Ho, ho, hello, thanks for stopping by for this month’s Where Bloggers Live 12.2023: My Favorite Winter Decor. I am scrambling to write this so it will publish today, the second Friday of the month. Have just not been myself for about 3 weeks since having to go cold turkey off my OCD medication mid-November. Earlier this week, I wrote about that in more detail for my Sentence a Day post, here. It has not been fun. Not for me, not for PC or anyone who knows me!! But I think today, I almost feel ‘normal’ for me. Just in time for the hecticness of the holidays.
And speaking of holidays, today we are sharing our favorite winter decor. My Christmas decorations are still tucked away in their plastic bins. I have moved the bins into the house from the garage but just have not felt like dealing with that crazy. Maybe this weekend. The artificial tree is still in its plastic storage container, too. PC never enjoys the holidays and this year, I feel like a Grinch, myself.
Where Bloggers Live
As I have shared before, the ideas for this colorful series originate with our adventurous leader, Bettye, at Fashion Schlub. She describes this series as being kind of like HGTV’s “Celebrities at Home,” but…with bloggers! Every month, Bettye provides the six WBL bloggers with a prompt that invites us to share our work and living spaces, homes, hometowns, thoughts, and memories. Several weeks ago on a night when she should have been studying, Bettye put together the list of prompts for WBL that would see us through 2025!! That’s some planning. For the 01.12.2024 edition, the gang will be sharing how we stay warm. My family will be fresh from a trip to Santa Fe, NM where we will definitely need to stay toasty warm.
This series, and group of great gals, is one of the reasons I keep hanging on with blogging. I have to admit, I have toyed with the idea of giving this blogging business up at the end of the year. But the Where Bloggers Live posts really are enjoyable for me so maybe I’m not ready to throw in the towel yet.
Where Bloggers Live 12.2023
Like I said above, my Christmas decorations are all still packed away in the plastic bins where they live 11 months out of the year. I did drag the Christmas tree in from the garage today. And will begin decorating tomorrow. Between the early morning church Christmas toy give-away in San Elizario, where one out of three people lives below the poverty level and decorating gingerbread houses while babysitting Lucia and Cami in the evening. But I will get ‘er done.
I have a number of very dear decorations – dear to me, but not fancy or expensive. One, a velveteen dressed Santa my sister bought for me after the one I’d had since childhood, a gift from my uncle, was destroyed in a move. Valerie has one just like it.
There’s the heavy silver menorah, Lauren gave me a few years ago in support of my interest in the Jewish celebration of Hanukkah. I am going to be late lighting my menorah this year, I guess.
Some ornaments my mom bought for my very first tree so many years ago. They have withstood a dozen moves or more and decorated 40 years of Christmas trees.
The green velvet Christmas stocking with an assortment of holiday charms. My Great Aunt Lucille made it for me when I was in fourth grade, I think. I was so proud of it, I took it for show-n-tell and to show off to all my friends.
Lately, I have taken to decorating my tree with snowflakes, snowmen and southwest-inspired decorations. I will never have a designer tree or elegant decorations. Even if I had the money to afford fancy, that just isn’t me.
My Favorite Winter Decor
In my book, nothing beats the beauty of snow. Fluffy, feathery flakes. A dusting on the mountain. Several inches accumulation in the backyard around the pool. And the snow we play in Santa Fe – Snow Mountain, as Lucia calls it or the snows of my Buffalo and Boston childhood. It is better than diamonds, or any store-bought holiday bling.
I am looking forward to January, when all of us, PC, Bren and her family and Lauren and her family will all be together for 3 days in Santa Fe. Snow is going to bring us together then. And I hope for just a bit, time stands still.
When I was still working, and even since I’ve retired, I would teach the children I worked with to do a snow dance that was remarkably capable of coaxing snow into the forecast. It has become a kind of joke in the family and among my closest friends. I usually get partial credit for the snow that falls in El Paso.
Snow isn’t just pretty. It also cleanses our world and our senses, not just of the soot and grime of a mining town, but also of a kind of weary familiarity, a taken-for-granted quality to which our eyes are all too susceptible.
All of my life, I have loved snow. Maybe because I was born in a Buffalo, NY Easter Sunday snowstorm? Whatever the reason, it seems that snow has a way of making even the mundane and everyday magical. Day-to-day I take the beauty of our rugged mountains and dusty desert for granted. Until it snows. And then everything is enchanting. So snow has to be my favorite winter decoration.
God has a way of making everything beautiful. He and Mother Nature are a pretty grand pair of artists.
My sweet Cheyenne looked like a polar bear in the snow.
Frosted Franklin Mountains and Chihuahua Desert.
The hopefulness of catching a snowflake on your tongue. My Cadence Ellie.
Your Turn
Going to call this a post. Short and sweet. Hope you will join me in visiting my co-hosts to check out their favorite winter decor. We are still missing our friend Iris who has stepped away from blogging for a bit to recuperate from a tough fall. Hoping she will be up to joining us again in the new year.
Bettye at Fashion Schlub
Daenel at Living Outside the Stacks
Em at Dust and Doghair
Iris at Iris’ Original Ramblings
Jodie at Jodie’s Touch of Style
Sally at Within a World of My Own
Leslie at Once Upon a Time & Happily Ever After
Thank you for stopping by today. Hope you are up to your elbows in fun this weekend.
Hugs and kisses,

I’m sorry you haven’t been feeling up to par. Of course, being Grinch goes perfectly with the season if you want to look at the bright side.
It’s amazing how you still love snow so much. I agree it’s gorgeous to look at, however, I don’t miss freezing my tookus off or driving in it, LOL.
Sending love and hugs,
How sweet that you still have your first ornaments from your mom. Such a sweet and sentimental tradition.
Snow. I like looking at it on tv and in pictures but hate driving in it. I think it’s carryover from life in Pennsylvania.
I would have a hard time picking just one piece. The oldest thing I have is our Nativity scene. We bought it at Bronner’s in Frakenmuth, MI our first year married…so, I think that makes it a collectible and vintage rather than antique! Poor Mary has been gnawed on by a few different dogs, and the mossy stuff that was originally on it is long gone. But, it’s one thing I won’t ever upgrade!
And, I’m with you on the snow! I love it and would love to spend one winter in Buffalo! Do you suppose Em would let me stay with her?
Hi, Leslie! I hadn’t read your sentence-a-day post, but when you referenced it in this one I went and looked back. So sorry for the difficulties you had, and I hope the new medication will continue to work for you through the holidays! Things have been going along pretty well here, looking forward to the granddaughters and their parents being here for Christmas, but I just had a big wrench thrown into my life plans last night, and I will be flying to Illinois tomorrow to do my best to be of help to a close relative. Also, I love the Rachel Cohn quote you included!
Wishing you a nice snowy January in Santa Fe (while praying snow doesn’t negatively effect our own January travel plans!).
Love your snow picture. I love to “see” snow, I just don’t like being in it. Too cold for me.
Sorry, you’ve not been feeling well. Stopping many medications cold turkey can be rough. They did tht to me when I was in the hospital with one of my meds and it about did me in. Had to go back on it briefly at a lower dose. Thankfully I’ve recovered from that now.
Merry Christmas, Iris
Thank you for your understanding about my having to go off my meds cold turkey. It was a very hard time. I cried more then than I did when we lost my mom and dad. And over the craziest things. But could not help myself. And that is frightening, too.
Sure miss your voice in the blog world. Maybe you could write a post just to let us all know what you are up to?? And share some pictures??
Snow truly does transform the landscape. A dramatic change from something so quiet!
I just love it so much. Guess we are going to have a snowless winter in El Paso, so I am thankful for our trip to Santa Fe.
Hello Leslie Just popping in to say hello. It’s been a while due to work pressures. I hope you’re starting to feel better. I would love to join your book club. Have sent a request.
So glad to have you join the book club. I have pinned your latest books onto my Pinterest board for the group. Especially intrigued by the sister book that earned your nod for the best book of your 2023.
One of these days, Leslie, your phone will ring and it will be me calling so we can talk about your post. There’s usually so many things in them that strike me for dozens of reasons and leave me feeling like I could write a post in your comment section just in reply to your post.
This one was no exception!
I almost made my entire post about snow as well… because despite my white light obsession, it is the singular thing that makes all the holiday stuff truly lovely and comes with no baggage (beyond shoveling). I was excited when we had the dusting last week and it made everything so much prettier. We’re always so disappointed when we don’t have Christmas snow that we actually pull the shades down. The worst thing is when it’s sunny with no snow….humbug! Last year, we sure got what we wished for!!!
I am gradually getting back into decorating (and not a minute too soon)…I don’t like starting “late” and after Thanksgiving feels late to me…and I think it’s because it all takes so long to set up, I already feel close to having to take it down and I am far too lazy to do all that within a three week span.
Plus the lights that don’t work make me feel very unChristmassy. I bought a new pre-lit tree last year and this year the top isn’t working…and despite the warranty, I’m getting the runaround from the Depot people. I see this as a Christmas test…and so far I am passing, but my sarcasm is starting to show up in the week two of the requisite email exchange.
Your mention of your mom’s ornaments hit bigly. I can only guess how bittersweet it is to hang them now…a tangible connection to her, but one that comes with so many other feelings. I keep stumbling across so many beautiful quotes lately about love and grief…but still… I’m sure you miss her very much even as the blessing of those beautiful grandchildren rounds out the circle…
And 40 years of trees! I never thought about that…how many years I’ve had trees of my own..started in large part by my mom’s inspiration and now morphed into new traditions within our own family.
I’m sorry about this year’s mix of meds and melancholy… though I do love the season, it is very stressful and overwhelming at the same time. My favorite part is actually the real days of Christmas…beginning on the 25th. I enjoy and relax for each of the next 12 and savor the blissful quiet. I know yours will be filled with the laughter of little voices and the joy of a million hugs. Sending wishes for the fullness of all those wonderful moments for you and PC.
My darling, Em. I have so behind on reading blog comments and all the other things blogging involves. Your comments are so very special to me. And I tuck each one into my heart to keep for a rainy day when I need a little love. I hope you enjoyed having the kids home for the holidays and were able to make some very special memories with them and your parents. And now we are more than mid-way through January. Hope your projects are progressing smoothly and that you can about see the kitchen light at the end of the tunnel. Much love to you, my precious friend.
I am right there with you in finding snow to be the most magical winter holiday decor of all! After spending so many years in Austin TX where the winters are just brown, dead, and blah, I am still loving the reliable snow we get in Minnesota (though there are times we could definitely do with a bit less of it!). It doesn’t take much to make everything so beautiful. Seeing your photo of the mountains and desert with that dusting of snow is making me want to visit West Texas again.
I had missed that you’d had to cold turkey your OCD medication – oh my goodness, that’s not fun! I’m glad you are giving yourself some extra grace this holiday season because going off medication can really whack a person out for a while even under the best of circumstances!
I’m sorry you have not been feeling well lately. I love that you have so many sentimental pieces that you bring out for the holidays. My parents gave my sister and me an ornament every year growing up, and I’ve passed that tradition down to my daughter. I’ve never done a themed tree – ours is a mix of random ornaments we’ve collected over the years, and I love it! And I’m with you, there’s nothing better than the beauty of fresh snow!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Not exactly sure when you posted this – I am so slow getting around to reading my favorite blogs – but I do hope you have been able to get your treasures out of their bins! I know they will bring you joy and help with the hard days of the holidays! Your upcoming trip sounds like much fun. I hope there is plenty of the white stuff for everyone. I’m not exactly a fan of the flakes but, no doubt, if I lived in Texas they would sound much more magical. That is how it goes, right? Hope you are feeling more and more “like yourself” each day!! Have a wonderful weekend ahead!
Love the photo and quote by Rachel Cohn. Such a fun post. Wishing for snow here too, but it hardly ever happens.
I like lots of things about snow, especially the feel & smell of it in the air as it’s about to come a big one. I’ve never thought of snow as being a decoration though when it snows, I’m out there taking pictures of the snow on everything. Mother Nature’s outdoor decoration. Here in North Georgia, we’re not going to get the snow decoration like we did out in the midwest in South Dakota. We don’t even own a snow shovel down here & that’s fine with me too. Just enough snow to have a little fun with, to look at, walk around in, take pictures of & not have to get exhausted having to move it.
I bet you don’t see much snow in Georgia like you did in North Dakota. I am sure Georgia’s winters are a welcome reprieve. Yes, being able to just enjoy the beauty and serenity of snow and not having to engage in the work and trouble it causes must be refreshing!!
I love my assortment of collected ornaments too! It makes my tree so special to me! We make a point of getting an ornament on each trip so we can remember our trips as we put up our tree! I think trees like that have so much love in them!