Hello dollies…thanks for joining me for this month’s Where Bloggers Live 10.2021: Do-Re-ME. Can you tell from the sing-songy title of this post what today’s prompt might be? Yup, you’re right…my favorite music. Get it? Do-Re-Me, not mi but ME as in my favorite music. Welcome back to those of you who stop by regularly for a few minutes here with me. And for those who are new, the Where Bloggers Live series is kind of like HGTV’s “Celebrities at Home,” but…with bloggers! Last month’s episode had us sharing all the places we’ve lived. If you missed my post, you can check it out, here.
Soooo, I am having blogging issues. This post should have gone live with those of my sweet Where Bloggers Live girlfriends, but my blog is not cooperating at all. I am unable to see my HTML and I am having issues adding any pictures or graphics. Struggling to edit at all. Had most of the post written when the problems came up. Just wanted to go back in to add images and some songs from YouTube. Apparently, that ain’t gonna happen. So, here it is, such as it is, a day late.
My relationship with music has run hot and cold most of my life. I grew up on a hearty diet of classical music and sound tracks from Broadway musicals. When other kids were listening to music on the radio, I was playing “Oklahoma” and “West Side Story” and “My Fair Lady” on vinyl.
Finally, when I was in 6th grade, I asked for an AM/FM clock radio so I could set my own alarm for school each morning. Felt so grown up when I got it and could wake up to music. For a long time I only listened to AM radio – easy-listening AKA elevator music – because only ‘druggies’ listened to rock on the FM stations. And I was certainly no druggie.
My Own Boom Box
As a freshman in high school, I saved my $1 a week allowance and little bit of babysitting money for what seemed like forever. Until I could afford to buy a sound system. Not just any old stereo but one with an AM/FM radio, 8-track tape player, turntable and two detachable speakers from none other than Sears & Roebuck. Sears being the ultimate place to shop for quality home stereo components.
Oh, the hours of pleasure I derived from that sound system. Alone in my bedroom. Listening to the Carpenters, John Denver, Carole King, Carly Simon, James Taylor on vinyl. Over and over and over. Placing a penny on the arm of the phonograph to help the needle glide over the occasional scratches on my most played records. Buying my stereo was probably the first big purchase I ever made and it was worth every penny. And at some point, I decided FM radio wasn’t as diabolical as I originally thought and succumbed to listening to soft rock on the FM air waves.
A Song for Everyone
I have always had a songs that I associate with special people or special times in my life. They might not be my favorite songs but because they represent people I love or a time in my life, the songs are especially meaningful, if not favorites. Would love to share the YouTube videos here with you for each of these but my blog won’t allow me to embed them today. Sooooo, here are some songs for my loved ones and links to them on YouTube, should you care to listen.
I don’t really remember my mom listening to music much. Talk radio was more her style. But she did like 2 pop songs that I can remember, “Brandy” by Looking Glass and “Let’s Dance” by David Bowie.
Any piece of classical music. I wish I could remember specifics but I didn’t pay attention to the names of the music or the composers.
My Sister Valerie
For I don’t know how long, my sister thought the ’70s song “Family Affair” by Sly and the Family Stone was “The Family of Bears.” So, whenever I hear that song, I giggle and think of my sister. But I also think of her when I hear songs about angels. Songs like “Angel” by Sarah Maclachlan and Not a Day Goes By by Lonestar.
My Brother Kevin
When my baby brother was a teen, he was quite the dancer and could imitate about any singer. Kevin really liked Prince and especially “When Doves Cry.” He would climb up on the coffee table and do his best Prince while belting out the lyrics to that song. Good times.
My Daughter Brennyn
The first song I associate with my oldest baby girl was one I danced to for 9 months while pregnant with her. “Gypsy” by Stevie Nicks and Fleetwood Mac. I was delighted to be pregnant with my sweet first baby. Other songs that remind me of Brennyn include “I Love You Always Forever” by Donna Lewis, “Kiss Me” by Sixpence None the Richer, and the country song “What Was I Thinking?” by Dierks Bentley. She is also songs Alanis Morissette for me. Most of the songs I associate with Brennyn are from her slightly tumultuous teen years.
My Daughter Lauren
The songs I associate with my youngest daughter Lauren reflect her life as a young mother. Two of them share a similar title. “American Girl” by Trisha Yearwood and Carrie Underwood’s “All American Girl.” Lauren has a quiet spiritual side that I glimpse now and then. Alison Krauss’s “Down To The River To Pray” and “Jesus Take the Wheel” by Carrie Underwood reflect that.
My Prince Charming Paul
Any song that mentions baseball automatically reminds me of my sweet prince. But he loves Alison Krauss and Boston so much, too. PC says his walk-up song for baseball would be Boston’s “More Than a Feeling“. He has had a pretty fortunate life in a lot of ways so the song “The Lucky One“ by Alison Krauss is probably my favorite song for him. We listened to it together on one of our first dates, driving around the backroads of far northeast El Paso with the radio cranked high. As I type this, he is laying beside me singing the song as it plays on YouTube. He absolutely loved and adored his paternal grandfather and the song “When I Get Where I’m Going” by Brad Paisley reflects that love.
My Favorite Songs
So, there are some songs I associate with family I love so dearly. But you might be wondering what songs are my favorites? Well, any of the ones above because they warm my heart with sweet, sweet memories.
I also love most ’90s country songs…Carrie, Alison, the sometimes unpopular Taylor Swift, Brad Paisley, Brooks & Dunn, Alan Jackson. Love Journey and Foreigner, the Cars. And all things Dan Fogelberg and Harry Chapin. Of Carole King, James Taylor and Carly. As I have often mentioned here, the theme song of my adult, single-mom, 2-3 jobs-working days will always be Carly’s “Coming Around Again.” And all things John Denver.
Your Turn
Have had to go back in and try to rewrite this post over and over because of all the issues I am having with WordPress. It slays me how one day all can be right in my blogging world and **blink** and all of a sudden nothing works right. Absolutely frustrating and ever-so-maddening. Hope you have stopped by to enjoy the blogs of my friends. But if not, grab my hand and we can go visit them together.
Bettye at Fashion Schlub
Daenel at Living Outside the Stacks
Em at Dust and Doghair
Iris at Iris’ Original Ramblings
Jodie at Jodie’s Touch of Style
Leslie at Once Upon a Time & Happily Ever After
I have a wonderful life. I am so blessed. But it took a lot of stumbling and hard knocks to get here. The lyrics from Rascal Flatt’s “Bless the Broken Road” speak to that so well.
“Every long lost dream led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart, they were like Northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you
Thank you, sweet Where Bloggers Live friends for putting up with my butt. Thank you, friends, for finding something here that brings you back to visit now and then.
Hugs and kisses,

Glad you could finally post. I love the story about your first stereo, and how special it was that “you” purchased it yourself, with your money.
It’s great that you can have music to remind you of each family member. Thanks for sharing them all.
Oh, I love that you talked about songs that you associate with the special people in your life Leslie. What a great way to interpret this prompt.
And now I’m going to be singing Brandy all day. Thanks for that, haha.
PS…SOrry about the blog issues. Technology can be so frustrating at times,
I really loved reading your take on this topic! I understand you can’t remember specific classical composers. My husband used to be into classical music and we even had a piece played at our wedding. I can’t remember for the life of me what it was though.
What a great post – it’s good to hear what songs remind you of the important people in your life. I would struggle to join in with this theme as I like so many random songs and don’t have a particular ‘type’ of music that I listen to. I enjoy upbeat songs that I can sing along to. I was a huge George Michael fan and was lucky enough to see him in concert which was the BEST concert I have ever been to! When the kids were young apparently I drove them mad because I would always play Simply Red music in the car wherever we went!
I like how you associate different songs with different people who you love.
Oh, Harry Chaplin! Such a sweet man and gone too soon! One of his songs mentioned his book of poetry. I scoured ebay so I could get it for my husband. It’s autographed to Charlotte, but he doesn’t care. I think we grew up at about the same time. Many of your favorites bring back so many memories. I don’t really like country music, but I did buy my husband a Brooks & Dunn cd that I kinda liked.
Music has always been massive in my life – at one point I’d spend all my available money on records and then cassettes and CDs. Songs remind me of people, places, occasions, events & I have playlists specific to every novel I write. Loved this post.
Thank you so much!! I found it hard to write about the music I associate with my loved ones because it made me sad. Not sure what that was about. Maybe just sentimental.
Hi Leslie – interesting that you associate songs with people. I tend to have songs that I associate with certain times in my life, love songs with old boyfriends, my wedding dance song, songs the kids and I would sing in the car together, etc. This was a really fun post.
Yay…I almost mentioned love songs for old boyfriends, then thought better of it. But I did have songs for all the old serious boyfriends, not the casual dates. Didn’t have a wedding dance – ever – for any of my weddings!! Maybe for my 20th anniversary PC and I can have a special dance.
Hey BFF! I’ve always loved anything by Earth Wind and Fire. Still love the song September to this day! Mike says the song Heart Ache on the Dance Floor is his
song for me. He has never been a dancer though 🥰
My dad loved anything Patsy Cline ever sang and we grew up listening to country music while my mom loved anything Julie Andrews sang! Music has always been a part of my life with a lot of different genres. Back in my disco days if I heard Donna Summers voice, you can believe I was on the dance floor. My kids like country music but not my favorite.
I do remember you liking Carly Simon and John Denver
back in the 70s! I didn’t remember Kevin being a dancer though! And I still smile when I hear Family Affair ( bears) also😊
So funny that you remember me liking John Denver and Carole King. We had somewhat different taste in music but both of us liked what they played at Snowflake Ball and the prom. Love the memories you shared of your parents’ favorite music. So precious. Old Kevin could cut a rug. And still dances, I think!!
Oh, Leslie, I really enjoyed your perspective of associating songs with people you love – so sweet!
Glad you made it, so sorry you had so much trouble!
xoxo Bettye
Thank you so much, Bettye. I am still fighting my blog. Hoping by our next post, things are sorted out.
Very fun to hear about all the songs that remind you of your family members!
What a fun post. I love reading about the songs you associate with your loved ones. I’m like that with my kids as well. There were songs that I listened to when I was pregnant or songs they used to sing when they were kids that just make me smile.
This was a great take, Leslie….how the songs connect to the people you love. One of the things I find so fun about Bettye’s prompts is that everyone seems to take them in a different direction…and with each one I read, they all seem to evoke forgotten experiences and make me re-see how I thought I saw the topic; and the nice things I read inspire me to personalize what I’ve read via my own family lens. So…of course, as I’m reading your post, I am now thinking about the music connection to my own parents, siblings, kiddos and spouse. Very interesting and fun.
Because you’ve also been so generous with sharing your family, I liked seeing the songs you selected for each. It almost adds an extra dimension to what you’ve written in the past. The biggest surprise was the ones for your mom. Does she often listen to music at the place she lives? After my in-laws spent time in assisted living and hospitals, I often thought that when it’s my turn, I hope I can listen to music there. It would be a good place to lose my thoughts.
Hope you’re able to fix your blog issues. But your post was worth the wait! 😘
Thank you. I have not enjoyed music much in the last few years. Then I read something on Daenel’s blog a few months ago and that made me realize how much I had missed music. I meant to include that in my post but I forgot!! Anyway, when I hear the songs that I ‘have’ for family members, it makes me smile.
You asked about my mom and her music choices. She never really listened to music. Always had the kitchen radio on a talk station. But I remember her hearing David Bowie and mentioning how much she liked the song “Let’s Dance.” Seems it was always on the radio one particular summer. And she couldn’t help but hear it!! My sister reminded me the other day that Mom liked “Brandy.” Mom was very musical and played the piano and violin for years. Her parents wanted her to major in music. But she refused. Maybe that’s why she stopped listening to music?