Peaceful Sunday to you, ladybugs, and welcome to 10 on the 10th 07.2022. For today’s edition we are sharing the top 10 things we love (or hate??) about summer. It’s been a couple of months since I participated in this, my own series!! But my dear friend Marsha from Marsha in the Middle has done a remarkable job holding down the fort in my absence. So thankful we are co-hosting the 10 on the 10th series together this year.
Last month Marsha posed 10 questions all about vacationing. I was just getting back to blogging at the time. You can read my responses, here. Next month we have a surprise planned for this series. Hope you will mark your calendars and plan to join us.
10 on the 10th 07.2022
This month we are asking you to consider the top 10 reasons you love summer. But we realized that not everyone does love summer. So, for those who don’t, we are hoping you will share the 10 reasons you dislike this season. Personally, there are things I really like about all the seasons but fall is my all time favorite. How ’bout you?
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10 Things I Love About Summer
Out of curiosity, I did a Google search for just that…the 10 things to love about summer. Most of the articles listed the same kinds of things. And some of those same things appear on the list I put together last week. Of the different articles I read, this one on Best Life had the most unique things to love about this season. Like summer hair. Summer movies. And summer songs!! Could add all 3 of those to my list…but then I would have 13 things I love about summer!!
Without further delay, I give you the 10 things I love about summer.
First, There’s The…
- Slower pace to life. At least theoretically. Kind of depends on how crazy LIFE is at the moment. But in general, I think we all move at a more relaxed pace during the warmer months. Probably in hopes of staying cooler!!
- Summer smells. Mmmm, the Best Life article mentioned some of these, too. I thought of freshly mown grass, watermelon, flowers in bloom. Summer fragrances with notes of beach and sand and coconut. That glistening, exotic suntan oil smell.
- Seasonal flavors. Fresh fruit that we don’t generally eat any of the 3 other seasons. All of the melons and varieties of berries. Grilled meat and vegetables. Even fruity summer drinks.

Then There’s…
- Shoes and shoelessness. I like the ease of summer shoes. You can slip them on and kick them off. Sandalas and flip flops that are almost as good as going barefoot. And then being shoeless. My daughter Brennyn reminds me all the time about the importance of grounding myself. Healthline defines grounding as “a therapeutic technique that focuses on realigning your electrical energy by reconnecting to the earth.” [source] When she talks about grounding, Brennyn means going barefoot in the grass. But lying on the ground and swimming in natural bodies of water are also methods of grounding. I enjoy walking barefoot in our yard for a few minutes in the morning.
- Sun-sational summer colors. They’re like spring colors on steroids. Brighter, more vibrant. Gimme all the green. The melons and corals and all the beachy colors.
- Skin-baring clothing. Summer clothes are just easier. Tee shirts and shorts. Sundresses. Bathing suits and coverups. Spaghetti straps (not for me but a girl can dream). Cold shoulder tops. Distressed denim. All give you more freedom to move.

And Don’t Forget About…
- Dining al fresco. I love to eat outside. We don’t have mosquitos in our yard, and really not many in El Paso. So, eating outside is delightful. Unless it is too hot. But then most restaurants have misters. While we don’t have a mister on our patio, it is covered. And there’s always a breeze.
- Travel opportunities. Fall is my favorite season and I enjoy taking road trips in the fall. But summer is the season we associate with vacations and travel. Hoping we can squeeze in a quick getaway toward the end of summer.
- Body looks better. I do realize that sun worshipping is unhealthy and no longer smiled upon but I look better with a little more color to my skin. Which doesn’t mean I lay out anymore. But I enjoy being outside and if I tan a little while I am out there, all the better. We tend to exercise more in the summer, too. I am a little more toned.
But Best of All…
- Our anniversary. We were married on 07.11.2008 after dating for a little over 5 years. My daughters were both with us at the courthouse on our wedding day. Two months later, in September, we had our marriage and new home blessed so that is like a second anniversary day. I am thankful for my precious PC.
Your Turn
It has taken me almost 24 hours to get this post finished. Had it almost done but wanted to add some images and that slowed things down. Hope you will link up your post now and then join me in visiting some of the others playing along with us.
Thanks again to Marsha for holding the fort down in my absence.
Anxious to start the week and hopefully get some things done around here. We are finally going to make arrangements to have the repairs done on our pool. And I am having lunch with several friends tomorrow and breakfast with another pal on Tuesday. Also going to the doctor for this post-Covid loopy feeling, the twitching in my left eye that has gone on for almost 2 weeks and the numbness in my right hand. Plus several drop-in visits with my puppy pals. Busy week already!!
Thank you for stopping by today. Have a most excellent week at your house!!
Hugs and kisses,

Totally forgot this was today. I’m going to work on my post and hopefully get it up in the next day or two…welcome back.
Thank you, friend!! I will look forward to your post. Had mine written but started trying to add pictures and that takes forever for me.
I love the slower pace of summer, dining al fresco too and longer days. It’s always shorts and tees season here and I am a worshipper of self tanner year round! Happy Anniversary to you and your PC – I hope you do something special to celebrate!
Thank you so much. We have enjoyed a weekend of little celebrations. This morning we woke up and just hugged. Which is unusual because PC is not physically affectionate that often. He offered to take me to dinner tonight but I am glad to cook and just be home together.
Yes! I love all of these things… while I don’t have an anniversary to celebrate in summer I do have a birthday to celebrate!
Ha!! I forgot about the birthdays. Ooodles of summer birthdays. Six!! Yikes. No wonder I go into fall so broke!!
I have not written my list yet but I plan to! Thanks for sharing yours here!
Thank you, sugar plum. Enjoyed your food related post today!!
Well, Happy Anniversary! I enjoyed your post and the interesting things you enjoy. I love summer – always been my favorite holiday. I don’t do well in cold – and the older I get the more that intensifies… so summer it is for me.
Thank you for the anniversary message!!
Cold has always bothered me, too. I get very cold in air conditioning and sleep under 2 blankets even in the summer. Nothing like being toasty warm.
Leslie, this was super fun to read! If we did not have all the mosquitoes here I would enjoy dining al fresco so much more! I do love the lazy days of summer and moving at a slower pace and bare feet in the grass is one of the best feelings ever!
What a great list! What I like about summer (during a pandemic) is being able to open the windows in the morning, early morning and after dinner walks while it is light, al fresco dining at restaurants, wearing loose dresses, sandals, summer visits with our granddaughter, flowers and more flowers.
Happiest anniversary wishes!! Here’s to another sticky sweet year of marriage ahead!:) I loved your summer list. As I read it, I just kept shaking my head…thinking, “yep, me too”!! Dining al fresco is just the best!! Hope you have a wonderful week ahead – with lots of summer smells and tasty fruit!!:)
That bright colored wrap looks good on you! I hadn’t thought of summer fruits but yeah, we look forward to them every year! You don’t have mosquitos in El Paso?! That’s one reason I don’t like sitting outside in the summer. Happy Anniversary!!
It’s shorts, tees and flip-flops for me all year round in my tropical corner of the world.
Happy Belated Anniversary, Leslie.
Summer is my favorite season, it’s the season I feel like I am the best version of myself. I love your list and a few things made me giggle, like the shoeless comment and the colors of steroids. I do love the ease of shoes in summer and also dressing because I am at the lake so my standard uniform is shorts and tee or bathing suit and cover up. Happy anniversary to you and PC!
Thank you, sugar foot!! I am in activewear much of the time this season but trying to get dressed a couple of times of week, at least for when I leave the house!!