Blog readers and writers, welcome to this post about Blog Giveaways for Thinking Aloud Thursday 03.2020 with my friend Penny at Penny’s Passion.
Over the past few years, I have joined in for some holiday cash or gift card giveaways on my blog. According to my count, I have hosted over 10 giveaways on my blog. Most recently there was the Christmas Cash Giveaway and last month the Favorite Things Giveaway.
I saw the Mother’s Day Giveaway in which I have participated over the years advertised on Facebook this week. I almost signed up automatically – and may still sign up. But decided to give it a little thought before doing so again this year. Here’s why.
Blog Giveaways…
are they popular for ‘buying’ followers or just sweet examples of the old adage ’tis better to give?’
The Mother’s Day and Christmas Giveaways are hosted by Tammie at My Life Abundant. In order to participate, a blogger joins the giveaway Facebook group, then sends money to the hostess via PayPal to have their social media links added to the giveaway link up. For example, at Christmas I paid $10 into the giveaway ‘pot’ to have 2 of my social media accounts added to the giveaway. Participants are following the bloggers participating in the giveaway in order to enter the contest. The more bloggers they follow, the better chance they have at winning. People entering the giveaway have a better chance of winning when they follow more of the social media accounts of the bloggers participating in the giveaway.
So far, so good.
Thinking Deeper
But then I started thinking about this a little more deeply. Am I really interested in buying followers? Because it seems that is essentially what this is. I am buying ‘likes’ or visits to my social media accounts and maybe visitors to my blog who may have absolutely no interest in what I blog about.
Please don’t get me wrong, I am always excited to give something away but I want to do it from my heart!! Recently joined Lauren at Shooting Stars Mag for her favorite things giveaway. The favorites I was giving away were a custom graphic tee and a gratitude journal. When I contacted my winners, the gal who won the graphic tee replied immediately but the winner of the journal has never responded. Which led me to believe she didn’t buy into my giveaway because she was interested in my blog but just interested – and not terribly – in my giveaway.
Do I want to have followers who are just numbers? Or do I want followers who are really following me because they feel a connection to me or to my messages?
Doing the Math
Admittedly, I am not good at math. But I have always had a great credit score, even after filing bankruptcy years ago.
The second husband moved out and left me with all the bills, the house mortgage, pool payment, even the credit card he used to pay for his dates after moving out. Thank me very much. Definitely helped my credit score that I repaid everything through Chapter 11. I do know that adding new accounts can hurt your credit because you are spreading yourself too thin in relationship to your income. And it looks bad when you close a credit account, or when an account is closed by the creditor. My Dressbarn account was closed because the store went out of business. But that had a slightly negative impact on my credit score.
So I applied this thinking to giveaways and my blog.
Similarly, how does it look to have a huge spike in followers for a giveaway. Then weeks later to have those number diminish once the giveaway is over? The more followers I have, the more opportunities I might get with companies looking for bloggers to review their products. But really and truly, how much of these companies’ stuff do I need? Maybe of the 22,000 entries in the Christmas cash giveaway, 1 or 2 readers will discover my blog and trult find something here that speaks to them. But chances are, most of the entrants will follow me for a few weeks and then ‘unlike’ me when the giveaway is over.
To be honest, it hurts my heart when my likes or followers go down!! Ha! So do I really want to put myself through that?
Business or Busyness
Busyness is an illness of the spirit. ~ Eugene Peterson
Maybe it all comes down to each blogger’s reason for blogging. Many bloggers are hoping to make a business from their brand, their blog. And I think to myself how wonderful it would be to make a real income in dollars and cents from my writing. But not so much interested in earning more stuff. That I don’t need.
Truth is, though, I started Once Upon a Time & Happily Ever After not to get rich – good thing!! But to fill my hours and document my journey into retirement. Those first hard months and years. Where I needed busyness to just have a reason to get out of bed.
And now, I am writing to share how I’ve adjusted, and begun enjoying my retirement. How I fill my days with not just busyness but with living and enjoying life. My bucket list activities, stepping outside my comfort zone, my fashion haus, books I am reading, crafts I am making, recipes I am cooking.
Not that I am doing anything earth-shattering over here. But it took some effort, passing through dark days in order to get to the light on the other side of this retirement gig. If something I experienced or share can help someone else adjust to what can be the sudden emptiness of retirement or even an empty nest, then my journey and my blog will have served a purpose.
Tis Better to Give
Last thoughts. So what, huh? So what if people follow me and then don’t. So what if I am sort of paying for followers. In the grand scheme of things does any of that matter? Or is it just better to have participated in the giveaway in order to give someone else happiness?
By changing my thinking on this whole giveaway deal, I can go from making it about me…sometimes tough…to making it about someone else. Helping to give a blessing to the giveaway winner.
Heading over to join Tammie now. If you would like to join in too, click here to do so.
Today’s QT Message
I thought I had this post all wrapped up but today’s quiet time message really hit home. So I am back to add a bit more to this already long post.
The theme of my quiet time reading from Embraced by Lysa TerKeurst today kind of echoes what I have been thinking aloud here but so much more concisely. Lysa writes:
Live from the abundant place where you are loved, and you won’t find yourself begging others for scraps of love. [Embraced, pg. 200]
She ends Chapter 64 with this prayer.
Dear Lord, I’m so grateful I don’t have to walk around all day trying to figure out who likes me and who doesn’t. I can simply rest in the truth that I am completely and perfectly loved by You. Help me to live loved today. Amen. [Embraced, pg. 202]
Your Turn
How do you feel about giveaways? Do I need to take myself out of the equation and just think of the happiness the giveaway will bring to the winner? Probably so. In that case, in the immortal words of Roseanne Rosannadanna:
Thank you for spending a bit of your day with me. Stay healthy with all the corona craziness.
Hugs and kisses,

I am glad that I don t want to make money with my blog! Lol. But giveaways are very nice, I dont participate in a lot but perhaps I should!
I am not trying to make money on my blog either…although, I always appreciate the opportunity to do so when it arises.
So my thoughts on giveaways have changed a bit. I used to think it was about buying followers but now I think of it more as advertising. When I enter giveaways on IG and you have to “follow everyone the host is following” I do it and then once the giveaway is over I decide if I want to keep following or not. I have found some great folks to follow that way. From a personal standpoint when I joined Tammie’s Mother’s Day Giveaway last year I had a big spike in my IG followers and I joined her at Christmas as well, it was fun and it does feel good to know someone is winning! While I’ll never replace my salary with my blog income I do want it to sustain itself because there are costs involved and if I can make a little spare change in doing so that’s the cherry on top! Great post Leslie!
Hey sweets, sorry to hear you are having blog issues. Hope you are soon up and running again. Writing my post about giveaways helped me to sort through my feelings. Overall, I agree, they can be a good way to make new friends. And someone comes out a winner!!
Oh – the giveaway challenge. I’ve been thinking a lot about this too and am not sure about doing them anymore. I’m glad to see I’m not the only one thinking about that!
Decided to bite the bullet and join the Mother’s Day giveaway. I just hate for folks to follow me and then unfollow me. This time I provided my Pinterest and Instagram accounts to be followed. I don’t pay much attention to numbers to begin with but don’t pay attention at all to my number of followers on Pinterest or Insta.
Hmm. I like to enter giveaways for the chance that I’ll win. I rarely follow people in order to enter giveaways unless I want to follow them anyway! I haven’t gained a ton of followers from doing giveaways but I do like the idea of giving things away in order to treat my readers for being there for me!
Exactly!! Have decided that hosting giveaways can be a sweet way to treat someone to something special.
When I host a giveaway I always allow free entries, they do have the option to follow me on social media for additional entries but it is definitely not required. I like doing giveaways to reward my readers with a bit of happiness, plain and simple.
Great reason to do a giveaway, Dee. I have decided I am with you!
Hi, Leslie – You are naturally generous and caring. Giving from the heart is the option that I recommend.
Thank you so much. Writing this post helped me brainstorm about my feelings toward giveaways. And I, too, decided that giving from the heart is a good thing!!
I’m sorry the winner of the journal didn’t contact you – my first winner for the Favorite Things hop didn’t contact me either, but I heard from the second name I drew and they seemed really happy and appreciative, so it makes me happy. I do like getting some new followers through giveaways – and I hope they stick around – but it’s also just fun to give something here and there. My love language has always been giving gifts. 🙂
Writing this post about giveaways gave me an outlet for brainstorming and thinking my way through my feelings about them. I have decided – just as you suggested – it is nice to give something away, to do something nice for someone. So I think I will keep hosting giveaways now and then.
I very rarely enter a giveaway because it’s too much work “Unlock this, follow this person here…blah, blah, blah,” all for something I really don’t want or need anyway. I don’t need to follow everyone on every platform. If I’m following someone already on Instagram, why do I need to follow them on FB? Not to mention, I don’t want to follow everyone. I don’t want my feed on any social media platform cluttered with stuff I’m not interested in. So I just follow who I want to follow.