Sweet friends, I tell ya, blogging can be such fun and then such a headache at times. Before I elaborate, thanks for joining me for 10 on the 10th 10.2021: Dressing Up. I think this will be a fun post to read, if I can just get it published.
All of a sudden last week, I began having issues editing anything on my blog post drafts. I cannot see my HTML code, cannot add images or graphics easily, cannot change font color, change font size, add links. So frustrating. I DO NOT understand how everything can be hunky dory on Wednesday and go completely bonkers on Thursday. But, as I type those words, I realize that life is very similar. Monday can be a great day and the bottom can fall out on Tuesday.
So as I type these words, I am not sure how this post is going to look. Probably not like I had hoped it would. That’s for sure. But if I can just answer this month’s questions, that will be a step in the right direction.
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10 ON THE 10TH
With 2 more 10 on the 10th posts before the year is over, I am still uncertain about whether to continue blogging and whether to commit to participating and hosting any blogging series for 2022. As I said in last month’s 10 on the 10th post, I am such an erratic blogger. And then problems with blogging don’t make things any easier.
If you are interested in participating in this year’s remaining posts or just curious about the proposed prompts, here they are.
10 on the 10th 10.2021: Dressing Up
Here are this month’s 10 questions and my 10 answers.
- When do you most often dress up? For church. And date night. Dresses mostly for church, though. Occasionally dress pants.
- What does a dress up outfit look like? What makes you feel fancy and dressed up? Dressed up for church is usually a dress or skirt and heels. If it is cool outside, I wear hose or tights. I am old fashioned and still believe in wearing slips with dresses that are the least bit sheer or clingy. Pretty fabrics and colors make me feel fancy. Wearing something new. Having time in getting ready to select the right jewelry. Changing out my purse to match my outfit. Wearing heels or boots makes me feel more dressed up.
- Share a time when you felt especially dressed up and pretty. It’s funny, I felt especially dressed up and kind of pretty for Brennyn’s second marriage ceremony and Lauren’s wedding. In both cases, I had on fancier dresses. Liked the way my hair was cooperating. Wore strappy sandals. Had a mani and pedi. I had taken more time to get ready than I would normally do, too.
- What does getting dressed for the day mean to you? Different things for different days. If I am going to be home, and have gotten up early to work out, being dressed for the day would be workout clothes. On days that I am going to help with the grandbabies, or running errands, getting dressed would generally be some combination of a tee or top with jeans, and if it is cool, a jacket or cardigan.
- Do you wear make up every day? If so, which cosmetics do you wear? Do you do anything different for special or dress up occasions? I don’t wear make up every day. And even when I do wear make up, it doesn’t amount to much. Usually moisturizer, blush and mascara and some kind of lip color. For date night or church, I might add eyeliner, and on the rare occasion, eye shadow.
- What is your skin care regimen? What issues do you address with your routine and choice of products? Like a lot of things in my life, my skin care regimen is not terribly regimented. For an item on my autumn bucket list, I am trying out 2 new skin care products. For daytime, La Roche-Posay Toleriane Double Repair Face Moisturizer with SPF 30. For bedtime, L’Oreal Revitalift Triple Power Anti-Aging Face Moisturizer with Pro Retinol, Hyaluronic Acid & Vitamin C. Stay tuned to see if they improve my complexion. If I even stick with them long enough to make a difference.
- Do you wear heels? A slip? Foundation garments like Spanx or, heaven forbid, a girdle? I wear heels less and less. Really need to toss out any shoes with heels higher than about 1″ and trade them in for something similar in a kitten heel. I have purchased a couple of foundation pieces and do wear them when I am really ‘putting on the dog’ as my mother would say. Or if whatever I am wearing is snug and clingy.
- For dress up occasions, do you prefer costume jewelry or better jewelry? What is your go-to piece of jewelry? Describe any vintage or heirloom pieces you have. I have some very nice necklaces, earrings and bracelets given me by my PC. I tend to wear them for dress up. But in general, for everyday or even church on Sundays, I usually reach for costume jewelry. I have 2 strands of real pearls but my go-to piece of jewelry would be one of my strands of faux pearls. My mother gave me my father’s gold wedding band shortly after he died in 2012, then a few years ago, she gave me her diamond engagement ring and her high school graduation ring (a birthstone). When I was last home to visit Mom, I returned all 3 pieces because I felt guilty having them and not sharing with my brother and sister.
- Do you have pierced ears? If so, what age were your ears pierced? I have my ears pierced twice. As a girl, I wanted to have my ears pierced but my agnostic father said that if God meant for me to have holes in my ear lobes, He’d have put them there. As soon as I turned 18, he turned his head and I had my ears pierced. When I was going through the divorce from the girls’ dad, my piercings stretched to the point that they almost ripped my ear lobe completely. I had to be extremely careful about which earrings I wore. And used these Lobe Wonder invisible earring earlobe support patches for years to keep my earrings from falling off. About 4 years ago, Lauren treated me to having my ears re-pierced. Such a great gift!! I love wearing earrings.
- Did you dress up for Halloween as a child? As an adult? Describe a favorite costume you or your children wore for Halloween. Will you be giving out candy this year? I did dress up as a child. Almost always in a costume my mother had sewn for us. Sometimes in something I played dress-up in. My mother made me an “I Dream of Jeannie” costume in satin fabric when I was in the 4th or 5th grade. Then she made similar costumes for Brennyn, Lauren and my step-daughter Andrea, when they were little. I hope this year we can either take Lucia and Cami trick-or-treating or hand out candy at their house while the kids take the girls around.
Your Turn
Come play along with me!! Choose a questions for today’s dressing up post to answer in a comment below. Had hoped to have a link up for your 10 on the 10th 10.2021 blog post. But my blog issues are preventing me from adding it to this post. Just let me know in a comment that you joined me this month, and I will be sure to make it by.
Hoping to get some help for my blogging issues tomorrow. Fingers crossed.
Hugs and kisses,

I hope you continue to blog! I have no idea what any of your problems mean…yikes! Should I? I don’t do any coding on WordPress at all. Anyhoo..I did do the ten things and really enjoyed reading yours. You can find mine here: http://marshainthemiddle.com/10-on-the-10th-10-10-2021/
But, when I went to my page the first time just now, I got a huge ugly error message which meant diddly squat to me. Maybe WordPress is having issues? Fingers crossed for both of us!
Oh, Marsha, these blogging issues are making me wild(er). I don’t know how to fix them and don’t know how to blog well around them. Grrr.
Thank you for joining me for 10 on the 10th. I enjoyed learning more about you. Already knew I liked you when I read you were my age, and a retired
elementary school teacher!! High five.
Well, your blog looks great to me! Sorry you had technical troubles, I know the feeling and how frustrating it can be. I enjoyed reading your thoughtful answers – I find myself less and less interested in anything that requires any kind of Spanx-like garment. It’s just so uncomfortable!
I joined in! https://www.myslicesoflife.com/2021/10/10-on-10th-10-q-about-dressing-up.html So sorry that your blog is giving you trouble! That is so frustrating. I don’t wear make up daily either and have always shied away from heels unless they are fairly chunky and wide.
Thank you for letting me know you joined in. I am just getting around to all of the posts. It is hard to figure out who joined without a link up. Thank you sweets.
I am sorry you may not continue this series next year as I really enjoy how you put it together! Gabbie has similar issues with her first ear piercing. I will be joining in on the link up tomorrow!
Sorry you’re having issues Leslie. those are. never fun. I selfishly hope you keep blogging but I understand. Since I just do mine for fun, sometimes I wonder if it’s worth it, but haven’t gotten to the point of really wanting to stop yet.
Here is my post: https://troyerslovinglife.blogspot.com/2021/10/10-on-10thall-about-dressing-up.html
Sounds good and looks good to me. Sorry you’re having so many difficulties. How do you edit your blog. Do you have WordPress? And if so, is it direct or via a web hosting company? I designed web pages for years but have only gotten involved with WordPress in the last few years. It does keep me on my toes sometimes though. Hope you’ll get it figured out – I’d hate for you to just drop out of the blogging world.
Thankfully, my blogging issues resolved themselves to some degree…at least enough that I can continue to write. My whole HTML view disappeared for a few weeks. So I couldn’t add or change HTML because I couldn’t see it!! Crazy. But it is back now…for now!! I do have WordPress. Now I am seeing [jetpack-related-posts] by all of my graphics. I have no idea where that is coming from or what that means. Or why that has suddenly popped up. Grrr.
Hi, Leslie – I love how you dress up for different occasions, and the fun that you exhibit in choosing your wardrobe.
During the 6+ years of my retirement, I have almost exclusively wore yoga pants for daily wear and good jeans for dress up. Since March 2020, I have ONLY worn yoga pants, jeans, running shoes, hiking boots or sandles. Pathetic, I know! Yesterday, I group of us went out for Thanksgiving Dinner and I truly did not remember how to dress without jeans or yoga pants. I have completely lost this skill! Thank you for the great modeling!
Donna, you made me laugh. I have had to force myself to put on real pants now and then throughout the pandemic so I don’t forget how to dress!! How to zip and button and snap!!
I’m sorry you are having technology issues! I love your blog and hope you continue but if you decide not to, I understand too. Since I work from home I dress up any chance I get – even for a Target run. LOL. I had to wait until I was 18 to get my ears pierced too!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Funny that we both had to wait to get our ears pierced. My 11 year old granddaughter decided last night that she wants to get hers pierced when I visit next month. I think she will love wearing earrings!!
Oh – huge sigh. I did I totally forget about this link-up?? But, I did. And such fun questions. Totally part of the slip club (thank goodness) as well as the hose/tights, foundation pieces (I love saying it that way – ha!) and kitten heels for dressy shoes!! Here’s to a week of smooth blogging…without issues. It really does drain the fun, doesn’t it!? Take care my friend!
Yay, my blog is almost back to normal. Just like that! Not sure what happened but glad it is back.
Foundation pieces does sound fancy, huh?
This was such a fun blog post to read!!!! I loved getting to know you through this type of post. I absolutely love to dress up, but there isn’t many occasions that I really get to go all out. I love a good wedding and a good dance so that I can dance all night in my heels. You are so lucky to just throw on a little make up. Due to scarring I always feel the need for full coverage foundation. I’ll be curious to know the review on the day cream you are trying out , my skin always breaks out with L’oreal which is too bad because many people like it!
Thank you. I have to be careful because my skin can either break out or get too dry. Such fun!! I have been using my new product – new daytime moisturizer for a week or so and like it but noticed a little irritation at the corners of my mouth. Might need to be more careful there.
I love to dance but PC is not a dancer. Well, that isn’t right…he CAN dance but doesn’t feel comfortable doing it. He is the son of a Baptist preacher and was raised that not acceptable. We did take country dancing lessons but then never went out to dance!!
Sorry to hear about the technology issues. Not fun!
I am more of a t-shirt and shorts girl but I do like to dress up occasionally for official functions. I love bling! And that’s when I glam up!
Happy Wednesday!
Wow! That is crazy about your ears! Claire wants her ears pierced, but I am making her wait until she is 10. My thoughts are that then she will be able to better care for them herself and not whine about the pain with cleaning and such. We have a pair of pearl earrings packed away for that day! This was a great read! I love dressing up for church too!
Thank you so much!! My youngest daughter, Lauren, has a metal allergy (along with a million other issues) and can only wear very good gold in her ears for a very short time. I pierced her ears when she was pretty teensy. Pierced my older daughter’s ears when she was one. But that is the Hispanic custom, piercing babies’ ears very early. My oldest granddaughter doesn’t have pierced ears but just announced yesterday that when I visit her in November, she wants to have her ears pierced!! We shall see.
Nothing more frustrating than tech issues with the blog! It would be terrible to lose you from the blogging community. I went through a similar spell where the blog just felt like too much hard work, so I decided to do one post a week rather than two, and take part in fewer challenges. Then my love for blogging came back.
I need to follow your good advice and join fewer blogging link ups and series and just blog when I want to and about what I want to write. Thank you!!
I enjoyed reading your answers to these questions. I’m with you on the minimalist makeup. After all, it’s good for the skin to breathe.
High five. I feel like the less I do to my skin, put on my skin, the better.
Hi Leslie,
FUn reading about dressing up and what you routine is like – ie, what you wear at home, etc. I don’t wear makeup every day, just when going out. I am like you, skin care is a bit hit or miss, I would like to find something for my eye wrinkles. I love that you enjoy wearing dresses going out, and home- jeans. I love dresses as you know, but have bought a few pairs of jeans I have been enjoying. My mom was iike your mom with Halloween costumes, she sewed ours. I was a trash can ( long explanation!) , monk complete wit hood and white rope around waist, bible in hand, and bunny.. ( ones I remember). Those were the days!
Have a wonderful week!
jess xx
What wonderful costumes you mama created for you. One of my favorites my mama made for me was a genie…as in I Dream of Jeannie, the TV show. Then she made similar costumes for my daughters years later.
Well that’s a bummer! Who knows why technology does what it does sometimes… or maybe it’s US doing things and not realizing it?? That’s my case, anyway. I hope it turned out in the way that you would like!
I am now deciding on my halloween costume… we LOVE to dress up for Halloween!!! Loved reading your 10 things!
Thank you, doll, for coming by. I have been so frustrated with my blog and noticed some new issues today but the biggie – no HTML – seems to have remedied itself. Thank goodness. Hope you will share your Halloween look. I would like to dress as a Katrina for dia de los muertos.
Hi, I’m new here but I love your blog theme. Very pretty for fall.
And growing up I always wanted to dress like I dream of Jeannie so that is such a cute idea. I should do that now that I’m in my 30’s! LOL
Tiffany from Parker Place
Hi Tiffany!! Have a tab open to go check out your corner of the Internet. So glad you stopped by to say hi. If I still had a flat tummy, I would squeeze into that I Dream of Jeannie costume in a heart beat.
Thank you for the sweet words.