Sweet friends,
Welcome to Stepping Outside My Comfort Zone, 02.2019. In the spring of 2018, I began writing a post on the last day of each month about activities I was doing that had me stepping outside my comfort zone. Some of my experiences have been giant leaps while others have been baby steps beyond what is familiar and comfortable.
Recently came across an article on Forbes.com entitled “Overcoming Fear: 10 Ways to Step Outside Your Comfort Zone”. In it members of Forbes Coaches Council talk about the mental tricks they use for stepping outside of their comfort zone. Some of these are suggestions for or applicable to taking chances and overcoming fear in your career but can be easily applied to doing the same in life.
The council suggests doing small activities to challenge yourself. Most of what I share in this series is just that. Small things. Another suggestion is “When trying something new, enlist a trusted friend, colleague or mentor with whom you can share your concerns. Ask them how they got through their fear of stepping outside of their comfort zone.” And that’s where you guys come in!! I look to you for support and to share ways you are overcoming fear of trying new experiences in your life. So, thank you!
Now, let’s see where this experiment took me in February.
Stepping Outside My Comfort Zone, 02.2019
I say it a lot on my blog, and in person, but it bears repeating. There are no coincidences in life. We hadn’t been to church together in several months, when PC and I went a couple of weekends ago. Inside the weekly bulletin was an invitation to a One Sisterhood Women’s Event planned for 02.22.2019. The title of the program, “Crafted”, immediately caught my eye. You know how I enjoy a good craft! But so did the activity planned for after the service…creating your own vision board! Right up my alley.
The Invitation
I knew this was meant for me so I circled the date in my agenda and on the calendar app on my phone and made plans to attend.
What to Wear?
The evening of the event came and the weather was dreadful. Had kind of wanted to wear a cute skirt but decided against that with the forecast of 50 mph wind gusts, and a chance of a rain-snow mix. Warmth outweighed cute. Opted for Loft Outlet cords, J. Crew turtleneck, Old Navy cardi, Walmart scarf, and Amazon leopard flats. All my favorite stores were represented except Target.
Grabbed my Bible and I was on my way.
The Message
The guest speaker was Wendy Treat. She spoke on the ‘ingredients that go into the recipe for a yummy life.’ She says that church teaches us how to mix all the ingredient into our best life. These are the non negotiables or required ingredients for that life.
- Be real. Examine yourself and rejoice in who you are. Galatians 6:3-4: 3 “If anyone thinks they are important when they aren’t, they’re fooling themselves. 4 Each person should test their own work and be happy with doing a good job and not compare themselves with others.“
- Be a giver. Speak an encouraging word. Pour sugar into yourself so that it pours out on others. Luke 6:38: 38 “Give, and it will be given to you. A good portion—packed down, firmly shaken, and overflowing—will fall into your lap. The portion you give will determine the portion you receive in return.”
- Worship on purpose. Life on earth is a bed of roses – full of thorns. Worship God from your heart. Psalms 34:1: “I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise will always be in my mouth.“
- Learn to live in peace. (Peace – my word of the year – crazy, huh?) God’s love doesn’t change but our sweetness changes when we live God’s way. Philippians 4:11: 11 “I’m not saying this because I need anything, for I have learned how to be content in any circumstance.“
- Be faithful to church. Church is the secret sauce to the recipe. Even when you aren’t feeling it, just show up and put a smile on your face and say yes to Jesus.
The stage was set with the cutest decorations…all kinds of craft-related supplies covered in glitter and sparkle.
There was a music service and then Wendy Treat spoke for about an hour.

Treat was animated and down-to-earth and genuine. Her message was so good. I couldn’t take notes fast enough!
Creating a Vision for Our Life
After the service, we were invited to create a vision board representing our dreams for our future. The tables were set with lots of craft supplies to use to decorate our boards. And dozens of magazines that we could clip images from to represent our visions.
There were bottles of water and pots of coffee with all the trimmings…whipped cream, flavored creamers, spices. And on each table were lighted Sterno cans we could use to make chocolate-graham cracker-marshmallow s’mores.

I only began work on my vision board before it was time to go home. The weather was so miserable – rainy, cold and so very windy – that I was afraid to stay too long with a 20 mile drive home.
New Friends
I didn’t know anyone when I arrived for the presentation. Sat by myself for the service and then just wandered looking for a table with an empty seat where I could work on my vision board. I happened to sit across from 2 very lovely ladies as God would have it. Marisol is a retired art teacher (I was an art education major) and her niece, Michelle is a nurse who would like to become a librarian. The gals invited me to take a picture with them in front of the photo backdrop.
We even exchanged phone numbers and today, I met with Marisol for lunch! She is going to be out of town for several months but I am hopeful that we can grow our new friendship when she returns home. We are both the oldest child in our families, Aries (born in April), art ed majors, ballet students (I am a former student and she is still taking lessons now), we both paint, draw and try to eat healthfully. Marisol writes and I try to! She has a 2 year-old and an 8 year-old grandchild and so do I. Her father was a pharmacist and mine was a pharmacologist! She has 2 children and was a single mom, I have 2 children and was a single mom.
All of this was so outside my comfort zone. Going to the One Sisterhood service. And going alone, at that. Making new friends. Working on my vision board. Speaking with Wendy Treat! Look at the wonderful things that happened when I stretched myself a little!
Your Turn
What have you done lately that found you outside your comfort zone? Would love to hear in a comment below or write up a blog post and link-up with us. The link-up will be open for a few weeks. We can inspire each other to over come our fears and S T R E T C H ourselves.
With the first of the month approaching, things are going to get busy on the blog. Hope you will run by when you have a few moments to visit. Happy March 1st to you! And thank you for stopping by.
Family hugs,

You and Marisol have sooo much in common! WOW! Good for you for stepping out of your comfort zone to attend the event on such a dreary day. Sounds like it was meant to be for you to meet her! I don’t have any post to share in your linkup, sorry. I haven’t stepped out of my comfort zone since becomg sick with health issues and having to stop working as a nurse. Being as comfortable as possible is my number one goal for me being able to thrive.
Dee, come step outside your comfort zone and share with us!! It can be anything at all…even starting your new short story prompt series. Share about how that came to you! I am so sorry you are dealing with health issues that caused you to retire. Handling that is a step outside your comfort zone, I am sure, even though you are a nurse. Would love to have you share.
What a great event and I am so proud of you for going! The bad weather would have given you an easy out but you did it and you were blessed because of it! It sounds like a wonderful event. I went to a ladies event at my church last year – of course I went alone and chatted up a bunch of women (whom I haven’t spoken to since). I’ll probably go again this year and I’ll force myself to get phone numbers and make plans with some of these ladies. I used to be so active in our church when the boys were little and I didn’t work. Sometimes I struggle finding my place – there are the toddler moms and the retirees but no group for women like me – the in between, you know?
I love that you shared this Leslie!!!
Thank you, Kellyann, for the comment on my Stepping Outside My Comfort Zone post. I am kind of bummed, though. Met with Marisol, the gal I met at the women’s event, and then haven’t heard a thing since. Boo. She has gone to San Antonio for a few months but I thought maybe I would get a text from her. Hmmm. Oh, well. I can’t find my niche at church or anywhere else, for that matter. I am thinking maybe my place is just home, with family and PC.
Such a nice example of how you stepped outside your comfort zone, Leslie, and by doing so you’ve made new friends, and had an enjoyable time at the event. I linked up my post about my tour of Guatemala City. It was my first visit. I booked the half day tour the day before and by doing so, I met other participants, and learned about the city and the country. Thank you for hosting. Have a wonderful weekend and the whole new month of March!
I am always so happy to have you join me for my Comfort Zone posts. Wish I could drum up some more participants. We all do things that make us uncomfortable. And it helps so much to read about someone else’s struggles and achievements. Your trips are a perfect example…all you enjoy and experience in a foreign country! Love your zest for life.
That is great that you went to the event and made a new friend!!
Thank you. I don’t have a posse or gang or gaggle of friends so always on the look out for someone new to hang with!
Sounds like you had a lovely experience and what a bonus to make a new friend! Do we get to see your vision board?
I need to glue my vision board together. Marisol took hers home and went right to work on it. I have a vision board on line and so went home and reviewed it. Probably need to update it, too. Having a board in print might be better to remind me of my direction.
Proud of you for going to the One Sisterhood service on your own! You looked great, which must have boosted your confidence. What a good way for the church to engage, offering a craft session!
Thank you! I hope to attend another One Sisterhood event in the future. The message was uplifting and I am always on board for a new craft activity.
What a fun event! I do love crafts, as you know, so I think making a vision board would be really enjoyable. And look at you – going by yourself! It can be daunting, but it sounds like it was well worth it and I hope that you and Marisol will become good friends now as you have SO much in common!
I would think you would be the very gal to enjoy making a vision board. Maybe I should do a link-up about that and see who might be interested. I am sad because Marisol and I had lunch, then she left for an extended visit in San Antonio (3 months) and I haven’t heard a thing from her. Boo! Hoping we can get together when she is home.
How fun! I’m happy you stepped out of your comfort zone and made a new connection. I totally agree with you – there are no coincidences in Him.
Glad I am the only one who doesn’t believe in coincidences. I see the way things together in God’s plan everyday. Nothing is left to chance!
This sounds like an awesome event, Leslie. I love how you stepped out of your comfort zone and all that you reaped in routine. Very inspiring!
Thank you, Donna! I am anxious for the next One Sisterhood event.
Good for you for going to the event at your church alone. I have a difficult time with this as well. I may have even used the weather as an excuse. So glad you did not. Look how great things worked out. You have a new friend! Connection is so important. Good for you.
Clearissa, thank you for your support. I am very shy and really wanted to use the horrible weather as an excuse to stay home from the One Sisterhood event at church. But, I had this activity on my bucket list which meant it had to happen!! Come do a spring bucket list with us. We post on 03.21.
So proud of you for going to that event on your own – and the best bit is that you arrived knowing nobody and left with a new friend!
Yay, for new friends. Of all the gals I know via blogging, you are one I would like to meet in person. I think we would get along famously!
Hi Leslie,
I am new to your blog, having found it on the Blogging Grandmothers Link Up. Just going to an event where I knew no one would be outside my comfort zone! It sounds like an inspirational evening, and how wonderful you came away with not only a vision board but a new friend!
I’m newly retired from education, too, and working on defining my third age.
So glad to meet you, Nancy. I have added your blog to my Bloglovin’ feed and look forward to getting to know you better. Thank you for your comments about my Comfort Zone post. Would love to have you join me for Stepping Outside My Comfort Zone with a post of your own. We can all inspire each other!
Also, we are putting together our spring bucket list posts for 03.21, tomorrow. I borrowed your email and sent you a note about it. Come join us!!
It sounds like a wonderful event, Leslie. Good for you stepping out of your comfort zone. I haven’t intentionally stepped out of my comfort zone for awhile. Last month, Mother Nature gave me a little shove. My husband was out of town when we had the biggest snow storm I can remember in years. I had to get the driveway and walks shoveled and navigate the roads. I wasn’t happy about it in the beginning, but I have to confess I felt pretty proud of what I accomplished. That said, your post has inspired me to think about what I can do to stretch myself this month. Thanks for that and thank you for linking up with #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty. I’m sharing on social media.
Oh, Christie, I cannot imagine shoveling anything!! Well done, my friend. Would LOVE to have you share a comfort zone post when we link up on 03.31. It could be something about your shoveling…did you take pics?? Or anything else that would inspire others to stretch!! Bravo, my friend!
You are so inspiring! I would have backed out and used the weather as an excuse! So cool that you left with a new friendship! ‘
Jill – Doused in Pink
So many of us bloggers are shy and kind of looking for our tribe, our posse in the real world. I would just like to have a walking buddy, and shopping buddy and someone my age to share the ups and downs of being retired. Thank you for your kind words.
Congrats Leslie! Your post is FEATURED for MOST CLICKS at the #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty 36! Party starts tonight, Monday, April 1, 2019 at 9:00 PM CST.
What??? That is amazing. I cannot believe it. How do I thank you, Dee? Just doing blog reading and commenting tonight. Thank you so very much. XO