Evening, ladybugs!
Linking up with Anne in Residence for Currently, 06.2019. Anne’s Currently posts always go live on the first Wednesday of the month. Pencil that in on your agenda so you can join us next month. And before we get started today, you can read my May Currently post, here.
This month we are talking about what we’re currently: celebrating, going, picking, wearing and wishing. Shall we?
Currently, 06.2019
I think I say it every month, but this series and my photography challenges both push me to think outside the box. And my own Stepping Outside My Comfort Zone series inspires me to stretch myself beyond what I am comfortable doing. Good for the mind and soul.
as of today, this afternoon, it looks like Lauren, Francisco and Lucia will really, truly be moving to El Paso. Francisco has been offered 2 jobs in anesthesiology here. The kids decided on a house today before going back to Albuquerque to put their home on the market and begin the process of moving home, HOME! Home to El Paso. We didn’t have time for an official celebration because the kids had to jump in the car in order to get home before dark. But there will be time for that very soon.
We hope this will be their new home.
on our third week of Weight Watchers. We began on Sunday, 05.19.2019. I’ve had an online WW subscription for years and use it off and on to lose a few pounds when my jeans get too tight. We both belonged to WW back in 2010 and were successful in losing (and finding, later) about 12 pounds a piece. I even met my lifetime goal. Weight Watchers works for me, for us. So, when PC decided to buy an online subscription in hopes of losing a few lbs to relieve the pain in his back, I was all in.
We scan barcodes in the grocery store, prep and package food, track points on our phones, are upping our workout game. I have lost about 6 pounds and PC has lost about 7. Our clothes are beginning to feel more comf and we both feel better.
which pieces I want to keep from my Stitch Fix box. Lots of the girls get fixes regularly. Amy at Amy’s Creative Pursuits does a regular series based on the items in her boxes. She even polls her Instagram followers about whether they think she should keep or return each piece. And let me tell you, that girl has some great willpower. Amy looks terrific in all of the clothes she receives but has a discriminating eye, and only keeps things she really loves.
My box arrived the same day the kids did so I haven’t had a lot of time to spend trying things on. I will be sharing my pieces very soon. For now, I will just say that I really liked everything. The stylist hit the nail on the head sending a maxi dress, pair of denim shorts, long sleeved shirt, tee, and tie-waist top. If you have never tried Stitch Fix, it is a lot of fun; learn more, here. And my stylist really zeroed in on my ‘style?’ and preferences.
my new green dress. So, you know how I enjoy participating in the Style Imitating Art challenges with Daenel, Salazar and Kim, right? SIA is another series that makes me push the fashion envelope. Because I missed joining up with the gals while I was in Kentucky, decided to do an SIA round-up post a few weeks ago of some of the outfits I hadn’t been able to share.
Our inspiration art was Daenel’s fabulous macro shot of this incredibly purple flower. Immediately thought of my new J. Crew Kelly green dress for the foundation of my outfit. Wanted to bring out all of the sensational color in this flower so decided to look for a (new) scarf. Charming Charlie to the rescue. Added my Fioni floral pumps. And meant to grab a bright cardi from the closet for the cold AC at church, but forgot in the hurry to get out the door.

can this be more than one wish? Wishing that PC’s back problems would vanish forever. His ablation procedures have helped to some degree, but he is still pretty miserable with a bulging disc, arthritis and stenosis issues. Wishing (praying) that we will find some way to get him some relief.
Also wishing that I could find someone to make help me with my blog issues. Emailed another developer recommended by WordPress today. The first developer I contacted didn’t respond. Hoping this second fellow writes me back and is affordable and willing to come to my rescue.
That’s it for Currently, 06.2019 but before I bid you adieu, allow me to brag on the progress I’ve made on my spring goals.
Spring Goals Update
I post my seasonal goals on this little blackboard that I keep in our bedroom. That way I see them first thing every morning and one of the last things before I go to bed at night. And something clicked this spring because… *insert drum roll…
I am excited to report that I have met all of my spring goals. How fabulous is that? *cue the wild applause and cheering, maybe a ticker tape parade?
- Ran a 5K in May, have been upping our workouts – going to the gym regularly, doing weight training and taking bedtime walks around our neighborhood park each evening. While lifting a 5 pound barbell while we walk.
- Completed the spring cleaning upstairs last Friday! Baseboards, door frames, ceiling fans, windows, blinds, drapes, carpets, nick-knacks, art, linens, drawers, closets, cabinets in 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, PC’s study, my loft. Now to tackle downstairs.
- Finding peace 30 minutes a day. Coloring, reading, writing, scrapbooking, jigsaw puzzle-working, taking walks, enjoying quiet time poolside and finally swimming!! I even took the blue tape off that identified all of the cracks on our pool deck so I can be in the pool in peace.
Will be coasting and basking in the glorious feeling of accomplishment until I share my summer goals in a few weeks.
Your Turn
How would your respond to this month’s Currently prompts? Won’t you share in a comment below? And let me know how you’ve been doing on your spring goals. Hope you’ve been successful, too!
Went to bed before finishing this post. Being a Gabba this week was hard but delightful work. About noon yesterday, Lucia realized she was going home later in the afternoon. From that moment, she attached herself to my left hip and I couldn’t set her down for anything other than for one of us to potty. It breaks my heart to say goodbye to her at the end of each visit. But looks like those days are almost behind us and we will soon just be saying ‘see you later!’
Hugs and kisses,

I really loved my last Stitch Fix box, but the 2-3 before it were just OK. Oh my goodness, how exciting they’re moving to El Paso and I love the architecture there. So pretty! Good luck with Weight Watchers! I do the FASTer Way diet and it has been a little extra challenging with the kids home now!!
Hi sweets, I think the folks at Stitch Fix are upping their game. I directed my stylist to check out my blog, my Pinterest boards, and I enjoyed reviewing clothes on their website and giving different pieces a thumbs up, or thumbs down. And I really got some great pieces.
I follow your progress on the FASTer Way and you look fabulous. You always looked terrific but you look so toned these days. I have heard lots of good things about fasting. Need to try to wait to eat breakfast until later in the morning to stretch that overnight fasting by a few more hours. It is so much harder to diet when you are around the kids and having to buy snacks and prepare meals for them.
Hope you guys are having a blast in Disney!!
Leslie, that’s some green dress! Va Va voom!
Also, the house your offspring may buy is lovely. It looks so light and inviting. Love it!
Your month seems to have gone well. Good for you!
Maybe next month I’ll join you.
Oh, Cindi, come do sentence a day with us!! Would love to have you join us. Thank you for the kind words about my green dress. I think I need to wear it again!
That’s amazing your family is moving near by!! So exciting for you! I want to see your stitch fix options, they sound great!
Have you tried Stitch Fix before, Dara? If not, I think you should try it. I was pretty specific about what I like and directed the stylist to my blog, my Pinterest pages, and had fun doing a thumbs up, thumbs down to clothes Stitch Fix featured on their website. Three of the items they sent were not things I would have tried on my own so that was pretty cool, too.
Looking forward to having family close by for the first time in years. Will make holidays more fun. Thinking I will enjoy just meeting Lauren for lunch, taking Lucia to the park for an hour, simple things.
I bet you cannot wait to have your girly closer to home – what a lovely house, I hope they manage to sell theirs quickly so they can move back asap!
That green dress is fabulous and the scarf coordinates with it perfectly, what a great outfit.
I think stitch fix is only just starting in the UK, Gail at Is this mutton? blogged about it this week. I like the idea of someone else choosing something that I may not have found myself – never had a personal shopper before!
I think you should try Stitch Fix and do a blog post about your experience. Will run by Gail’s to see what she thought. This was my third fix in about as many years, and it was the best yet. I think they have really fine-tuned the way they determine each client’s style and preferences. I loved everything. Probably would not have tried the denim jeans, the orange tied-waist top or the teal tee on my own. So this fix pushed me beyond my comfort zone.
The kids’ house sold within the first week and they found a house on their second trip to El Paso to look. Things are progressing well. And Lauren had another ultrasound yesterday and the baby is over 9 weeks gestational age. Heart was strong and they took a 4-D image that will allow them to know the baby’s gender next week!! So thankful that she has been able to carry this baby. We are almost out of the first trimester and then we will all be able to breathe!
I am so sorry sweet Leslie that sometimes I can’t get in to your blog to read – luckily I was today and to read the good news about your daughter and her family moving home!!! Yay!!!! That house is beautiful, I wish them the VERY BEST!
That green dress on you – HOLY COW! It is beautiful!
I love WW – I swear it is the best program on the planet. I am planning to go back myself in a few weeks – after the birthday celebrations and when I can focus and get real. I’d like to lose a few pounds and just get back into all the healthy habits. I go to meetings because I love the atmosphere and get such great tips.
I hope your PC’s issues get better, it sure is hard to be in pain and very hard to watch someone you love suffer.
Hugs to you both!
We haven’t been going to the WW meetings but you are right, the leaders have great tips and insight to share. We are remaining fairly motivated. PC has lost close to 12 pounds now and I have lost a pitiful 5 pounds. But I am not wanting to lose too much. More interested in getting in better shape and wearing my Loft size 6 jeans again…bingo, did that today. Woo hoo!
I am happy that Lauren is moving to El Paso but my Prince is not the father of my girls and so my relationship with them can often cause problems. I am very close to my babies, my mom, my brother and sister and he just doesn’t have strong relationships with anyone. So we butt heads over how much time I should spend with them. Ugh. Will have to be sure to set boundaries when Lauren gets here to keep PC happy. And I know that will be important for everyone.
I love your green dress! Green had become one of my favorite colors! And that House is fabulous! Enjoy your weekend Leslie!
Kind of hate that my daughter is having to sell her beautiful home. But the house they are buying is very, very nice, too. I should put a video of it on my blog.
Green is my absolute favorite color but not this Kelly green shade. I like olive and maybe a deep forest and a funky chartreuse green.
Yay, grandbaby will soon be nearby! Good for you on the weight loss! Cute dress! My daughter does Stitch Fix. Yay for meeting all of your spring goals!! Still accessing your site from Edge.
Thank you for being one of my faithful readers, finding a way to access my site even with the troubling warning message.
That is so exciting your kids are moving home! And that house, wow! Gorgeous! I hope they get it. Thanks so much for mentioning me in your post. That’s so sweet. It is so difficult for me to send things back. In a perfect world, I’d probably keep everything. I can’t wait to see your box. It sounds great. And lastly, that kelly green dress, WOWZA! That is gorgeous!
Thank you so much for the sweet words. I loved the green dress online but wasn’t sure about it on me. Everyone has been so kind. I need to wear it again.
The Stitch Fix box as fabulous. They have truly evolved from when I last ordered a fix. I always love your pieces and think almost everything you get is keep-worthy. But most of the items are little more expensive than I generally pay. Although, this box was really reasonably priced, too!!
Such wonderful news that your daughter and family are moving home! I’m also so glad that you finally got your blog issues fixed and I can get caught up on reading your posts! That green dress looks amazing on you! I love your goal of finding peace for 30 minutes every day!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thank you, Jill, I need to wear my green dress again. Really rarely have an opportunity to get that dressed up but now that we are going to church on Sunday a.m. rather than Saturday p.m., I feel a bit better about putting on a dress for church. The Saturday night crowd looked pretty casual!
I’m glad your blog has been fixed, and yay for family moving closer again. That’s awesome! I hope PC’s back issues get better. I have scoliosis – not terribly severe, but I understand back problems. That’s great you are both doing well with WW. I need to try something else I think so I can get back to losing weight.
I can’t remember if you have tried WW to lose weight but if not, I recommend it. We find that we aren’t starving, and can still enjoy meals out. Today an enchilada, chips and salsa and a beer. But Saturday is my treat day.
I think losing weight is helping PC’s back. Bonus!! And I love that my clothes are looser and my smaller sizes are fitting again. Thank you for your support.
Hurray your daughter and her family will be moving to El Paso! Fingers crossed they get that darling house! Congrats on your weight loss! I love that darling green dress on you! The scarf is perfect with it!
Thank you! My green dress was a surprising hit. Even with PC. Need to wear it again.