Happy Monday, ladybugs, and welcome to this first edition of 10 on the 10th 01.2022. For today’s theme we are sharing 10 prayers, wishes, hopes, or goals for 2022. Reflecting about the ways we would like 2022 to be different from 2021 and the really crummy year that was 2020.
One way my year will be different is that I have a sweet blogging buddy helping me with the 10 on the 10th co-hosting duties. Hope you will help me welcome Marsha from Marsha in the Middle to this series. Marsha and I are new friends but have discovered we have many things in common. I am looking forward to teaming up with her for this series and the Ageless Style link-up we both co-host with 8 of our other blogging friends.
So, let’s get down to the business at hand…
10 on the 10th 01.2022
As I explained above, Marsha and I are co-hosting this series. Which means she will be coming up with 6 of the year’s prompts and I will come up with the other 6. Today’s prompt was my baby so you’d think I would have some idea how I would respond to it. But as I am writing this post, I really had no preconceived ideas about my wishes and prayers and hopes for this new year.
Here goes…
These are things that are beyond my control. Areas where God must work. *After this published on the 10th, I realized how well the message from our church service the day before complemented this post. I am not real good at remembering to pray in the midst of a crisis. Although, in December, I learned to do that real quick. Several times. Anyway, the message at church on Sunday reminded us that by praying we are increasing our faith. We are walking in faith.
Then my Jesus Calling message for this morning, 01.10, spoke to prayer, and praying explicitly for things. So I knew I need to come back to this post and add those verses.
James 1:6 Contemporary English Version
Psalm 56:3-4 Amplified Bible
The Moms
- Praying that my mom has a good year. I realize that she is on borrowed time with her 95th birthday approaching in March. Mom has slipped quite a bit over the past year, and even in the last 6 months since Lauren, Francisco, their girls and I visited her in May. We were able to take her to eat, to visit a castle/museum, out for walks (rolls in her wheelchair). Today most of that would be impossible. She was crying most of every day before the holidays so the doctor upped her antidepressant. The crying is better but now she sits with such a vacant look on her face just staring off into space. Forgets to turn on the TV so just sits in the quiet all by herself. Most days she doesn’t know who I am, even if we are using the ViewClix where she can see me. Last week while talking to her on the phone she told me to shut up so she could take a nap. I know that’s the dementia talking but it still stung.
- Praying that Paul’s mom also has a good year. May lives alone but Paul’s son moved in with her rather unexpectedly after leaving New York for Ohio without discussing it first with his grandmother. And without a job or a real plan. But Matt has gotten employment and is supposed to be moving into an apartment of his own by the end of the month. May’s health is not great, and she is unable to drive after being involved in a car crash 2 years ago that caused 2 fatalities. So, she is quite dependent on others.
The Daughters and Their Families
- Brennyn just gave birth to my only grandson, Declan, in December. She had a fairly easy pregnancy but the last few weeks, it became apparent through ultrasound images that Declan was very small. We were concerned about Declan but never dreamed that it would be Brennyn who would have the real issues during and after the delivery. I want to devote an entire post just to that but for now, just know Declan’s birth-day was about the scariest day of my life as a mother. Praying that Brennyn regains her strength and that her health is totally restored. And that Declan grows and thrives. Cady, my 11-year-old granddaughter was very distraught when she learned that Brennyn and her stepdad Mustafa were having a baby. But Cady has come around and seems to embrace being a sister. She adores her baby brother. An answered prayer from 2021.
- Lauren’s life is very hectic. Two little girls, Lucia age 5 and Cami who just celebrated her second birthday this weekend. Full-time job where she works from home. Her husband is a busy anesthesiologist. Lauren has some pretty significant health issues so we have all held our collective breaths for her during the pandemic. Praying that Lauren and her family stay as healthy as possible, and Covid-free.
My Prince C.
- Praying that PC’s back issues continue to remain somewhat resolved in the new year. He is really ready to retire but needs 5 more years to officially do so from his current job with the Department of Defense. Praying he finds an enhanced sense of purpose and accomplishment in his career this year. And that playing in the over-50 men’s baseball league continues to be a pleasant diversion.
These are things I am not exactly praying over. They don’t seem important enough, heavy enough to pray about but they are things I hope to realize in 2022. And they are within my control to make happen.
- Lose the emotional weight I gained over the holidays by cramming any and everything edible into my mouth during December. And to return to exercising regularly, aerobic and weight training.
- Get back to writing. Real writing. Finish stories I have started. Write about the crazy adventures that have been my life. Blog ahead so that I am not writing posts at the last minute.
Finally, these are things I will accomplish. No ifs, ands or buts. *Back on Monday, to add this verse from my Jesus Calling lesson for today.
Matthew 6:20-21 The Message
19-21 “Don’t hoard treasure down here where it gets eaten by moths and corroded by rust or—worse!—stolen by burglars. Stockpile treasure in heaven, where it’s safe from moth and rust and burglars. It’s obvious, isn’t it? The place where your treasure is, is the place you will most want to be, and end up being.
- Continue to declutter unnecessary stuff. Finish weeding through holiday decorations. Scale down decor about the house. Have a come to Jesus meeting with my closet and shoe collection.
- Pay off Christmas debt. Self-explanatory.
And that’s about it…other than one big, gigantic prayer…praying for a little less crazy in 2022. I guess that would be a prayer for myself because I am exhausted tonight. Bone tired. Praying for at least a few weeks reprieve from the craziness that is out of my control.
Oh, and can I have one more prayer? An end to Covid. And cancer. And world hunger.
Your Turn
How would you respond to this month’s prompt? What are 10 prayers, wishes, hopes, or goals you have for 2022? Feel free to answer in a comment or link up with us below.
And mark your calendars for next month’s 10 on the 10th post…all about LOVE. I think Marsha has come up with some thought-provoking questions that will be lots of fun to ponder. What do you think?
- What was something you absolutely loved about 2021?
- Do you have an interesting love story you’d like to share? Please do!
- What food do you love and must have on a regular basis?
- What fashion “trend” do you love? It doesn’t even have to be a current trend.
- Which season do you love most? Why is it your favorite?
- If you could be with a loved one who has passed, who would it be and what would you do?
- What would you love to accomplish in 2022?
- Which do you love most: shoes, handbags, belts, or coats?
- What love remains with you today?
- How do you show your love? What is your love language?
While we’re at it, here’s the graphic for February, too.
At the end of January we will remind everyone about February’s 10 on the 10th prompt but wanted to get it out there for those of you who get your posts written earlier than the night before!!
Thank you, Marsha, for joining me in co-hosting this series. And thank YOU for spending a little of your day here with me.
Hugs and kisses,

Oh sweet friend, I am cheering you on and praying along with you for your family. Your mom, your daughter’s, your mother in law. Bless your heart – so much on your sweet soul. I pray that you find some peace and comfort this year!
I think we are all sharing your hopes for the well being of your lovely family. Let’s hope that 2022 holds far less worrying times for you.
I enjoyed reading all of your prayers and hopes and will share mine tomorrow as well. I hope yours all come true!
I definitely understand about emotional weight. I could eat ALL the emotions and really have to be aware. I also understand about your mom. I’ve written a lot about my mother-in-law (96) and living on borrowed time is a good phrase. My husband was staying with her on Friday night and she kept telling him that she wanted to go home. It doesn’t matter how many times you try to explain it, she thinks she is somewhere else when she is sitting in her own den. Then yesterday, she seemed to know where she was.
Oh, Lisa, you guys know firsthand the sad struggles our aging parents face. This week my mom recognized me twice. I was so happy. We are thinking of bringing her to my house for a month-long visit. Not sure how that will affect her memory and her thinking. But hope we can make some very special memories while she is here.
Such a heart-felt post … hoping and praying for more ease and room to breathe in your days this year … It is so hard to be alongside a loved one who is slipping away from the self we (and they) knew. May there be many blessings for you in the months to come.
I’m praying and believing with you for the health and security of your family. I know the stress of the unknown can multiply the stress of just living day-to-day.
Like you, I’m also praying that we find some relief from COVID. I’m also hoping for less crazy in 2022.
Amen, amen. Thank you for joining me for 10 on the 10th and for your prayers. We are all just exhausted with this virus.
What sweet prayers you have for those you love….they are blessed to have you as their prayer warrior! So wonderful to hear that your daughter is getting stronger and praying that she will continue to recover completely! And I will pray for your mom as well. Dementia is so very, very hard! Looking forward to another year of 10 on the 10th….although I did not get my list up today. Maybe some thoughts on Wednesday…..
Hi sweet friend…thank you for coming by. The link-up will be available for a week, if you get a chance to write a post. If not, there’s next month. I appreciate your prayers. We have had a hard month or so but things are looking up.
There are so many problems in the world that can not be solved! I’m glad that your grandson and daughter are gaining strength. Dementia is a sad part of old age. I hope that your prayers bring you peace. I pray that 2022 will be an easier year for everyone.
Amen. Thank you so much for visiting.
These are all very worthy prayers / wishes / hopes / and goals, Leslie. I hope all of them come to pass.
Thank you, Michelle. This new year is already a vast improvement to the recent years preceding it.
Those are wonderful things to pray over and I sure hope they are answered for you and your family! I didn’t get around to writing a post for this month’s prompt but I’ve already saved next month’s questions and will definitely be joining in!
Yay, glad you will be joining us for 10 on the 10th!! Thank you so much.
Oh, Leslie, you are such a fabulous writer! Yes, write that book! I’ll be glad to proofread it! I will pray for the mom…yours, PC’s, and Brennyn. Here’s to a wonderful collaboration throughout the year!
Awww, you are so kind. I write like I talk, which isn’t the least bit formal or correct but it is authentic. I am so excited that you are going to write with ME!! Hurray!!
I enjoyed your answers Leslie and boy, you have some heavy things you’re praying for. I will be agreeing with you. I agree on the weight. Same here as well with weight and exercise.