Dear ones,
Welcome to Stepping Outside My Comfort Zone, 01.2019. Beginning in the spring of 2018, I began writing a post on the last day of each month about activities I was doing that had me stepping outside my comfort zone. I like the definition of ‘comfort zone’ provided in the article “The Science of Breaking Out of Your Comfort Zone (and Why You Should)” on
Simply, your comfort zone is a behavioral space where your activities and behaviors fit a routine and pattern that minimizes stress and risk. It provides a state of mental security. You benefit in obvious ways: regular happiness, low anxiety, and reduced stress.
Or, as it’s defined in the article “6 Reasons To Step Outside Your Comfort Zone” on the Huffington Post.
Our comfort zone is our natural, neutral state — a place where stress and anxiety are minimal, where we know what’s coming next and can plan accordingly.
Sounds pretty fabulous to me. Envisioning a big four post bed with a fluffy down-filled duvet and lots and lots of pillows. How ’bout you? I’d take that over some of the scariness in this big wide world.
But in my first post of the series, here, I talk a little about the benefits of trying something new, something that encourages you to s t r e t c h yourself. Bottom line: we should do it because it’s good for us.
This year, I want to really push the envelope. Not thinking sky diving or swimming with sharks. But I do want to take this series to another level. And I hope you will join me.
Stepping Outside My Comfort Zone, 01.2019
This month, however, I didn’t do anything too exceptional. Although, there were days in January when climbing out of bed felt like a big step outside my comfort zone. Here’s how that looked:
- Tubing (without an inner tube) on some baby snow slopes in Ruidoso, New Mexico with Brennyn and Cady. We were totally unprepared so bought a yoga mat at the dollar store, and used 2 pieces of a broken plastic saucer and a large planter saucer. Had a lot of fun.
- Made up my own Valentine’s Day craft. Just finished it today. Will share in the coming week.
- Took my mom to several doctors appointments, including those with her psychologist and psychiatrist, to a pulmonologist, for a CT scan of her lungs and lab work. The psychologist and psychiatrist appointments were tough.
- Moved the leftover furniture we weren’t using in my mom’s new apartment into one room in her old apartment. Found a poster my brother had made for my parents’ 60th anniversary, laid it out on the dresser to their bedroom suite. Snapped this photograph then said goodbye to what was left of the pieces of my parents’ life together.
So those were my adventures stepping outside my comfort zone, 01.2019. Glad to put this month to bed. But feeling a sense of contentment that we got my mom settled. Hoping to enjoy stepping outside my comfort zone in more enjoyable ways in this shiny new month.
Your Turn
What did you do, big or little, to stretch yourself in January? Big milestone or baby step, won’t you share in a comment below. Or link up your stepping outside my comfort zone post with us for all the world to see!
Welcome, February. Glad you’re here.
Family hugs,

I should think that saying goodbye to the furniture which signified your parents’ married life together was a huge step outside your comfort zone. I have had to do similar for my Mum as we lost my father last June. Shutting up the family home is traumatic but like you we have Mum settled now and can move forwards. The tubing sounds fun. We have had some snow overnight but not enough to cause problems.
I appreciate your attitude. Looking forward rather than backward. I am trying to do that same thing. I was sentimental and sad at saying goodbye to my parents belongings that we left behind but we always have our memories. Glad you have your mom settled after the death of your father. Difficult days but there’s always the hope of a better tomorrow. Thank you so much for coming by!
You certainly did step out of that comfort zone, some pretty difficult challenges there. But what fun you had on the snow!
Oh, Debs, I did enjoy that snow. Life seems to be that way…some really tough moments balance by some wonderful, warm adventures. Thank goodness we have good with the bad.
You had a tough month but you got it all done. Must have been hard to close that chapter of your parent’s life together, these are the things I think of and anticipate now. It does make us stronger when we walk through these difficult times and know we did the best we could. You are a blessing to your mom!
Sometimes I worry that I share too much but mental illness and suicide are such hushed health issues. I hope by sharing my own struggles with OCD and the struggles of my mom with depression, OCD and suicidal ideations, that somehow we can help others realize they are not alone. I could probably do a whole series just on mental health issues and how they have affected our family.
Thank you for saying I have been a blessing to my mom. I hope so, I hope she feels that way. I am so thankful that I was able to go be with her and help her. There are times in my life when doing that would have been almost impossible. Just know as one chapter closes, another begins. That has helped me get through.
You had a challenging month and managed it very well, Leslie, including hosting this link-up. Glad you had fun tubing with Brennyn and Cady, and your Mom is settling in her new apartment. Wishing you a lovely February!
Oh, Natalie, February has been much better so far. Glad to put 2018 and January behind us over here. My mom has called me three times lately which she hadn’t done in months before the holidays. I am so thankful that we have turned a corner. Thank you.
I’m glad you had some good fun in what I know was a difficult month for you and your Mom. Here is looking to February to be joy filled.
Oh, Juhlin, February has far surpassed January! Feeling so optimistic about my mom. Hope she continues to make progress and stay strong. Thank you!
Your month was difficult but you still had some fun – good job!
Thank you! So thankful that the difficult days were balance by some fun.
That tubing looks fun! I live in the wrong part of the UK as far as snow is concerned (London), we hardly ever get any here.
Glad you feel more content now about your mom. A worrying time.
I’m very interested in your adventures stepping out of your comfort zone. I was reading about it too, and trying to challenge myself to do different things. Gail x
Oh, Gail, think of some way you’ve stepped out of your comfort zone and share with me for my series the last day of the month!!! It can be the simplest thing but you may inspire others to try baby steps outside their comfort zones, too. Starting your Wednesday beauty series may have been a stretch for you initially. You could write about that. I am trying to think of something different for February’s link-up.
We try to go tubing in the snow at least once a year. It is so much fun. Hope I won’t get too old to do it for a very long time. Thankful to have had a some good moments to balance the difficult days in January.
I rarely ever step out of my comfort zone. I want to and I try sometimes but it is nothing I ever stay with.
Girl, all that you are dealing with your husband’s illness has to be a step outside your comfort zone. Even for a nurse! Would love for you to e able to have a more enjoyable experience to blog about and share for our link-up but anything you would write would be inspirational and a help to others.
I can’t wait to see what this V-Day craft is… I just can’t guess it! lol! Aww, what a month you have had with your mom with moving, caring for her and finding old treasures.
Brought home some special keepsakes from my mom’s in my second suitcase. Will give most of the things to my daughters. I should be cleaning up and cutting back on keepsakes so my girls don’t have so much to deal with down the road. But it is so hard to part with special things that have been a part of my life for so long.
Hi, Leslie – You’ve had a challenging month. You’ve not only ‘stepped out’, you’ve also ‘stepped up’. Wishing you and your mom a peaceful and content February.
Thank you, sweet Donna. I sure appreciate your kind words and support.
I cannot wait to see how your Valentine’s Day project turns out!
It sure wasn’t a fancy Valentine’s project but it was fun. I think making some of these yarn balls with lace would be kind of cool, too. Maybe next year!
You had a tough month but I know getting your mom settled has to be a load off. I’m praying this month will be much more gentle and you’ll get to do a bit more stuff just for you.
Oh, Daenel, February has been a cake walk. Mom seems to be settled in a good place right now. And she is calling to chat again, which is a very good sign. Kind of feels like I have my mama back again.