American closets or wardrobes are quite large. And mine is quite full. I have so many tees and could probably get rid of half but I do wear most of them. Tomorrow I am going back in there with a more discerning eye!! Have far too many scarves and really don’t wear them like I used to. Will thin that collection out some, too.
I like seeing other’s homes, too. Used to really like a day in the life post that I would join up for. Maybe I can revive it this coming year and see if anyone is interested in joining me. fun to see what grocery shopping looks like for others, or a trip to the library, yard work, etc.
How fun to get a peek into your closet! You have so much space (compared to me) and I love how organized you are! I don’t hang my scarves, they are in a bin on the top shelf and I would probably wear them more often if I could see them. I do love those floral shorts on you! They’re really cute!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thank you, friend. Maybe if I tossed my scarves into a bin, I could have more room to hang more exciting things!!
You always have the cutest clothes, Leslie! Thanks for taking us on a tour of your closet. Mine is much less exciting. Do you want to be my stylist? It would mean we have to meet in person! 😁
Oh, I would do about anything to meet you in person. Sweet thing!! Thank you for the compliments. My clothes are all very inexpensive and many are years old, good thing I can’t lose weight very easily – nothing would fit. Been thinking of you a lot, my friend. Sending you hugs.
Hi Leslie – loved the peek into your closet (your colour choices match a lot of mine). I really want those two dresses and your kimono – just post them over when you’re finished with them! I’m also impressed that you have so many clothes – I tend to do a regular cull because my wardrobe is a lot smaller than yours (and I haven’t really got many places to wear them these days!)
You know, many of my tees and cardigans and jeans are several years old. I really don’t have many places to get dressed up beyond that any more. Although, I was substitute teaching for a bit and dressed up everyday for that. We returned to church for one service but haven’t gone back since. I can’t decide how comfortable I was being there, although many precautions were taken to safeguard our health. If we were going to church again, I would at least have that occasion to get dressed!!
So many impressive things about your space, Leslie! From the sheer volume of space to the sheer volume of clothes, all so organized and tidy! You did say that you are a neatnik and it shows with everything having it’s place.
I finally hopped onto the kimono train this summer…but with covid, I’ve been living in old navy shorts and tees… I just don’t feel like getting dressed up to stay home. So, this year is also a wash for me fashion-wise as well.
Most impressive: you made the same mistake as I did with the post date (although you realized it sooner), and still rallied and got yours posted WITH a fabulous tour! I may have to become a neatnik, too!
It is kind of silly to get dressed up to stay home, huh? I haven’t dressed much this summer except to go babysit which is kind of silly in and of itself!! Just hate to impose my yoga pants on anyone!!
I try to be a neatnik but have picked up a new hobby…napping. It is really infringing on my cleaning time. But tomorrow is a new day with a new no nap policy in place. Maybe I can finally purging the closet and get the toilets cleaned.
I think your closet is great and far more realistic than the walk in room closets I see on the web.
Ha!! Imagine having a chandelier and an island and all of those lovely built-ins in your closet??? Somehow, as long as I can get my clothes up off the floor, I am good. Don’t need much more than some rods and hangers!!
I feel like instagram makes us all think that most people have closets the size of bedrooms with marble topped islands. In fact most of us have normal sized ones! Yours is great! Love all the color and how organized you are! It was fun taking a peek!
Ha!! Isn’t that the truth. My blogger friends in Europe are used to the very tiniest closets or wardrobes and can’t get over our closet obsession in the U.S. I can’t understand having a room-sized closet. Would rather have a room!! My sister did get a chandelier in her bathroom/closet area and I was a little jealous but can’t imagine having – like you said – a marble topped island in my closet!!